Closed momor10 closed 6 years ago
I'm not sure what that accomplishes. The ',...' as I understand it will extend the range (I think it means that any value would be accepted? need to double check the standard). It should be the same.
What version of esnacc are you using? If I use the latest from 'master' I don't see any such issue with INTEGER(1..255), but I can duplicate your INTEGER(1..255,...) issue.
Im using the latest from master. When changing those lines i get the following error without any line hint: SortTypeDefs: internal compiler error - non recursive type defs failed sort.
btw: i managed to compile the file without any changes using asn1c from lionet (however it can only generate c files)
can you share the asn1 file causing this error? Or a minimal subset that reproduces it?
I don't get it. What's the meaning of the above statement? "The range is between 1 and 255, or whatever"???
Thats the file:
ProtocolVersion::= INTEGER (0..255)
MessageID::= INTEGER (0..255)
StationID::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
GenerationDeltaTime::= INTEGER (0..65535)
StationType::= INTEGER (0..255)
SpeedValue::= INTEGER (0..16383)
SpeedConfidence::= INTEGER (1..127)
DriveDirection::= ENUMERATED
forward (0),
backward (1),
unavailable (2)
VehicleLengthValue::= INTEGER (1..1023)
VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication::= ENUMERATED
noTrailerPresent (0),
trailerPresentWithKnownLength (1),
trailerPresentWithUnknownLength (2),
trailerPresenceIsUnknown (3),
unavailable (4)
VehicleWidth::= INTEGER (1..62)
LongitudinalAccelerationValue::= INTEGER (-160..161)
AccelerationConfidence::= INTEGER (0..102)
CurvatureValue::= INTEGER (-30000..30001)
CurvatureConfidence::= ENUMERATED
onePerMeter-0-00002 (0),
onePerMeter-0-0001 (1),
onePerMeter-0-0005 (2),
onePerMeter-0-002 (3),
onePerMeter-0-01 (4),
onePerMeter-0-1 (5),
outOfRange (6),
unavailable (7)
CurvatureCalculationMode::= ENUMERATED
yawRateUsed (0),
yawRateNotUsed (1),
unavailable (2),
YawRateValue::= INTEGER (-32766..32767)
YawRateConfidence::= ENUMERATED
degSec-000-01 (0),
degSec-000-05 (1),
degSec-000-10 (2),
degSec-001-00 (3),
degSec-005-00 (4),
degSec-010-00 (5),
degSec-100-00 (6),
outOfRange (7),
unavailable (8)
SemiAxisLength::= INTEGER (0..4095)
AltitudeValue::= INTEGER (-100000..800001)
AltitudeConfidence::= ENUMERATED
alt-000-01 (0),
alt-000-02 (1),
alt-000-05 (2),
alt-000-10 (3),
alt-000-20 (4),
alt-000-50 (5),
alt-001-00 (6),
alt-002-00 (7),
alt-005-00 (8),
alt-010-00 (9),
alt-020-00 (10),
alt-050-00 (11),
alt-100-00 (12),
alt-200-00 (13),
outOfRange (14),
unavailable (15)
HeadingValue::= INTEGER (0..3601)
HeadingConfidence::= INTEGER (1..127)
Latitude::= INTEGER (-900000000..900000001)
Longitude::= INTEGER (-1800000000..1800000001)
AccelerationControl::= BIT STRING (SIZE (7))
LanePosition::= INTEGER (-1..14)
SteeringWheelAngleValue::= INTEGER (-511..512)
SteeringWheelAngleConfidence::= INTEGER (1..127)
LateralAccelerationValue::= INTEGER (-160..161)
VerticalAccelerationValue::= INTEGER (-160..161)
PerformanceClass::= INTEGER (0..7)
ProtectedZoneID::= INTEGER (0..134217727)
VehicleRole::= ENUMERATED
default (0),
publicTransport (1),
specialTransport (2),
dangerousGoods (3),
roadWork (4),
rescue (5),
emergency (6),
safetyCar (7),
agriculture (8),
commercial (9),
military (10),
roadOperator (11),
taxi (12),
reserved1 (13),
reserved2 (14),
reserved3 (15)
ExteriorLights::= BIT STRING (SIZE(8))
PathHistory::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..40)) OF PathPoint
ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF ProtectedCommunicationZone
ProtectedZoneType::= ENUMERATED
cenDsrcTolling (0),
TimeStampIts::= INTEGER (0..4398046511103)
ProtectedZoneRadius::= INTEGER (1..255,...)
