esp-arduino-libs / ESP32_Display_Panel

Arduino library of driving display panel for the ESP SoCs
Apache License 2.0
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Waveshare round 1.85 ESP32S3 LCD : failure to initialise touch #113

Open martinroger opened 17 hours ago

martinroger commented 17 hours ago

Hi, I am trying to get the library to work on a Waveshare round lcd. I can get the QSPI LCD to start just fine, however when I try to enable the CST816S it fails to read from it.

You can find the platformio project I set up for this (including special board JSON, lib_deps etc) and the commit where the QSPI works but the I2C fails to initialise : here

I have tried with and without pullups enabled (the schematic seems to indicate there are none on the circuit, and as far as I can tell this is a dedicated I2C line.

To note, the reset for the TP is on an IO Expander that I am currently not activating.

Obviously ultimately I can circumvent and initialise it all separately, but I like the all-in-one approach to the library. Am I missing something or ultimately am I forced to do a manual init / separate management of touch input?

The logs I get through serial, showing the initialisation fail :

[   316][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 44 successfully set to type UART_RX (2) with bus 0x3fc945c4
  #0  0x3fc945c4 in ?? at C:/Users/Martin/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/esp32-hal-uart.c:82

[   327][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 43 successfully set to type UART_TX (3) with bus 0x3fc945c4
  #0  0x3fc945c4 in ?? at C:/Users/Martin/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/esp32-hal-uart.c:82

[   337][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 19 successfully set to type USB_DM (45) with bus 0x3fc97648
  #0  0x3fc97648 in ?? at C:/Users/Martin/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/HWCDC.cpp:610

[   348][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 20 successfully set to type USB_DP (46) with bus 0x3fc97648
  #0  0x3fc97648 in ?? at C:/Users/Martin/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/HWCDC.cpp:610

=========== Before Setup Start ===========
Chip Info:
  Model             : ESP32-S3
  Package           : 0
  Revision          : 0.02
  Cores             : 2
  CPU Frequency     : 240 MHz
  XTAL Frequency    : 40 MHz
  Features Bitfield : 0x00000012
  Embedded Flash    : No
  Embedded PSRAM    : No
  2.4GHz WiFi       : Yes
  Classic BT        : No
  BT Low Energy     : Yes
  IEEE 802.15.4     : No
INTERNAL Memory Info:
  Total Size        :   386676 B ( 377.6 KB)
  Free Bytes        :   354432 B ( 346.1 KB)
  Allocated Bytes   :    27244 B (  26.6 KB)
  Minimum Free Bytes:   349384 B ( 341.2 KB)
  Largest Free Block:   319476 B ( 312.0 KB)
SPIRAM Memory Info:
  Total Size        :  8388608 B (8192.0 KB)
  Free Bytes        :  8385672 B (8189.1 KB)
  Allocated Bytes   :      576 B (   0.6 KB)
  Minimum Free Bytes:  8385672 B (8189.1 KB)
  Largest Free Block:  8257524 B (8064.0 KB)
  Bus Mode          : OPI
Flash Info:
  Chip Size         : 16777216 B (16 MB)
  Block Size        :    65536 B (  64.0 KB)
  Sector Size       :     4096 B (   4.0 KB)
  Page Size         :      256 B (   0.2 KB)
  Bus Speed         : 80 MHz
  Bus Mode          : QIO
Partitions Info:
                nvs : addr: 0x00009000, size:    20.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: NVS
            otadata : addr: 0x0000E000, size:     8.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: OTA
               app0 : addr: 0x00010000, size:  6400.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_0
               app1 : addr: 0x00650000, size:  6400.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_1
             spiffs : addr: 0x00C90000, size:  3456.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: SPIFFS
           coredump : addr: 0x00FF0000, size:    64.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: COREDUMP
Software Info:
  Compile Date/Time : Oct 22 2024 15:21:48
  ESP-IDF Version   : v5.1.4-674-gd38afc77db-dirty
  Arduino Version   : 3.0.5
Board Info:
  Arduino Board     : Waveshare ESP32S3 Round LCD
  Arduino Variant   : esp32s3
  Core Debug Level  : 5
  Arduino Runs Core : 1
  Arduino Events on : 1
  Arduino USB Mode  : 1
  CDC On Boot       : 1
============ Before Setup End ============
[   683][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x4205b9b0
  #0  0x4205b9b0 in gpioDetachBus at C:/Users/Martin/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/esp32-hal-gpio.c:100

[   684][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 5 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0x6      
[   693][I][esp32-hal-periman.c:141] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 19 already has type USB_DM (45) with bus 0x3fc97648
  #0  0x3fc97648 in ?? at C:/Users/Martin/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/HWCDC.cpp:610

