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Archipelago Roadmap 2019 #6

Open DiegoPino opened 5 years ago

DiegoPino commented 5 years ago

Archipelago 2019 Roadmap

Tentative enumeration of concrete tasks, per Component and Service, for public evaluation (and comments).

All tasks listed here are leading to our first stable production release in July 2019 and full feature release end of 2019. Checked tasks are ready, unchecked are in progress or planned. Priority is not given by this order.

There are a lot more things involved and many are already done and coded, but i wanted to have a list that was closer to features checklist than the actual code milestones we are managing internally. Please feel free to comment, request more info or ask for clarification. Feature requests are also highly appreciated and taken in account (always, please!).


JSON representation and enrichment

Webforms integration

Media Displays

Field Formatters

API Ingest, Migration and backup

Service Architecture (Strawberry Runners)


ACL / Permissions

Deployment and DevOPS

Batch Operations

Future roadmap


giancarlobi commented 5 years ago

Field Formatters Static IIIF Images Open Seadragon IIIF Images IABookreader IIIF Images Panorama via IIIF Metadata up-casters Metadata up-casters with download endpoint Video (HTML5) Audio (HTML5) Web annotations (IIIF) Complex nested structures (Whole graphs)

I'm thinking about one main image and some secondary images, a recurring need in my experience. I know you can use OpenSeaDragon paging feature, in addition, do we have to add a specific Multiple Images field formatter?

giancarlobi commented 5 years ago

SEO and API Allow Media displays output to be embeded in HTML head for SEO Test/Develop nested DATA VIEWS integration for OAI-ORE and OAI-PMH

What about add also IIIF Presentation API here?

giancarlobi commented 5 years ago

The original one image ... a colored note among lines of code!

DiegoPino commented 5 years ago

That is a great image!!! 😍

Answering some questions with more questions =)

I'm thinking about one main image and some secondary images, a recurring need in my experience. I know you can use OpenSeaDragon paging feature, in addition, do we have to add a specific Multiple Images field formatter?

Right now the Open Seadragon IIIF Images formatter can display all images as a single viewer (with next, prev buttons) or can display every image as independent single Openseadragon viewer instance (many viewers, not too useful i think if too many but i'm pretty sure people could find a user). So my questions are: 1.- Would you like a different Open Seadragon Formatter that deals with many images in a different way? 2- Or are thinking about a one or many static images like this with better options? What options do you think could be useful there? 3.- Or are you thinking about a totally different formatter? (we can do that too of course!) and if so what would that formatter allow? 4.- About main, versus secondary. We could add another key in the as:images json structure that allows people to select which is the primary (example for thumbnail use) like with what we do with "sequence" element for images when used as pages. Then we could allow all formatters to show only the ones tagged with "something" as an option. Like a config option that says: "which key to use as filter" = 'role', 'use' ? and what to filter against? ('primary', 'thumbnail'). We could, as we do now simply default to no filter and to get either the first or all of them.

A lot of questions from me! Lets figure this out here and we can add that new formatter

SEO and API Allow Media displays output to be embeded in HTML head for SEO Test/Develop nested DATA VIEWS integration for OAI-ORE and OAI-PMH

True, was planned, we need to add it to the list. We already have IIIF Manifest Metadata display in twig and our IABookreader can use it already. We could just need to

  1. generate the rest of the IIIF structures (collections, etc) as twig template with some helper methods we could pass to twig so the users can decide on paging, etc. and
  2. Solve
    • [ ] Add new Data Views Plugin integration to allow Media Displays to preprocess values on views exposed as API endpoints" That would allow us to expose media displays as per node endpoints. I will add this to the list. Thanks.
DiegoPino commented 5 years ago

@giancarlobi i will also add today my thoughts on collection management. Since collection membership is just a value inside a json key i was almost thinking of not dealing with it as a separate Feature list (implicit in many of the existing tasks) but i will add a tiny list explaining the basic exposed interaction ways (move, migrate, batch update, ingest "into") to help with documenting and UI too. We already have that included into the main ingest webform workflow but it won't harm if we generalize it even more.

giancarlobi commented 5 years ago

I'm thinking about one main image and some secondary images, a recurring need in my experience. I know you can use OpenSeaDragon paging feature, in addition, do we have to add a specific Multiple Images field formatter?

Right now the Open Seadragon IIIF Images formatter can display all images as a single viewer (with next, prev buttons) or can display every image as independent single Openseadragon viewer instance (many viewers, not too useful i think if too many but i'm pretty sure people could find a user). So my questions are: 1.- Would you like a different Open Seadragon Formatter that deals with many images in a different way? 2- Or are thinking about a one or many static images like this with better options? What options do you think could be useful there? 3.- Or are you thinking about a totally different formatter? (we can do that too of course!) and if so what would that formatter allow?

As first instance (we have a lot of other important issues to solve), I think Open Seadragon IIIF Images formatter is a good choice for multiple images if we can add (I don't know if OSD includes this feature) a small thumbnail of images clickable that is to be able to click thumbnail image to scroll to selected. This option could be a second level as priority.

