esp-rs / esp-idf-hal

embedded-hal implementation for Rust on ESP32 and ESP-IDF
Apache License 2.0
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Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (Load access fault). Exception was unhandled. #322

Closed blue-freedom-technologies closed 11 months ago

blue-freedom-technologies commented 11 months ago

IDF version.


Espressif SoC revision.

ESP32 -C6 (Revision v1.1)

Operating System used.


How did you build your project?

Other (please specify in More Information)

If you are using Windows, please specify command line type.


Development Kit.


Power Supply used.


What is the expected behavior?

I expect to be able to use this subxt_signer crate.

What is the actual behavior?

Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (Load access fault). Exception was unhandled.

Steps to reproduce.

I am trying to use this subxt_signer crate.

use std::str::FromStr;
use subxt_signer::{SecretUri};

let uri = SecretUri::from_str(DEVICE_ACCOUNT_SEEDS).expect("valid URI");

Debug Logs.

I (40) boot: ESP-IDF v5.1-beta1-378-gea5e0ff298-dirt 2nd stage bootloader
I (41) boot: compile time Jun  7 2023 08:02:08
I (42) boot: chip revision: v0.0
I (45) boot.esp32c6: SPI Speed      : 40MHz
I (50) boot.esp32c6: SPI Mode       : DIO
I (55) boot.esp32c6: SPI Flash Size : 8MB
I (60) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (65) boot: Partition Table:
I (69) boot: ## Label            Usage          Type ST Offset   Length
I (76) boot:  0 nvs              WiFi data        01 02 00009000 00006000
I (83) boot:  1 phy_init         RF data          01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (91) boot:  2 factory          factory app      00 00 00010000 007f0000
I (98) boot: End of partition table
I (102) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=42000020 size=c9bd8h (826328) map
I (436) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=000d9c00 vaddr=40800000 size=06418h ( 25624) load
I (449) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=000e0020 vaddr=420d0020 size=68fd8h (430040) map
I (620) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00149000 vaddr=40806418 size=02224h (  8740) load
I (626) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0014b22c vaddr=40808640 size=00fc4h (  4036) load
I (633) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (634) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (649) cpu_start: Unicore app
I (649) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
W (659) clk: esp_perip_clk_init() has not been implemented yet
I (665) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (665) cpu_start: cpu freq: 160000000 Hz
I (666) cpu_start: Application information:
I (668) cpu_start: Project name:     libespidf
I (673) cpu_start: App version:      1
I (678) cpu_start: Compile time:     Oct 11 2023 11:46:41
I (684) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256:  0000000000000000...
I (690) cpu_start: ESP-IDF:          v5.1
I (695) cpu_start: Min chip rev:     v0.0
I (699) cpu_start: Max chip rev:     v0.99 
I (704) cpu_start: Chip rev:         v0.0
I (709) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (716) heap_init: At 4080A570 len 000720A0 (456 KiB): D/IRAM
I (723) heap_init: At 4087C610 len 00002F54 (11 KiB): STACK/DIRAM
I (729) heap_init: At 50000010 len 00003FF0 (15 KiB): RTCRAM
I (736) spi_flash: detected chip: generic
I (740) spi_flash: flash io: dio
W (744) rmt(legacy): legacy driver is deprecated, please migrate to `driver/rmt_tx.h` and/or `driver/rmt_rx.h`
W (755) timer_group: legacy driver is deprecated, please migrate to `driver/gptimer.h`
I (764) sleep: Configure to isolate all GPIO pins in sleep state
I (770) sleep: Enable automatic switching of GPIO sleep configuration
I (777) coexist: coex firmware version: ebddf30
I (783) coexist: coexist rom version 5b8dcfa
I (788) app_start: Starting scheduler on CPU0
I (793) main_task: Started on CPU0
I (793) main_task: Calling app_main()
Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (Load access fault). Exception was unhandled.

