Open sprenger120 opened 1 year ago
Road object positioning I quickly checked the same file with the excellent online tool odrviewer. And it looks like below:
which looks close to esmini. Seems like the Matlab tool interprets the objects in a different way. To further investigate this issue I suggest that you focus on one single object, trying to get that right. If you still think there's an issue, please upload a simple xodr with one object and we'll sort it out together.
Obstacle start triggers DynamicObstacle starts to move because the action DS_Action_DynamicObstacle1 is triggered by ReachPositionCondition x="17.14" y="11.27". The distance between the object and specified position is 0.56 which is within the provided 2m tolerance.
Maybe I miss something here, but to me the immediate trigger seems correct. What makes you expect it to be delayed? To delay it you can either just add an explicit delay time, or change the trigger so that it waits for the DeliveryPerson to reach some position.
BTW: I appreciate that you provide video clips, along with images it usually helps understanding the issue quicker. However we'd appreciate if you could provide links for viewing or downloading from some external place, instead of attaching them to GitHub which might affect available storage. (in this case the size was small, so no problem)
Thanks for your response. I've played a bit with MATLAB's generated files and it seems like, they have their coordinate system wrong. A couple of days ago, I've submitted a bug-report to them and they could confirm the strange behavior. If it works out at the end I would like to write a small guide for this project. Is this something you are interested in having somewhere put in this project?
Hi, I'm currently toying around with this project and MATLAB's Driving Scenario Designer. I've created a simple scenario where one actor follows a trajectory and a second one starts to walk some seconds later. When exported to
files, played with esmini wierd things start to happen. All barriers are completely at the wrong spots and all actors start walking at the same time, instead of waiting for their turn.Here is a picture and a video (see video zip archive) of the scene in MATLAB .
And here how it looks in esmini.
Video ZIP archive
I've attached my scenario, associated files and logs.
It would be fantastic, if you could take a look at it. I'm very new to openSCENARIO and openDRIVE but willing to put in some dev work, if you can point me to the right direction.
esmini --osc ./parcel_delivery.xosc --window 50 50 800 400 --camera_mode orbit --road_features off