DeltaLatitude::= INTEGER (-131071..131072)
DeltaLongitude::= INTEGER (-131071..131072)
DeltaAltitude::= INTEGER (-12700..12800)
PathDeltaTime::= INTEGER (1..65535, ...)
PtActivationType::= INTEGER (0..255)
PtActivationData::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..20))
EmbarkationStatus::= BOOLEAN
ElevatedTemperature::= BOOLEAN
TunnelsRestricted::= BOOLEAN
LimitedQuantity::= BOOLEAN
SpecialTransportType::= BIT STRING (SIZE (4))
DangerousGoodsBasic::= ENUMERATED
explosives1 (0),
explosives2 (1),
explosives3 (2),
explosives4 (3),
explosives5 (4),
explosives6 (5),
flammableGases (6),
nonFlammableGases (7),
toxicGases (8),
flammableLiquids (9),
flammableSolids (10),
substancesLiableToSpontaneousCombustion (11),
substancesEmittingFlammableGasesUponContactWithWater (12),
oxidizingSubstances (13),
organicPeroxides (14),
toxicSubstances (15),
infectiousSubstances (16),
radioactiveMaterial (17),
corrosiveSubstances (18),
miscellaneousDangerousSubstances (19)
RoadworksSubCauseCode::= INTEGER (0..255)
LightBarSirenInUse::= BIT STRING (SIZE (2))
HardShoulderStatus::= ENUMERATED
vailableForStopping (0),
closed (1),
availableForDriving (2)
DrivingLaneStatus::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..14))
CauseCodeType::= INTEGER (0..255)
SubCauseCodeType::= INTEGER (0..255)
EmergencyPriority::= BIT STRING (SIZE (2))
TrafficRule::= ENUMERATED
noPassing (0),
noPassingForTrucks (1),
passToRight (2),
passToLeft (3),
SpeedLimit::= INTEGER (1..255)
RelevanceDistance::= ENUMERATED
lessThan50m (0),
lessThan100m (1),
lessThan200m (2),
lessThan500m (3),
lessThan1000m (4),
lessThan5km (5),
lessThan10km (6),
over10km (7)
RelevanceTrafficDirection::= ENUMERATED
allTrafficDirections (0),
upstreamTraffic (1),
downstreamTraffic (2),
oppositeTraffic (3)
SequenceNumber::= INTEGER (0..65535)
ValidityDuration::= INTEGER (0..86400)
TransmissionInterval::= INTEGER (1..10000)
Termination::= ENUMERATED
isCancellation (0),
isNegation (1)
InformationQuality::= INTEGER (0..7)
EventHistory::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..23)) OF EventPoint
Traces::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..7)) OF PathHistory
urban-NoStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes (0),
urban-WithStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes (1),
nonUrban-NoStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes (2),
nonUrban-WithStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes (3)
HeightLonCarr::= INTEGER (1..100)
PosLonCarr::= INTEGER (1..127)
Temperature::= INTEGER (-60..67)
ItineraryPath::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..40)) OF ReferencePosition
RestrictedTypes::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF StationType
PosPillar::= INTEGER (1..30)
PosCentMass::= INTEGER (1..63)
WheelBaseVehicle::= INTEGER (1..127)
TurningRadius::= INTEGER (1..255)
PosFrontAx::= INTEGER (1..20)
VehicleMass::= INTEGER (1..1024)
PositionOfOccupants::= BIT STRING (SIZE (20))
RequestResponseIndication::= ENUMERATED
request (0),
response (1)
PositionOfPillars::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF PosPillar
ReferenceDenms::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF ActionID
PositioningSolutionType::= ENUMERATED
noPositionSolution (0),
sGNSS (1),
dGNSS (2),
sGNSSplusDR (3),
dGNSSplusDR (4),
dR (5),
StationarySince::= ENUMERATED
lessThan1Minute (0),
lessThan2Minutes (1),
lessThan15Minutes (2),
equalOrGreater15Minutes (3)
NumberOfOccupants::= INTEGER (0..127)
WMInumber::= IA5String (SIZE (1..3))