Core  0 register dump:
MEPC    : 0x40801128  RA      : 0x40801302  SP      : 0x4080ac70  GP      : 0x40808e40  
0x40801128 - find_containing_heap
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/heap/heap_caps.c:365
0x40801302 - heap_caps_realloc_base
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/heap/heap_caps.c:431
0x4080ac70 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x40808e40 - __global_pointer$
    at ??:??
TP      : 0x407a48d4  T0      : 0x40022494  T1      : 0x40807b62  T2      : 0x4087dda0  
0x407a48d4 - ets_rom_layout_p
    at ??:??
0x40022494 - wifi_get_target_power
    at ??:??
0x40807b62 - memspi_host_program_page
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/spi_flash/memspi_host_driver.c:171
0x4087dda0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
S0/FP   : 0x00000080  S1      : 0x00000080  A0      : 0x00000004  A1      : 0x00000080  
0x00000080 - RV_STK_MSTATUS
    at ??:??
0x00000080 - RV_STK_MSTATUS
    at ??:??
0x00000004 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x00000080 - RV_STK_MSTATUS
    at ??:??
A2      : 0x00001800  A3      : 0x00000001  A4      : 0x00000080  A5      : 0x4087dd5c  
0x00001800 - RvExcFrameSize
    at ??:??
0x00000001 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x00000080 - RV_STK_MSTATUS
    at ??:??
0x4087dd5c - _bss_end
    at ??:??
A6      : 0x00000004  A7      : 0x4080c2f0  S2      : 0x4087dd5c  S3      : 0x00001800  
0x00000004 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x4080c2f0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087dd5c - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00001800 - RvExcFrameSize
    at ??:??
S4      : 0x00000001  S5      : 0x00000000  S6      : 0x4087e1b8  S7      : 0x4080c314  
0x00000001 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4087e1b8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080c314 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
S8      : 0x00000006  S9      : 0x0000002a  S10     : 0x4080b304  S11     : 0x4080ce14  
0x00000006 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x0000002a - RV_STK_A0
    at ??:??
0x4080b304 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080ce14 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
T3      : 0x4087dda8  T4      : 0x4087dda0  T5      : 0x4080b168  T6      : 0x00000000  
0x4087dda8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087dda0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080b168 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
MSTATUS : 0x00001881  MTVEC   : 0x40800001  MCAUSE  : 0x00000005  MTVAL   : 0x00000020  
0x00001881 - RvExcFrameSize
    at ??:??
0x40800001 - _iram_start
    at ??:??
0x00000005 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x00000020 - RV_STK_S0
    at ??:??
MHARTID : 0x00000000  
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??

