esoxjem / MovieGuide

Movie discovery app showcasing MVP, RxJava, Dagger 2 and Clean Architecture
MIT License
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Implement pagination on the listing screen #40

Closed basemnassar11 closed 6 years ago

basemnassar11 commented 7 years ago

i want to inc number movie more than 20 but not working with me

esoxjem commented 7 years ago

@basemnassar11 can you provide some more details? I didn't get you.

basemnassar11 commented 7 years ago

hi, in MoviesListingFragment class, i found list "private List movies = new ArrayList<>(20);" , but if i change number 20 to 40 ex stil movies show 20 not 40 sorry about english thank you

esoxjem commented 7 years ago

@basemnassar11 the way to get more movies is to implement pagination and request for the next page from the tmdb API when you reach the end of the list.

esoxjem commented 6 years ago
