esoxjem / MovieGuide

Movie discovery app showcasing MVP, RxJava, Dagger 2 and Clean Architecture
MIT License
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Moving to rxJava2 #41

Closed MattiaPrimavera closed 7 years ago

MattiaPrimavera commented 7 years ago

Hi, here's a little summary of what it took,


Tests are all passing.

MattiaPrimavera commented 7 years ago

shouldBeAbleToShowTrailers and shouldBeAbleToShowReviews tests keeps failing sometimes only, it may be that those two are not run in a deterministic way, since the result is not always the same. Any idea why ?

esoxjem commented 7 years ago

@MattiaPrimavera The tests should pass as is, there's should't be any need to update them. Just change the TestRule to an RxJava2 rule instead. Something like this.

MattiaPrimavera commented 7 years ago

I followed this article and played a little with the @Rule, but I did not really get why it does seem working with the @Rule annotation on every PresenterImpl but on the MovieListing one