[   702][I][esp32-hal-periman.c:141] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 20 already has type USB_DP (46) with bus 0x3fc97648
  #0  0x3fc97648 in ?? at C:/Users/Martin/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/HWCDC.cpp:610

Start panel
D (403) ESP_Panel: Panel init start
D (407) ESP_Panel: Use LCD
D (409) ESP_Panel: Use QSPI bus
D (412) ESP_Panel: Create LCD bus
D (415) ESP_PanelHost: Add host SPI[1]
D (418) ESP_Panel: Create LCD device
D (422) ESP_Panel: Use touch
D (424) ESP_Panel: Use I2C bus
D (427) ESP_PanelHost: Add host I2C[0]
D (431) ESP_Panel: Create touch bus
D (434) ESP_Panel: Create touch device
D (437) ESP_Panel: Initialize host
D (441) ESP_PanelHost: Initialize host I2C[0]
D (445) ESP_PanelHost: Initialize host SPI[1]
D (449) ESP_Panel: Panel init end
D (452) ESP_PanelHost: Destroyed
D (455) ESP_Panel: Panel begin start
D (458) ESP_Panel: Begin LCD
D (461) ESP_PanelBus_QSPI: Panel IO @0x3fcecc04 created
D (465) st77916: new st77916 panel @0x3fced170
I (470) st77916: LCD panel create success, version: 0.0.2
D (595) ESP_PanelLcd: Begin start
D (742) st77916: send init commands success
D (742) ESP_PanelLcd: Begin end
D (742) ESP_Panel: Begin touch
D (742) ESP_PanelBus_I2C: Panel IO @0x3fced278 created
D (745) ESP_PanelTouch: Enable interruption
E (750) panel_io_i2c_rx_buffer(135): i2c transaction failed
E (756) CST816S: read_id(186): I2C read failed
E (760) CST816S: esp_lcd_touch_new_i2c_cst816s(90): Read version failed
E (767) CST816S: Initialization failed!
E (770) CST816S_CPP: [ESP_FAIL] begin(43): New driver failed
E (776) ESP_Panel: begin(549): Begin touch failed
Doing BGR test
D (893) ESP_PanelLcd: Fill the rest lines (8) with white color
=========== After Setup Start ============
INTERNAL Memory Info:
  Total Size        :   386676 B ( 377.6 KB)
  Free Bytes        :   344448 B ( 336.4 KB)
  Allocated Bytes   :    36556 B (  35.7 KB)
  Minimum Free Bytes:   329240 B ( 321.5 KB)
  Largest Free Block:   311284 B ( 304.0 KB)
SPIRAM Memory Info:
  Total Size        :  8388608 B (8192.0 KB)
  Free Bytes        :  8385012 B (8188.5 KB)
  Allocated Bytes   :     1156 B (   1.1 KB)
  Minimum Free Bytes:  8369156 B (8173.0 KB)
  Largest Free Block:  8257524 B (8064.0 KB)
GPIO Info:
  GPIO : BUS_TYPE[bus/unit][chan]
     5 : GPIO
    19 : USB_DM
    20 : USB_DP
    43 : UART_TX[0]
    44 : UART_RX[0]
============ After Setup End =============

My ESP_Panel_Board_Custom.h :

 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once


/* Set to 1 if using a custom board */
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_CUSTOM_BOARD       (1)         // 0/1


//////////////////////////// Please update the following macros to configure the LCD panel /////////////////////////////
/* Set to 1 when using an LCD panel */
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_LCD           (1)     // 0/1

 * LCD Controller Name. Choose one of the following:
 *      - EK9716B
 *      - GC9A01, GC9B71, GC9503
 *      - ILI9341
 *      - NV3022B
 *      - SH8601
 *      - SPD2010
 *      - ST7262, ST7701, ST7789, ST7796, ST77916, ST77922
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_NAME          ST77916

/* LCD resolution in pixels */
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_WIDTH         (360)
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_HEIGHT        (360)

/* LCD Bus Settings */
 * If set to 1, the bus will skip to initialize the corresponding host. Users need to initialize the host in advance.
 * It is useful if other devices use the same host. Please ensure that the host is initialized only once.
 * Set to 1 if only the RGB interface is used without the 3-wire SPI interface,
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_BUS_SKIP_INIT_HOST    (0)     // 0/1
 * LCD Bus Type. Choose one of the following:
 *      - ESP_PANEL_BUS_TYPE_I2C (not ready)
 *      - ESP_PANEL_BUS_TYPE_I80 (not ready)
 *      - ESP_PANEL_BUS_TYPE_RGB (only supported for ESP32-S3)
 * LCD Bus Parameters.
 * Please refer to and
 * for more details.