Stack memory:
4080ac70: 0x4080ac74 0x00005004 0x00000001 0x00000004 0x00001800 0x00000080 0x4080acbc 0x408013a6
0x4080ac74 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00005004 - RvExcFrameSize
    at ??:??
0x00000001 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x00000004 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x00001800 - RvExcFrameSize
    at ??:??
0x00000080 - RV_STK_MSTATUS
    at ??:??
0x4080acbc - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x408013a6 - heap_caps_realloc
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/heap/heap_caps.c:474
4080ac90: 0x00000080 0x00000004 0x4080acbc 0x420b82da 0x4080ad68 0x00000008 0x4080c324 0x4200a764
0x00000080 - RV_STK_MSTATUS
    at ??:??
0x00000004 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x4080acbc - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x420b82da - _ZN5alloc7raw_vec11finish_grow17h0fccd1c8fb9a23ffE
    at ??:??
0x4080ad68 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000008 - RV_STK_SP
    at ??:??
0x4080c324 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4200a764 - _ZN5alloc7raw_vec19RawVec$LT$T$C$A$GT$14grow_amortized17hece7e54f00bab8baE
    at ??:??
4080acb0: 0x00000000 0x50000010 0x00000000 0x0000000c 0x00000000 0x4080a46c 0x4087dd5c 0x00000004
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x50000010 - _rtc_noinit_end
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x0000000c - RV_STK_GP
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4080a46c - registered_heaps
    at ??:??
0x4087dd5c - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000004 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
4080acd0: 0x00000040 0x4080ad24 0x4080c314 0x4200ac06 0x03c4000a 0x00000000 0x4080c4d0 0x42009ff0
0x00000040 - RV_STK_A6
    at ??:??
0x4080ad24 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080c314 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4200ac06 - _ZN5alloc7raw_vec19RawVec$LT$T$C$A$GT$16reserve_for_push17h84874b0432e26d71E
    at ??:??
0x03c4000a - _esp_mmu_block_size
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4080c4d0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x42009ff0 - _ZN14regex_automata3nfa8thompson7builder7Builder3add17hc42290a4f6d5b840E.llvm.14605323752608256286
    at ??:??
4080acf0: 0x4080ac74 0x00000010 0x00001800 0x00000000 0x4080ad68 0x4087dda0 0x4087dda8 0x42009e4e
0x4080ac74 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000010 - _rtc_slow_length
    at ??:??
0x00001800 - RvExcFrameSize
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4080ad68 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087dda0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087dda8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x42009e4e - _ZN14regex_automata3nfa8thompson7builder7Builder17add_capture_start17he46dda13d0698979E
    at ??:??
4080ad10: 0x4087d1dc 0x00000006 0x4080afb8 0x4087e1b8 0x00000006 0x00000004 0x00000000 0x00000001
0x4087d1dc - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000006 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x4080afb8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087e1b8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000006 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x00000004 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000001 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
4080ad30: 0x00000000 0x0000002a 0x4080c2f0 0x4087e1c0 0x4087d1dc 0x4080c314 0x00000006 0x00000001
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x0000002a - RV_STK_A0
    at ??:??
0x4080c2f0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087e1c0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087d1dc - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080c314 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000006 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x00000001 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
4080ad50: 0x4080afb8 0x00000001 0x4087cfb4 0x4202a312 0x420c52f8 0x420c500e 0x420c4fe4 0x420c4fba
0x4080afb8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000001 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x4087cfb4 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4202a312 - _ZN14regex_automata3nfa8thompson8compiler8Compiler5c_cap17h30ecd7d0d3b3f511E
    at ??:??
0x420c52f8 - uart_tcsetattr
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_uart.c:515
0x420c500e - uart_tcgetattr
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_uart.c:720
0x420c4fe4 - uart_tcdrain
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_uart.c:929
0x420c4fba - uart_tcflush
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_uart.c:944
4080ad70: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x420c4d08 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x420c4d08 - uart_start_select
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_uart.c:431
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080ad90: 0x420c4c4c 0x7665642f 0x7261752f 0x00000074 0x00000001 0x00000009 0x00000002 0x4087e498
0x420c4c4c - uart_end_select
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_uart.c:494
0x7665642f - LP_ANA_PERI
    at ??:??
0x7261752f - LP_ANA_PERI
    at ??:??
0x00000074 - RV_STK_T4
    at ??:??
0x00000001 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x00000009 - RV_STK_SP
    at ??:??
0x00000002 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x4087e498 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
4080adb0: 0x00000003 0x4080c2f0 0x4080afb8 0x4087e444 0x4087d1fc 0x4087d1fc 0x0000002a 0x42028e60
0x00000003 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x4080c2f0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080afb8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087e444 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087d1fc - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087d1fc - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x0000002a - RV_STK_A0
    at ??:??
0x42028e60 - _ZN14regex_automata3nfa8thompson8compiler8Compiler1c17h1aee5d3628c3156fE
    at ??:??
4080add0: 0x420c4824 0x420c483c 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x420c4824 - usb_serial_jtag_close
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_usb_serial_jtag.c:244
0x420c483c - usb_serial_jtag_fstat
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_usb_serial_jtag.c:235
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080adf0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x420c49a0 0x00000000
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x420c49a0 - usb_serial_jtag_fcntl
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_usb_serial_jtag.c:249
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080ae10: 0x420c485e 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x420c4af6 0x420c49de 0x420c48da
0x420c485e - usb_serial_jtag_fsync
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_usb_serial_jtag.c:265
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x420c4af6 - usb_serial_jtag_tcsetattr
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_usb_serial_jtag.c:283
0x420c49de - usb_serial_jtag_tcgetattr
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_usb_serial_jtag.c:315
0x420c48da - usb_serial_jtag_tcdrain
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_usb_serial_jtag.c:340
4080ae30: 0x420c4828 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x420c4828 - usb_serial_jtag_tcflush
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_usb_serial_jtag.c:346
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080ae50: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x7665642f 0x6365732f 0x61646e6f 0x40007972 0x0000000e 0x00000000
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x7665642f - LP_ANA_PERI
    at ??:??
0x6365732f - LP_ANA_PERI
    at ??:??
0x61646e6f - LP_ANA_PERI
    at ??:??
0x40007972 - wifi_get_target_power
    at ??:??
0x0000000e - RV_STK_GP