VDS::= IA5String (SIZE (6))
EnergyStorageType::= BIT STRING (SIZE (7))
UnNumber::= INTEGER (0..9999)
EmergencyActionCode::= IA5String (SIZE (1..24))
PhoneNumber::= IA5String (SIZE (1..24))
CompanyName::= UTF8String (SIZE (1..24))
header ItsPduHeader,
cam CoopAwareness
ItsPduHeader::= SEQUENCE {
protocolVersion ProtocolVersion,
messageID MessageID,
stationID StationID
CoopAwareness::= SEQUENCE {
generationDeltaTime GenerationDeltaTime,
camParameters CamParameters
CamParameters::= SEQUENCE {
basicContainer BasicContainer,
highFrequencyContainer HighFrequencyContainer,
lowFrequencyContainer LowFrequencyContainer OPTIONAL,
specialVehicleContainer SpecialVehicleContainer OPTIONAL,
BasicContainer::= SEQUENCE {
stationType StationType,
referencePosition ReferencePosition,
HighFrequencyContainer::= CHOICE {
basicVehicleContainerHighFrequency BasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency,
rsuContainerHighFrequency RSUContainerHighFrequency,
BasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency::= SEQUENCE {
heading Heading,
speed Speed,
driveDirection DriveDirection,
vehicleLength VehicleLength,
vehicleWidth VehicleWidth,
longitudinalAcceleration LongitudinalAcceleration,
curvature Curvature,
curvatureCalculationMode CurvatureCalculationMode,
yawRate YawRate,
accelerationControl AccelerationControl OPTIONAL,
lanePosition LanePosition OPTIONAL,
steeringWheelAngle SteeringWheelAngle OPTIONAL,
lateralAcceleration LateralAcceleration OPTIONAL,
verticalAcceleration VerticalAcceleration OPTIONAL,
performanceClass PerformanceClass OPTIONAL,
cenDsrcTollingZone CenDsrcTollingZone OPTIONAL
ReferencePosition::= SEQUENCE {
latitude Latitude,
longitude Longitude,
positionConfidenceEllipse PosConfidenceEllipse,
altitude Altitude
Heading::= SEQUENCE {
headingValue HeadingValue,
headingConfidence HeadingConfidence
Speed::= SEQUENCE {
speedValue SpeedValue,
speedConfidence SpeedConfidence
VehicleLength::= SEQUENCE {
vehicleLengthValue VehicleLengthValue,
vehicleLengthConfidenceIndication VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication
LongitudinalAcceleration::= SEQUENCE {
longitudinalAccelerationValue LongitudinalAccelerationValue,
longitudinalAccelerationConfidence AccelerationConfidence
Curvature::= SEQUENCE {
curvatureValue CurvatureValue,
curvatureConfidence CurvatureConfidence
YawRate::= SEQUENCE {
yawRateValue YawRateValue,
yawRateConfidence YawRateConfidence
PosConfidenceEllipse::= SEQUENCE {
semiMajorConfidence SemiAxisLength,
semiMinorConfidence SemiAxisLength,
semiMajorOrientation HeadingValue
Altitude::= SEQUENCE {
altitudeValue AltitudeValue,
altitudeConfidence AltitudeConfidence
SteeringWheelAngle::= SEQUENCE {
steeringWheelAngleValue SteeringWheelAngleValue,
steeringWheelAngleConfidence SteeringWheelAngleConfidence
LateralAcceleration::= SEQUENCE {
lateralAccelerationValue LateralAccelerationValue,
lateralAccelerationConfidence AccelerationConfidence
VerticalAcceleration::= SEQUENCE {
verticalAccelerationValue VerticalAccelerationValue,
verticalAccelerationConfidence AccelerationConfidence
CenDsrcTollingZone::= SEQUENCE {
protectedZoneLatitude Latitude,
protectedZoneLongitude Longitude,
cenDsrcTollingZoneID ProtectedZoneID OPTIONAL
LowFrequencyContainer::= CHOICE {
basicVehicleContainerLowFrequency BasicVehicleContainerLowFrequency,
BasicVehicleContainerLowFrequency::= SEQUENCE {
vehicleRole VehicleRole,
exteriorLights ExteriorLights,
pathHistory PathHistory
RSUContainerHighFrequency::= SEQUENCE {
protectedCommunicationZonesRSU ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU OPTIONAL,
