esm7 / obsidian-map-view

Interactive map view for
MIT License
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Preview doesn't work unless my curser is on geolink line #247

Closed brunoprela closed 2 weeks ago

brunoprela commented 3 weeks ago

Given a geolink, the preview doesn't show up on hover with the mouse only. I have to click on the line where the geolink is so that the geolink markdown formatting splits up and reveals itself (), and then I can hover over it for the preview to show up. The preview is such an amazing feature I would love if it worked on hover only. Amazing plugin btw!

esm7 commented 3 weeks ago

Really happy that you like Map View and the preview feature :) I can't recreate the issue, so can you elaborate how you are seeing it? Also some details could help, most notably your Obsidian version, Map View plugin version, your OS, and whether you may be using some custom Obsidian theme. Specifically testing things with the latest Obsidian, latest Map View and no custom theme can help narrow down the options of what the issue is.

brunoprela commented 3 weeks ago

It's okay, I realized that I can just click on the external link icon and the markdown link syntax splits itself up so I can hover preview over the geolink. This is sufficient for me and if others in the community aren't having the same issue it's fine to close tbh. For what it's worth I've included a video of the problem. It appears that using the Reading View corrects the behavior to the expected one, but I'm having a similar behavior with the Surfing plugin as well where I have to click on the line the link is on to expand the markdown link syntax and be able to show a preview, so it may be something particular about my setup or some setting I have on.

I do not use any themes, only some css snippets for checkboxes, headers and code snippets (nothing on links). I have Obsidian v1.6.1, Installer Version v1.5.3. My plugins list is also attached in case you may know that plugins any of those affect it.

esm7 commented 2 weeks ago

Would you mind trying if the issue happens with all the other plugins turned off (and then restarting Obsidian)? It seems to me like the document is modified by something which makes it unrecognizable by the Map View editor plugin, but hard to pinpoint what it is.

brunoprela commented 2 weeks ago

The behavior is perfectly sufficient to me, asking you to solve this particular issue with my setup is a waste of your precious time. Thank you so much for the great app!