esoxjem / MovieGuide

Movie discovery app showcasing MVP, RxJava, Dagger 2 and Clean Architecture
MIT License
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Store favorited movies in Realm #15

Closed esoxjem closed 6 years ago

Chuckytuh commented 7 years ago

This is something I am very curious to see how Ream integrates with Clean Architecture!

esoxjem commented 7 years ago

@Chuckytuh Usually I don't need the change listener that Realm provides on my views so I wrap the result using Observable.fromCallable()

Chuckytuh commented 7 years ago

So are you saying you apply a mapper to transform from a RealmObject from the callback into a view model object on a Rx stream?

ugochukwu commented 7 years ago

@esoxjem Have you already started with this issue?

esoxjem commented 7 years ago

@ugochukwu Not yet.