ProtectedCommunicationZone::= SEQUENCE {
protectedZoneType ProtectedZoneType,
expiryTime TimeStampIts OPTIONAL,
protectedZoneLatitude Latitude,
protectedZoneLongitude Longitude,
protectedZoneRadius ProtectedZoneRadius OPTIONAL,
protectedZoneID ProtectedZoneID OPTIONAL
PathPoint::= SEQUENCE {
pathPosition DeltaReferencePosition,
pathDeltaTime PathDeltaTime OPTIONAL
DeltaReferencePosition::= SEQUENCE {
deltaLatitude DeltaLatitude,
deltaLongitude DeltaLongitude,
deltaAltitude DeltaAltitude
SpecialVehicleContainer::= CHOICE {
publicTransportContainer PublicTransportContainer,
specialTransportContainer SpecialTransportContainer,
dangerousGoodsContainer DangerousGoodsContainer,
roadWorksContainerBasic RoadWorksContainerBasic,
rescueContainer RescueContainer,
emergencyContainer EmergencyContainer,
safetyCarContainer SafetyCarContainer,
PublicTransportContainer::= SEQUENCE {
embarkationStatus EmbarkationStatus,
ptActivation PtActivation OPTIONAL
PtActivation::= SEQUENCE {
ptActivationType PtActivationType,
ptActivationData PtActivationData
SpecialTransportContainer::= SEQUENCE {
specialTransportType SpecialTransportType,
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse
DangerousGoodsContainer::= SEQUENCE {
dangerousGoodsBasic DangerousGoodsBasic
RoadWorksContainerBasic::= SEQUENCE {
roadworksSubCauseCode RoadworksSubCauseCode OPTIONAL,
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse,
closedLanes ClosedLanes OPTIONAL
ClosedLanes::= SEQUENCE {
hardShoulderStatus HardShoulderStatus OPTIONAL,
drivingLaneStatus DrivingLaneStatus,
RescueContainer::= SEQUENCE {
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse
EmergencyContainer::=SEQUENCE {
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse,
incidentIndication CauseCode OPTIONAL,
emergencyPriority EmergencyPriority OPTIONAL
CauseCode::= SEQUENCE {
causeCode CauseCodeType,
subCauseCode SubCauseCodeType
SafetyCarContainer::= SEQUENCE {
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse,
incidentIndication CauseCode OPTIONAL,
trafficRule TrafficRule OPTIONAL,
speedLimit SpeedLimit OPTIONAL
Denm::= SEQUENCE {
header ItsPduHeader,
denm DecentralizedEnvironmentalNotificationMessage
DecentralizedEnvironmentalNotificationMessage::= SEQUENCE {
management ManagementContainer,
situation SituationContainer OPTIONAL,
location LocationContainer OPTIONAL,
alacarte AlacarteContainer OPTIONAL
ManagementContainer::= SEQUENCE {
actionID ActionID,
detectionTime TimeStampIts,
referenceTime TimeStampIts,
termination Termination OPTIONAL,
eventPosition ReferencePosition,
relevanceDistance RelevanceDistance OPTIONAL,
relevanceTrafficDirection RelevanceTrafficDirection OPTIONAL,
validityDuration ValidityDuration OPTIONAL,
transmissionInterval TransmissionInterval OPTIONAL,
stationType StationType,
ActionID::= SEQUENCE {
originatingStationID StationID,
sequenceNumber SequenceNumber
SituationContainer::= SEQUENCE {
informationQuality InformationQuality,
eventType CauseCode,
linkedCause CauseCode OPTIONAL,
eventHistory EventHistory OPTIONAL,
EventPoint::= SEQUENCE {
eventPosition DeltaReferencePosition,
eventDeltaTime PathDeltaTime OPTIONAL,
informationQuality InformationQuality
LocationContainer::= SEQUENCE {
eventSpeed Speed OPTIONAL,
eventPositionHeading Heading OPTIONAL,
traces Traces,
roadType RoadType OPTIONAL,
AlacarteContainer::= SEQUENCE {
lanePosition LanePosition OPTIONAL,
impactReduction ImpactReductionContainer OPTIONAL,
externalTemperature Temperature OPTIONAL,
roadWorks RoadWorksContainerExtended OPTIONAL,
