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no_std Hardware Abstraction Layers for ESP32 microcontrollers
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Add self-hosted runners and HIL tests for all supported devices #1332

Open jessebraham opened 3 months ago

jessebraham commented 3 months ago

Currently we have HIL tests running on some devices and not others. Obviously, we would eventually like to have full coverage. For various reasons this is not possible at this specific point in time, but we'll get there.

jessebraham commented 2 months ago

Work is underway on adding a runner for the ESP32-S3, however we're having some strange issues with that unfortunately, so it will likely be delayed.

Next, @SergioGasquez will work on getting a runner set up for the ESP32-C2.

SergioGasquez commented 2 months ago

Next, @SergioGasquez will work on getting a runner set up for the ESP32-C2.

We won't be able to make changes in our lab, hence we won't be able to set up the ESP32-C2 or fix the ESP32-S3 runners until the week starting by March 15. The reason is that the lab manager will take some vacations, and he'll attend embedded world.

SergioGasquez commented 2 months ago

When adding the new targets, we may need to modify the pins that are currently being used or add some cfgs to use different pins based on the target.

Currently, installed devkits:

Missing devkits:

Available GPIOs ignore JTAG (if being used) and strapping pins. The following pins are available for all those devkits: 2, 3 Pins that are available in most of the devkits:

SergioGasquez commented 2 months ago

Did a round of local testing and here are the status udpate for all the targets:

SergioGasquez commented 2 months ago

We are not able to add new targets until we resolve our out-of-memory issues, see

jessebraham commented 1 month ago

With #1513 merged we have restored our HIL pipeline to working order (I hope 😁).

Only remaining targets at this point are the ESP32 and ESP32-C2, both are which are in-progress to varying degrees.

SergioGasquez commented 1 month ago

Only remaining targets at this point are the ESP32 and ESP32-C2, both are which are in-progress to varying degrees.

ESP32-C2 can run the test suite locally, we will try to set up the self-hosted-runner in the upcoming weeks. As for ESP32, we still need to improve probe-rs as it currently can't flash the tests (

SergioGasquez commented 2 days ago

ESP32-C2 HIL tests were just added! we are just missing ESP32, which is blocked due to