esm7 / obsidian-map-view

Interactive map view for
MIT License
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Marker popup on mobile (iOS) #239

Open mfloreen opened 2 months ago

mfloreen commented 2 months ago

Thank you so much for the work you continue putting into this project! I’ve been using it to map locations for travel planning, and it’s invaluable to visualize just the locations I need on a map.

With the upgrade to 5.0.2, the behavior when I tap on a marker on mobile (iOS) has changed. Instead of showing the note title like before, I get a tiny bit of a frame appearing at the bottom of the screen (notice the very subtle difference in the screenshots below). If I tap that thin frame, it opens the note. Is this how it’s supposed to work? I’m using an iPhone 13 mini, so perhaps it looks different on a larger screen.

image image

esm7 commented 2 months ago

That's not supposed to happen. Are you using any custom theme that may be related?

mfloreen commented 2 months ago

I’m using the Minimal theme, but it behaves the same on iOS even with the default theme. I’ve tried disabling some community plugins but haven’t yet found anything that changes that behavior.

esm7 commented 2 months ago

Sorry for the very late reply. This is difficult to debug and I had to give this lots of thought, trying to understand what could have gone wrong. My best theory is that Map View has some error building the popup, and it's not about the display. So:

  1. If you are able to recreate this on Obsidian Desktop using the same vault, it would be ideal. There you have Obsidian Developer Console easily accessible - press Ctrl+Shift+I (or I think in Mac Cmd+Shift+I or something along this line) -- I'd love to get the output of the latest logs from there, especially if you are experiencing the issue on desktop, but also if not, in case there is some hidden error Map View complains about in your vault that could provide a hint.
  2. The next pretty cumbersome option is to get the Developer Console in iOS. This requires a plugin called Obsidian Dev Tools. If you can install it on your phone and the provide the console when experiencing the problem, it would be ideal. It's not the most user-friendly process but it's my best idea for how to catch the issue :(