esm7 / obsidian-map-view

Interactive map view for
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Handling of apartment numbers #205

Closed mgorfer closed 7 months ago

mgorfer commented 9 months ago

I want to save the addresses of people in my obsidian notes. For sending post, the aparment numbers are also important.

In Austria, this is normally done via Data Explanation
Frau Title
Michaela Sommer Name
Grünwaldweg 16/3/25 Street, House/Staircase/Apartment Number
81671 MÜNCHEN Post Code, City

I know that even the OpenStreetMap Nominatim does not support these apartment numbers in the search. But is there a recommended way to keep the apartment numbers included in my obsidian files?

My workaround for now is to first just use an address which can be found by obsidian-map-view. [Grünwaldweg 16, Bad Gleichenberg 8344, Austria](geo:46.860985400000004,15.91317099779346)

And after the generation of lat/lon I add additional details I need. For examples [Grünwaldweg 16/3/4, Bad Gleichenberg 8344, Austria](geo:46.860985400000004,15.91317099779346)

I am totally fine with this, but I wonder if this is the best approach?

esm7 commented 7 months ago

Sorry for the late reply, but I also don't have much better ideas than you do here :) The only thing I have to add, is that at least for me, I sometimes take a more minimalistic approach to the geolink name, and put in there what I want to actually see in the map -- e.g. the person name. I then put other details like the address in a line below. Sometimes I do the same with bullets. This includes addresses, opening times, phone numbers and pretty much anything else I want to quickly access based on the location.