esm7 / obsidian-map-view

Interactive map view for
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Feature request? How to avoid duplicates #211

Open ruben-sg opened 7 months ago

ruben-sg commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure if this is a feature request or merely me asking for inputs how to handle my use case.

What I'm doing I usually make a note with a geolocation for a place I want to check out. I tag it accordingly. That way, I can query for it and get a map with places I still want to check out. Whenever I checked out one of this places, I change the tags (remove #tocheck). Additionally (and quite often), I save places that I have not saved before as to check out. For example: I am visiting London and have several places to check out, but while wandering through the city, I stumble upon a nice cafe and decide to add it to my vault.

The problem After several weeks/months/years of using Obsidian, I might not remember that I saved a place as to check out and just add it, thus resulting in a duplicate entry. How would you go about preventing that? I could obviously check some preset maps before adding, but that's a pain if I'm on the go and just want to add a quick note.

esm7 commented 7 months ago

I wish I had an idea about how Map View can provide feedback that helps find duplicates. However, I'm unsure how to do that productively, because - (1) some duplicates are legit, e.g. when multiple things truly exist at the same address, (2) there could be unwanted duplicates that have slightly different coordinates and are therefore hard to detect.

I can say that for me, there are several occasions on which I add locations:

  1. When I'm on the go I sometimes mark geolocations inside my daily note (usually using the Geo Helper app to add a precise GPS location) -- from temporary readings like where I parked the car to an interesting place I've seen and want to keep. In these cases I do the bare minimum, just enter the location and never mind dups.
  2. I regularly process my daily notes and organize them. When doing so, I also process these geolocations. I discard the temporary ones, and for the permanent ones I either open a dedicated note or keep them inline with a few more details than I usually log on the go. I then try to use the geolink preview (the optional popup that shows a map when you stand on an inline link, can be turned on/off in the settings under Geolinks in Notes) to quickly locate dups. In the case of dedicated notes this currently doesn't work (since Obsidian introduced Properties), but the note name often helps me locate dups.
  3. There are many cases on which I create geolocation notes based on a recommendation or something I run into online. In this case I usually go map-first: I find it in the map, so if I already have it, I can easily see it and add additional info/context to an existing note.

That's my flow, at least. Would love to get any insights.

ruben-sg commented 5 months ago

Just realised that I didn't answer to this. Thanks for outlining your flow. I'm sort of doing the same as your 1. I have a WhatsApp-group with only myself for quick notes. I usually add infos about visited place in there. This does need some effort to get them in the map view afterwards, but it acts as a double check which is quite useful (I might find a place worthy of getting into my map that evening but don't add if after sober ;) reconsideration another day).

mariavd commented 1 month ago

I have the same question as ruben-sg. Is it possible to give an ID to a location, so it could referenced similarly to how block links work?

For testing purposes, I made a note called Airports. Then I made a note about Trip A. It would be nice to reference Airport A and Airport B in this note. Then in another note for Trip B, I would use Airport A and Airport C.

esm7 commented 1 month ago

@mariavd you can just use regular block links or heading links. Map View started to support them in queries in version 5.0.0.