esm7 / obsidian-map-view

Interactive map view for
MIT License
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Custom marker without using tags #238

Open ManicPumpkin opened 3 months ago

ManicPumpkin commented 3 months ago


I'm quite new in using your plug-in (which is absolutely useful ~ thank you for that 😊), but I wonder if there is a way to change the appearance of the marker without using actual tags.

See, I don't use tags in the normal way and I won't use them for so much different stuff, other than from just representing the actual status of the note. I tried to use something like "" or "::food::", but the marker feature seems to respond only to tags. Maybe I tried it in a wrong way and it is actually possible?

Is there a way to use different markers without using tags?

Thanks and best regards! 😉

esm7 commented 3 months ago

Hi, The answer depends on the type of geolocation you are referring to -- front-matter locations or inline ones. For front-matter locations, except the default marker that you configure via the Map View settings, the way to customize their looks would be tags. Can you elaborate on why not to use tags? What is the problem that prevents you from using them? If you just not want to clutter your workspace with tags, you can consider nested tags: you can have tags named #map/food, #map/hike etc, which may be more organized than a random set of tags. (map/ is just a random word I chose, it can be location/ or whatever else you choose.) If you are using inline geolocations, you can use the alternative syntax of inline tags (tag:food), which does not translate to an Obsidian tag. See the README for more details on that. Hope this helps.