    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_BUS_HOST_ID           (1)     // Typically set to 1
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_CS             (5)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_SCK            (7)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_MOSI           (6)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_MISO           (-1)    // -1 if not used
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_DC             (4)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_MODE              (0)     // 0/1/2/3, typically set to 0
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_CLK_HZ            (40 * 1000 * 1000)
                                                        // Should be an integer divisor of 80M, typically set to 40M
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_TRANS_QUEUE_SZ    (10)    // Typically set to 10
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_CMD_BITS          (8)     // Typically set to 8
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_PARAM_BITS        (8)     // Typically set to 8


    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_BUS_HOST_ID           (1)     // Typically set to 1
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_CS             (21)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_SCK            (40)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_DATA0          (46)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_DATA1          (45)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_DATA2          (42)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_IO_DATA3          (41)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_MODE              (0)     // 0/1/2/3, typically set to 0
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_CLK_HZ            (80 * 1000 * 1000)
                                                        // Should be an integer divisor of 80M, typically set to 40M
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_TRANS_QUEUE_SZ    (10)    // Typically set to 10
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_CMD_BITS          (32)    // Typically set to 32
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SPI_PARAM_BITS        (8)     // Typically set to 8


    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_CLK_HZ            (16 * 1000 * 1000)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_HPW               (10)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_HBP               (10)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_HFP               (20)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_VPW               (10)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_VBP               (10)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_VFP               (10)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_PCLK_ACTIVE_NEG   (0)     // 0: rising edge, 1: falling edge

                                                        // | 8-bit RGB888 | 16-bit RGB565 |
                                                        // |--------------|---------------|
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_DATA_WIDTH        (16)    // |      8       |      16       |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_PIXEL_BITS        (16)    // |      24      |      16       |

    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_FRAME_BUF_NUM     (1)     // 1/2/3
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_BOUNCE_BUF_SIZE   (0)     // Bounce buffer size in bytes. This function is used to avoid screen drift.
                                                        // To enable the bounce buffer, set it to a non-zero value. Typically set to `ESP_PANEL_LCD_WIDTH * 10`
                                                        // The size of the Bounce Buffer must satisfy `width_of_lcd * height_of_lcd = size_of_buffer * N`,
                                                        // where N is an even number.
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_HSYNC          (46)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_VSYNC          (3)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DE             (17)    // -1 if not used
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_PCLK           (9)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DISP           (-1)    // -1 if not used

                                                        // | RGB565 | RGB666 | RGB888 |
                                                        // |--------|--------|--------|
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA0          (10)    // |   B0   |  B0-1  |   B0-3 |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA1          (11)    // |   B1   |  B2    |   B4   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA2          (12)    // |   B2   |  B3    |   B5   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA3          (13)    // |   B3   |  B4    |   B6   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA4          (14)    // |   B4   |  B5    |   B7   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA5          (21)    // |   G0   |  G0    |   G0-2 |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA6          (47)    // |   G1   |  G1    |   G3   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA7          (48)    // |   G2   |  G2    |   G4   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA8          (45)    // |   G3   |  G3    |   G5   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA9          (38)    // |   G4   |  G4    |   G6   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA10         (39)    // |   G5   |  G5    |   G7   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA11         (40)    // |   R0   |  R0-1  |   R0-3 |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA12         (41)    // |   R1   |  R2    |   R4   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA13         (42)    // |   R2   |  R3    |   R5   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA14         (2)     // |   R3   |  R4    |   R6   |
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RGB_IO_DATA15         (1)     // |   R4   |  R5    |   R7   |

    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_3WIRE_SPI_IO_CS               (0)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_3WIRE_SPI_IO_SCK              (1)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_3WIRE_SPI_IO_SDA              (2)
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_3WIRE_SPI_CS_USE_EXPNADER     (0)     // 0/1
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_3WIRE_SPI_SCL_USE_EXPNADER    (0)     // 0/1
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_3WIRE_SPI_SDA_USE_EXPNADER    (0)     // 0/1
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_3WIRE_SPI_SCL_ACTIVE_EDGE     (0)     // 0: rising edge, 1: falling edge
    #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_FLAGS_AUTO_DEL_PANEL_IO       (0)     // Delete the panel IO instance automatically if set to 1.
                                                                // If the 3-wire SPI pins are sharing other pins of the RGB interface to save GPIOs,
                                                                // Please set it to 1 to release the panel IO and its pins (except CS signal).
                                                                // The `mirror()` function will be implemented by LCD command if set to 1.


