esp-rs / esp-idf-template

A "Hello, world!" template of a Rust binary crate for the ESP-IDF framework.
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Create a better preset of config options inside the sdkconfig.defaults file #160

Open Vollbrecht opened 8 months ago

Vollbrecht commented 8 months ago


Setting up sdkconfig file is tedious. We should improve here. The biggest problem is, that every wrong config is silently ignored.

I will crate draft PR later


While not a perfect solution, we should at least try to reduce the burden for the user, by providing all features we are using in esp-idf-{hal/svc}.

Additionally we should provide common configs around logging / various stack_sizes.

Furthermore we should provide the information to help the users find related information -> `

I also would like to split the sdkconfig.default file into sdkconfig.debug & sdkconfig.release file. This can for example help in reducing binary size for release build - by cutting log info. Introducing this should just "help" the user discover that such options exists more streamlined. Many people jump into rust embedded on esp without having worked on esp-idf before.