esmero / format_strawberryfield

Set of Display formatters, extractors and utils to make Strawberry field data glow
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
6 stars 9 forks source link

Create Twig Extensions for IIIF Image API IDs (and URL) and for JMESPATH evaluation #127

Open DiegoPino opened 3 years ago

DiegoPino commented 3 years ago

What is this?

Two helper Twig extensions for our own need and users

"as:image".*|[?"dr:for"=='images' && "dr:mimetype"== 'image/jpeg' ]|[?"flv:exif".ImageWidth!='null']

Which will only fetch JPEGS uploaded to "images" where there is and actual ImageWidth

DiegoPino commented 3 years ago

This also opens solutions like