#error "The function is not ready and will be implemented in the future."


 * LCD Vendor Initialization Commands.
 * Vendor specific initialization can be different between manufacturers, should consult the LCD supplier for
 * initialization sequence code. Please uncomment and change the following macro definitions. Otherwise, the LCD driver
 * will use the default initialization sequence code.
 * There are two formats for the sequence code:
 *   1. Raw data: {command, (uint8_t []){ data0, data1, ... }, data_size, delay_ms}
 *   2. Formater: ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(delay_ms, command, { data0, data1, ... }) and
 *                ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_NONE_PARAM(delay_ms, command)
// #define ESP_PANEL_LCD_VENDOR_INIT_CMD()                                        \
//     {                                                                          \
//         {0xFF, (uint8_t []){0x77, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10}, 5, 0},              \
//         {0xC0, (uint8_t []){0x3B, 0x00}, 2, 0},                                \
//         {0xC1, (uint8_t []){0x0D, 0x02}, 2, 0},                                \
//         {0x29, (uint8_t []){0x00}, 0, 120},                                    \
//         or                                                                     \
//         ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(0, 0xFF, {0x77, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10}), \
//         ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(0, 0xC0, {0x3B, 0x00}),                   \
//         ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_8BIT_PARAM(0, 0xC1, {0x0D, 0x02}),                   \
//         ESP_PANEL_LCD_CMD_WITH_NONE_PARAM(120, 0x29),                               \
//     }

/* LCD Color Settings */
/* LCD color depth in bits */
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_COLOR_BITS    (16)        // 8/16/18/24
 * LCD RGB Element Order. Choose one of the following:
 *      - 0: RGB
 *      - 1: BGR
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_BGR_ORDER     (0)         // 0/1
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_INEVRT_COLOR  (0)         // 0/1

/* LCD Transformation Flags */
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_SWAP_XY       (0)         // 0/1
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_MIRROR_X      (0)         // 0/1
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_MIRROR_Y      (0)         // 0/1

/* LCD Other Settings */
/* Reset pin */
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_IO_RST          (-1)      // IO num of RESET pin, set to -1 if not use
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_RST_LEVEL       (0)       // Active level. 0: low level, 1: high level

#endif /* ESP_PANEL_USE_LCD */

//////////////////////////// Please update the following macros to configure the touch panel ///////////////////////////
/* Set to 1 when using an touch panel */
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_TOUCH         (1)         // 0/1
 * Touch controller name. Choose one of the following:
 *      - CST816S
 *      - FT5x06
 *      - GT911, GT1151
 *      - ST1633, ST7123
 *      - TT21100
 *      - XPT2046
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_NAME        CST816S

/* Touch resolution in pixels */
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_H_RES       (ESP_PANEL_LCD_WIDTH)   // Typically set to the same value as the width of LCD
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_V_RES       (ESP_PANEL_LCD_HEIGHT)  // Typically set to the same value as the height of LCD

/* Touch Panel Bus Settings */
 * If set to 1, the bus will skip to initialize the corresponding host. Users need to initialize the host in advance.
 * It is useful if other devices use the same host. Please ensure that the host is initialized only once.
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_BUS_SKIP_INIT_HOST      (0)     // 0/1
 * Touch panel bus type. Choose one of the following:
/* Touch panel bus parameters */

    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_BUS_HOST_ID     (0)     // Typically set to 0
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_I2C_ADDRESS     (0)     // Typically set to 0 to use the default address.
                                                    // - For touchs with only one address, set to 0
                                                    // - For touchs with multiple addresses, set to 0 or the address
                                                    //   Like GT911, there are two addresses: 0x5D(default) and 0x14
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_I2C_CLK_HZ      (400 * 1000)
                                                    // Typically set to 400K
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_I2C_SCL_PULLUP  (1)     // 0/1
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_I2C_SDA_PULLUP  (1)     // 0/1
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_I2C_IO_SCL      (3)
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_I2C_IO_SDA      (1)


    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_BUS_HOST_ID         (1)     // Typically set to 1
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_SPI_IO_CS           (5)
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_SPI_IO_SCK          (7)
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_SPI_IO_MOSI         (6)
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_SPI_IO_MISO         (9)
    #define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_SPI_CLK_HZ          (1 * 1000 * 1000)
                                                        // Should be an integer divisor of 80M, typically set to 1M


#error "The function is not ready and will be implemented in the future."


