esp-arduino-libs / ESP32_Display_Panel

Arduino library of driving display panel for the ESP SoCs
Apache License 2.0
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error running panel test on ESP32-4848S040C_I_Y_3 #44

Open Rujo opened 2 weeks ago

Rujo commented 2 weeks ago

I get this error: Compilation error: 'ESP_Panel' does not name a type; did you mean 'ESP_PanelLcd'? when trying to compile PanelTest.ino

I followed the instructions, and I have this board activated and made all the setting as required in Arduino IDE2

esp32beans commented 2 weeks ago

In the same directory as PanelTest.ino change the file ESP_Panel_Board_Supported.h. Set ESP_PANEL_USE_SUPPORTED_BOARD to 1 and uncomment the board you use. I changed this file and got ESP32-S3-BOX-3 to work.

Lzw655 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @Rujo, I agree with the analysis provided by @esp32beans. Could you please give it another try?

Rujo commented 2 weeks ago

@esp32beans and @Lzw655 Thank you very much for your help. It is working great now. (after I had also updated the compiler settings for the ESP32) I had obviously not followed the instructions in full detail. I had been overwhelmed before by some other instructions about how to set up LVGL. The instruction here is much simpler! (if I read it in full)

Lzw655 commented 2 weeks ago

Great! The purpose of this library is to enable users to drive screens and port GUI frameworks more quickly and easily.