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080ae70: 0x00000001 0x000000c0 0x00000000 0x420c4580 0x00000000 0x420c4634 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x00000001 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x000000c0 - RvExcFrameSize
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x420c4580 - console_write
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_console.c:71
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x420c4634 - console_read
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_console.c:96
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080ae90: 0x420c451c 0x420c45f8 0x420c45d4 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x420c451c - console_open
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_console.c:53
0x420c45f8 - console_close
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_console.c:86
0x420c45d4 - console_fstat
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_console.c:81
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080aeb0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x4080ce14
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4080ce14 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
4080aed0: 0x4080b304 0x0000002a 0x00000002 0x4087e498 0x00000003 0x4080c2f0 0x4080b0e8 0x4087e444
0x4080b304 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x0000002a - RV_STK_A0
    at ??:??
0x00000002 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x4087e498 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000003 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x4080c2f0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080b0e8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087e444 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
4080aef0: 0x4087d1fc 0x0000002a 0x0000002a 0x4202920c 0x00000000 0x420c477a 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x4087d1fc - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x0000002a - RV_STK_A0
    at ??:??
0x0000002a - RV_STK_A0
    at ??:??
0x4202920c - _ZN14regex_automata3nfa8thompson8compiler8Compiler1c17h1aee5d3628c3156fE
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x420c477a - console_start_select
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_console.c:121
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080af10: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x420c46c8 0x7665642f 0x6e6f632f 0x656c6f73 0x4087df00 0x0000000c
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x420c46c8 - console_end_select
    at /home/silveira/bluefreedom/microcontroller/std/prototype-app/.embuild/espressif/esp-idf/v5.1/components/vfs/vfs_console.c:126
0x7665642f - LP_ANA_PERI
    at ??:??
0x6e6f632f - LP_ANA_PERI
    at ??:??
0x656c6f73 - LP_ANA_PERI
    at ??:??
0x4087df00 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x0000000c - RV_STK_GP
    at ??:??
4080af30: 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x000001ac 0x00000000 0x00000004 0x4080af48 0x00000003 0x00000000
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000002 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x000001ac - RvExcFrameSize
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000004 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x4080af48 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000003 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080af50: 0x00000001 0x00000004 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x4080af48 0x420c8708
0x00000001 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x00000004 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4080af48 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x420c8708 - __sread
    at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/riscv32-esp-elf/src/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/stdio.c:37
4080af70: 0x420c873e 0x420c8790 0x420c87c8 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x420c873e - __swrite
    at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/riscv32-esp-elf/src/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/stdio.c:85
0x420c8790 - __sseek
    at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/riscv32-esp-elf/src/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/stdio.c:109
0x420c87c8 - __sclose
    at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/riscv32-esp-elf/src/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/stdio.c:130
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080af90: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x4080b0ec 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4080b0ec - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080afb0: 0x4080c4e0 0x00000000 0x0000002a 0x00000003 0x4080c4e0 0x00000080 0xffffff80 0x00000000
0x4080c4e0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x0000002a - RV_STK_A0
    at ??:??
0x00000003 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x4080c4e0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000080 - RV_STK_MSTATUS
    at ??:??
0xffffff80 - LP_ANA_PERI
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080afd0: 0x4080afb0 0x420c8708 0x420c873e 0x420c8790 0x420c87c8 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x4080afb0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x420c8708 - __sread
    at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/riscv32-esp-elf/src/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/stdio.c:37
0x420c873e - __swrite
    at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/riscv32-esp-elf/src/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/stdio.c:85
0x420c8790 - __sseek
    at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/riscv32-esp-elf/src/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/stdio.c:109
0x420c87c8 - __sclose
    at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/riscv32-esp-elf/src/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/stdio.c:130
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
4080aff0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x4080ce14 0x4080b304 0x0000002a 0x00000002 0x4087e498
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4080ce14 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080b304 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x0000002a - RV_STK_A0
    at ??:??
0x00000002 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x4087e498 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
4080b010: 0x4080b0f4 0x4080c2f0 0x4080b168 0x4087e444 0x00000002 0x0000002a 0x4087e428 0x42029184
0x4080b0f4 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080c2f0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080b168 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087e444 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000002 - _esp_memprot_align_size
    at ??:??
0x0000002a - RV_STK_A0
    at ??:??
0x4087e428 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x42029184 - _ZN14regex_automata3nfa8thompson8compiler8Compiler1c17h1aee5d3628c3156fE
    at ??:??
4080b030: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x4087dda0 0x4087dda8 0x00000000 0x4080b168 0x4087dda0 0x4087dda8
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4087dda0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087dda8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4080b168 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087dda0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4087dda8 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
4080b050: 0x42009e4e 0x4080c2f0 0x4080b288 0x4080b30c 0x00000000 0x4080b30c 0x00000004 0x00000020
0x42009e4e - _ZN14regex_automata3nfa8thompson7builder7Builder17add_capture_start17he46dda13d0698979E
    at ??:??
0x4080c2f0 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080b288 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4080b30c - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000000 - RV_STK_MEPC
    at ??:??
0x4080b30c - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x00000004 - RV_STK_RA
    at ??:??
0x00000020 - RV_STK_S0
    at ??:??