/* Touch Transformation Flags */
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_SWAP_XY         (0)         // 0/1
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_MIRROR_X        (0)         // 0/1
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_MIRROR_Y        (0)         // 0/1

/* Touch Other Settings */
/* Reset pin */
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_IO_RST          (-1)        // IO num of RESET pin, set to -1 if not use
                                                    // For GT911, the RST pin is also used to configure the I2C address
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_RST_LEVEL       (0)         // Active level. 0: low level, 1: high level
/* Interrupt pin */
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_IO_INT          (4)        // IO num of INT pin, set to -1 if not use
                                                    // For GT911, the INT pin is also used to configure the I2C address
#define ESP_PANEL_TOUCH_INT_LEVEL       (0)         // Active level. 0: low level, 1: high level

#endif /* ESP_PANEL_USE_TOUCH */

///////////////////////////// Please update the following macros to configure the backlight ////////////////////////////
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_BACKLIGHT         (0)         // 0/1
/* Backlight pin */
#define ESP_PANEL_BACKLIGHT_IO          (45)        // IO num of backlight pin
#define ESP_PANEL_BACKLIGHT_ON_LEVEL    (1)         // 0: low level, 1: high level

/* Set to 1 if you want to turn off the backlight after initializing the panel; otherwise, set it to turn on */
#define ESP_PANEL_BACKLIGHT_IDLE_OFF    (0)         // 0: on, 1: off

/* Set to 1 if use PWM for brightness control */
#define ESP_PANEL_LCD_BL_USE_PWM        (1)         // 0/1

///////////////////////////// Please update the following macros to configure the IO expander //////////////////////////
/* Set to 0 if not using IO Expander */
#define ESP_PANEL_USE_EXPANDER          (0)         // 0/1
 * IO expander name. Choose one of the following:
 *      - CH422G
 *      - HT8574
 *      - TCA95xx_8bit
 *      - TCA95xx_16bit
#define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_NAME         TCA95xx_8bit

/* IO expander Settings */
 * If set to 1, the driver will skip to initialize the corresponding host. Users need to initialize the host in advance.
 * It is useful if other devices use the same host. Please ensure that the host is initialized only once.
#define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_SKIP_INIT_HOST       (0)     // 0/1
/* IO expander parameters */
#define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_HOST_ID              (0)     // Typically set to 0
#define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_I2C_ADDRESS          (0x20)  // The actual I2C address. Even for the same model of IC,
                                                        // the I2C address may be different, and confirmation based on
                                                        // the actual hardware connection is required
    #define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_I2C_CLK_HZ       (400 * 1000)
                                                        // Typically set to 400K
    #define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_I2C_SCL_PULLUP   (1)     // 0/1
    #define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_I2C_SDA_PULLUP   (1)     // 0/1
    #define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_I2C_IO_SCL       (18)
    #define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_I2C_IO_SDA       (8)

///////////////////////////// Please utilize the following macros to execute any additional code if required. //////////
// #define ESP_PANEL_BEGIN_END_FUNCTION( panel )

/////////////////////////////////////////////// File Version ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * Do not change the following versions, they are used to check if the configurations in this file are compatible with
 * the current version of `ESP_Panel_Board_Custom.h` in the library. The detailed rules are as follows:
 *   1. If the major version is not consistent, then the configurations in this file are incompatible with the library
 *      and must be replaced with the file from the library.
 *   2. If the minor version is not consistent, this file might be missing some new configurations, which will be set to
 *      default values. It is recommended to replace it with the file from the library.
 *   3. Even if the patch version is not consistent, it will not affect normal functionality.


Lzw655 commented 5 hours ago

Hi @martinroger,

The commit link you provided seems to be invalid. Regarding the following sentence in your description, is the TP's reset pin pulled high by default?

To note, the reset for the TP is on an IO Expander that I am currently not activating.

martinroger commented 1 hour ago

Hey @Lzw655 , I realised like an idiot that I left my repo private, I will change that asap. And yes in the meantime I have started suspecting that the expander constantly resets the touch. Is there a way to init and setup the expander before anything else in the panel class? Or I guess I need to init all three components separately and assign them to a panel after?

Lzw655 commented 1 hour ago

I think you can set #define ESP_PANEL_USE_EXPANDER (1) and #define ESP_PANEL_EXPANDER_SKIP_INIT_HOST (0) in ESP_Panel_Board_Custom.h, then initialize the IO Expander before initializing the panel, and use panel->configExpander() to add it to the panel. For example:

// Create IO Expander first (don't initialize it)
ESP_IOExpander *expander = new ESP_IOExpander_TCA95xx_8bit(...);
// Then create and initialize the panel
ESP_Panel *panel = new ESP_Panel();
panel->configExpander(expander);  // Should be called before `init()`
martinroger commented 38 minutes ago

Will try and report!