esp-arduino-libs / ESP32_Display_Panel

Arduino library of driving display panel for the ESP SoCs
Apache License 2.0
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How to enable serial port for the Platform IO #61

Closed appleshaman closed 5 days ago

appleshaman commented 6 days ago

My current ESP32 can run LVGL code normally, but the serial port cannot print properly. It only automatically prints the following:

ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327 Build: Mar 27 2021 rst:0x1 (POWERON), boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) SPIWP:0xee mode: DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fce3818, len:0x508 load:0x403c9700, len:0x4 load:0x403c9704, len:0xad0 load:0x403cc700, len:0x29e4 entry 0x403c9880

Other LVGL functions work fine; I guess I missed something in the config, but I don't know what happened. I also tried the Porting function for the Arduino IDE; it can print the expected information, and I tried enabling the ESP_PANEL_ENABLE_LOG in the ESP_Panel_Conf; it can print the information correctly, here is my ini: [env:ESP-LCD] platform = espressif32@6.7.0 board = ESP-LCD framework = arduino platform_packages = platformio/framework-arduinoespressif32@ platformio/framework-arduinoespressif32-libs@ upload_speed = 921600 monitor_speed = 115200 build_flags = -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM -DLV_CONF_INCLUDE_SIMPLE -DDISABLE_ALL_LIBRARY_WARNINGS -DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1 -DCORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=1 -DLV_LVGL_H_INCLUDE_SIMPLE -I src -D VN=1 -D ESP32S3=1 -DCONFIG_SPIRAM_TYPE_OPI lib_deps =

I guess my board file is probably correct since the LVGL function can work { "build": { "arduino": { "ldscript": "esp32s3_out.ld", "partitions": "default_8MB.csv", "memory_type": "qio_opi" }, "core": "esp32", "extra_flags": [ "-DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM", "-DARDUINO_USB_MODE=1", "-DARDUINO_RUNNING_CORE=1", "-DARDUINO_EVENT_RUNNING_CORE=1" ], "f_cpu": "240000000L", "f_flash": "80000000L", "flash_mode": "qio", "hwids": [["0x303A", "0x1001"]], "mcu": "esp32s3", "variant": "esp32s3" }, "connectivity": ["wifi"], "debug": { "default_tool": "esp-builtin", "onboard_tools": ["esp-builtin"], "openocd_target": "esp32s3.cfg" }, "frameworks": ["arduino", "espidf"], "name": "ESP-LCD (8M QIO Flash & OPI PSRAM)", "upload": { "flash_size": "8MB", "maximum_ram_size": 327680, "maximum_size": 8388608, "require_upload_port": true, "speed": 921600 }, "url": "", "vendor": "ESP-LCD" }

Lzw655 commented 5 days ago

Hi @appleshaman,

Are you using a USB port or a UART port? If it's a USB port, I think you can resolve the issue by enabling "USB CDC on boot".

appleshaman commented 5 days ago

I am using the UART port, and it seems adding -DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1 into the ini does not help. Any other way to solve this problem? thanks

Lzw655 commented 5 days ago

Oh, that's the issue. You should remove -DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1 if using the UART port.

appleshaman commented 5 days ago

I see, it's gone, thanks for your help!