positioningSolution PositioningSolutionType OPTIONAL,
stationaryVehicle StationaryVehicleContainer OPTIONAL,
ImpactReductionContainer::= SEQUENCE {
heightLonCarrLeft HeightLonCarr,
heightLonCarrRight HeightLonCarr,
posLonCarrLeft PosLonCarr,
posLonCarRight PosLonCarr,
positionOfPillars PositionOfPillars,
posCentMass PosCentMass,
wheelBaseVehicle WheelBaseVehicle,
turningRadius TurningRadius,
posFrontAx PosFrontAx,
positionOfOccupants PositionOfOccupants,
vehicleMass VehicleMass,
requestResponseIndication RequestResponseIndication
RoadWorksContainerExtended::= SEQUENCE {
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse OPTIONAL,
closedLanes ClosedLanes OPTIONAL,
restriction RestrictedTypes OPTIONAL,
speedLimit SpeedLimit OPTIONAL,
incidentIndication CauseCode OPTIONAL,
recommendedPath ItineraryPath OPTIONAL,
startingPointSpeedLimit DeltaReferencePosition OPTIONAL,
trafficFlowRule TrafficRule OPTIONAL,
referenceDenms ReferenceDenms OPTIONAL
StationaryVehicleContainer::= SEQUENCE {
stationarySince StationarySince OPTIONAL,
stationaryCause CauseCode OPTIONAL,
carryingDangerousGoods DangerousGoodsExtended OPTIONAL,
numberOfOccupants NumberOfOccupants OPTIONAL,
vehicleIdentification VehicleIdentification OPTIONAL,
energyStorageType EnergyStorageType OPTIONAL
VehicleIdentification::= SEQUENCE {
wMInumber WMInumber OPTIONAL,
DangerousGoodsExtended::= SEQUENCE {
dangerousGoodsType DangerousGoodsBasic,
unNumber UnNumber,
elevatedTemperature ElevatedTemperature,
tunnelsRestricted TunnelsRestricted,
limitedQuantity LimitedQuantity,
emergencyActionCode EmergencyActionCode OPTIONAL,
phoneNumber PhoneNumber OPTIONAL,
companyName CompanyName OPTIONAL
I see some kinds of strangeness in that file. I guess automatic tagging is implicit for asn1c - maybe that's the default in a newer standard. If I remove the ',...' from the two integers (PathDeltaTime and ProtectedZoneRadius), and change the definitions to AUTOMATIC TAGS, I don't see any issues.
can you run 'esnacc --version' and give the output?
i had added AUTOMATIC TAGS to compile it with asn1c because it would fail because of duplicate tags. as for the esnacc version: i had "git clone" today. however ill get the --version output tomorrow morning. Im not sure if i tried both, adding automatic tags and removing the ",.." with esnacc. Ill try that too (Im sure i tried each).
Version output: Version 1.8.99 Release Date: UNRELEASED
I removed ',..' and added AUTOMATIC TAGS and still get the SortTypeDefs error. I use the following command: esnacc -C file.asn
edit: i managed to compile the latest source on windows. After editing the asn file i was able to compile it there resulting in a .cpp and .h file Is there any.
Is there any example on how to use it in a qt project? I guess i need to add the cxx-lib. what's the minimal configuration? Is there any Uper encoding example?
edit2: im using msvc2017 for qt. I build the compiler using mingw.
Check the cxx-examples for how to use the resulting .h/.cpp files. The short of it is:
Is it okay to close this issue now?
yes this issue can be closed, thank you
im trying to compile an asn1 file (CAM and DENM) that contains structures like the following: ProtectedZoneRadius::= INTEGER (1..255,...) I wasnt able to find out what's the meaning of those points behind the range actually is.. removing those ",.." didn't work either, it would still output errors (im not on the development machine to look it up) Is there anyway to make it work with esnacc? Im trying to generate c++ files.