ELF file SHA256: 0000000000000000

Build:Sep 19 2022
rst:0xc (SW_CPU),boot:0x7f (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Saved PC:0x4001975a
0x4001975a - wifi_get_target_power
    at ??:??
mode:DIO, clock div:2
0x4086c410 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x4086e610 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
0x40875720 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
SHA-256 comparison failed:
Calculated: 377c26481ad6ab0cce508450f353a55f4bd7eb9159aaf85fde3111071f164514
Expected: 0af544a033ab3492852b8232c904c578d5f07c9d4a423a64473f060db374ab32
Attempting to boot anyway...
entry 0x4086c410
0x4086c410 - _bss_end
    at ??:??
ivmarkov commented 11 months ago

This could be anything. For example, it could be that the crate you are trying to use uses so much RAM, that the measly 300K that you have on the c6 are not enough.

What could help me a bit if you spend a little more time with the subxt_signer crate. As in fork it, clone it and then put some tracing to figure out where it crashes, and whether this is a heap out of memory, or stack too smal (the main task runs with a 4K of stack only!) or something else.

blue-freedom-technologies commented 11 months ago


The line of code-> "let uri = SecretUri::from_str(DEVICE_ACCOUNT_SEEDS).expect("valid URI");"

The gdb-multiarch view


It blows up exactly in here


ivmarkov commented 11 months ago

Of course it blows up on let uri = SecretUri::from_str(DEVICE_ACCOUNT_SEEDS).expect("valid URI");. That's the only line referring to that 3rd party crate you have problems using.

Again, the question is a bit: does it blow because of heap mem or stack mem blowup? Since it is using BTreeMap internally - likely heap mem.

You need to kind of learn this crate a bit and then start modifying it to figure out from where the large heap memory usage is coming. Gdb is unlikely to help. Rather, reading the code, commenting bits and pieces of it and the re-compiling and re-flashing.

To mitigate (at least partially) the hypothesis of a stack blowup, you can spawn that line in a separate thread using Rust's ThreadBuilder and then assign to that other thread something like 80K stack or so.

You can by the way do the exact same excercise on the host (x86/64) machine in a little example program and then limit there the stack size of the spawned thread to see what is the minimum stack size the line from above needs to execute.

blue-freedom-technologies commented 11 months ago


Thank you for your guidance the issue was fixed.


Vollbrecht commented 11 months ago


Thank you for your guidance the issue was fixed.


It is always nice if you give something more of a background around an answer like "issue was fixed" for other people if they ever come to a similar problem.

blue-freedom-technologies commented 11 months ago

Hi, Thank you for your guidance the issue was fixed. Cheers,

It is always nice if you give something more of a background around an answer like "issue was fixed" for other people if they ever come to a similar problem.

We wrap-up the code around a thread with 32K.