4.- About main, versus secondary. We could add another key in the as:images json structure that allows people to select which is the primary (example for thumbnail use) like with what we do with "sequence" element for images when used as pages. Then we could allow all formatters to show only the ones tagged with "something" as an option. Like a config option that says: "which key to use as filter" = 'role', 'use' ? and what to filter against? ('primary', 'thumbnail'). We could, as we do now simply default to no filter and to get either the first or all of them.

In any case, we need a primary/thumbnail image when multiple images are present so I think we can use A) the first one but as you know Json other is not so reliable or B) use "sequence" key as per pages, the sequence number 1 is the primary/thumbnail image.

giancarlobi commented 5 years ago

@giancarlobi i will also add today my thoughts on collection management. Since collection membership is just a value inside a json key i was almost thinking of not dealing with it as a separate Feature list (implicit in many of the existing tasks) but i will add a tiny list explaining the basic exposed interaction ways (move, migrate, batch update, ingest "into") to help with documenting and UI too. We already have that included into the main ingest webform workflow but it won't harm if we generalize it even more.

I fully agree. About value of membership into Json, are you planning to use UUID as for images, nodes, etc. ? Finally, the collection is another type of DO and so a node, right?

DiegoPino commented 5 years ago

As first instance (we have a lot of other important issues to solve), I think Open Seadragon IIIF Images formatter is a good choice for multiple images if we can add (I don't know if OSD includes this feature) a small thumbnail of images clickable that is to be able to click thumbnail image to scroll to selected. This option could be a second level as priority.

True. Thumbnail overview Is an openseadragon extension, we just need to enable the JS, some CSS and add the option to the formatter config. Will add as a dependant feature to the list. I think it will be appreciated by a lot of folks. There is also so much we can do with Views, Slideshows, etc. We should provide a few (Famous, infamous Carrousels too)

In any case, we need a primary/thumbnail image when multiple images are present so I think we can use A) the first one but as you know Json other is not so reliable or B) use "sequence" key as per pages, the sequence number 1 is the primary/thumbnail image.

Totally right. Our as:images items are JSON objects, so we can't trust order, thanks for being the active part of my brain! I will figure out both options: tagging and sequence. We can allow both, no issue at all. Will add to the features list

I fully agree. About value of membership into Json, are you planning to use UUID as for images, nodes, etc. ? Finally, the collection is another type of DO and so a node, right?

Right. Right now, because of the way Drupal deals with referencing entities (mess!) we are using entity IDS (primary keys), that was my first iteration to prove the concept and show how we make collections and connect Archipelago generated JSON structure to webform form field generated elements. But, this week that will change, all Drupal entities will be permanently stored referencing UUIDs instead in the strawberry JSON. I will also, backwards, allow people to use IDs if they need to (if someone invents a new ingest method or uses some custom entity reference field) and i will convert them back to UUIDs on the fly on node save, This means we will always have only UUIDs permanently stored, makes migration and ingest via JSONAPI easier, actually its the only way. To make this cross compatible i will also transform them on the fly back to IDS when the widget that is going to interact with them requires that (webform reference fields, e.g). I also want to allow a third option. Full URIs. Who says that an object can not be part of another servers collection? =) Or we can not reference an external image? We kinda have that already in the as:image structure (url key) but i want to formalize that as code inside the formatters and the node save handlers.

DiegoPino commented 5 years ago

@giancarlobi i checked some of the roadmap items here, have been doing this slowly as we advance. Still not everything green (or course..) and for 1.0.0-beta i will target the essential features == what other repositories have + what makes us awesome.

DiegoPino commented 5 years ago

@giancarlobi 3D Formatters are up! 3D Archipelago

giancarlobi commented 5 years ago

@DiegoPino you are the best coder and you are making Archipelago the best framework!!

DiegoPino commented 5 years ago

@giancarlobi totally group effort and so thankful for your kind words. Thanks for all the support, code reviews and good architectural ideas, this would have been impossible without you. This is a long path we have to walk, a marathon, a sightseeing route too to make sure we keep our eyes open to address what people need, to make a good and fair, open and inclusive software and not a sprint even when there is an implicit rush to get this out before our effort looses momentum, that is something i can not control. I'm aware there are many things we can do better, simplify and rethink in the future, but still happy our original ideas and code are keeping up their promises. Extending and creating new formatters, ways of interacting is something that is getting easier and easier. We will have to work twice as hard to build a balanced community around this. I just hope energy can be kept high enough for the challenges that are ahead.

natehill commented 5 years ago

I am here to help build the community around this, @DiegoPino and @giancarlobi - this is what METRO is for. Thanks, I have such tremendous respect for both of your work. It’s amazing.

DiegoPino commented 5 years ago

Done with config option.

I will now devote some quality time (2-3 hours) to the IABook reader to finish the search piece. Will be derailed to other projects and deadlines later but will come back tonight.