esp-rs / esp-idf-template

A "Hello, world!" template of a Rust binary crate for the ESP-IDF framework.
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Container failing on wokwi-server compile #37

Closed mortenhauan closed 1 year ago

mortenhauan commented 2 years ago

In VSCode on starting DevContainer for first time, it stops with the following error:

#0 397.9    Compiling espflash v1.5.2-dev (
#0 399.6    Compiling wokwi-server
[2022-07-08T09:37:44.529Z] v0.1.0-dev (/home/esp/.cargo/git/checkouts/wokwi-server-86f94bc568cd28c9/7df8ad1)
#0 408.5 error[E0432]: unresolved import `tokio::task::JoinSet`
#0 408.5   --> src/
#0 408.5    |
#0 408.5 11 | use tokio::task::JoinSet;
#0 408.5    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `JoinSet` in `task`
#0 408.5
#0 408.5 error[E0432]: unresolved import `espflash::elf::FirmwareImageBuilder`
#0 408.5   --> src/
#0 408.5    |
#0 408.5 15 | use espflash::elf::FirmwareImageBuilder;
#0 408.5    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `FirmwareImageBuilder` in `elf`
#0 408.5
#0 408.5 error[E0061]: this function takes 8 arguments but 5 arguments were supplied
#0 408.5    --> src/
#0 408.5     |
#0 408.5 155 |     let image = opts.chip.get_flash_image(&firmware, b, p, None, None)?;
#0 408.5     |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---------  -  -  ----  ---- supplied 5 arguments
#0 408.5     |                           |
#0 408.5     |                           expected
[2022-07-08T09:37:44.529Z] 8 arguments
#0 408.5     |
#0 408.5 note: associated function defined here
#0 408.5    --> /home/esp/.cargo/git/checkouts/espflash-85399b032e8bdfe6/d0bd11b/espflash/src/chip/
#0 408.5     |
#0 408.5 197 |     pub fn get_flash_image<'a>(
#0 408.5     |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#0 408.5
#0 408.6 Some errors have detailed explanations: E0061, E0432.
#0 408.6 For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0061`.
#0 408.6 error: could not compile `wokwi-server` due to 3 previous errors
#0 408.6 error: failed to compile `wokwi-server v0.1.0-dev (`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-install2T0YkN`
[2022-07-08T09:37:44.530Z] error: failed to solve: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c chmod a+x ${INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN}     && ./${INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN}     --extra-crates "ldproxy cargo-espflash wokwi-server web-flash"     --clear-cache "YES" --export-file /home/${CONTAINER_USER}/     --esp-idf-version "${ESP_IDF_VERSION}"     --minified-esp-idf "YES"     --build-target "${ESP_BOARD}"     && rustup component add clippy rustfmt]: exit code: 101

I can see that it is related to this issue in wokwi-server. I tried adding ENV RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" to the Dockerfile. That gets around the no JoinSet in task error, but it still failes on the other errors.

mortenhauan commented 2 years ago

Removing wokwi-server from --extra-crates "ldproxy cargo-espflash wokwi-server web-flash" \ in Dockerfile fixes it for now.

MabezDev commented 2 years ago

You also need the --locked flag, see This was fixed in this Dockerfile, but didn't get updated here.

mortenhauan commented 2 years ago

Thank you @MabezDev. My current working Dockerfile is this:

ARG VARIANT=bullseye
FROM debian:${VARIANT}
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

# Arguments
ARG ESP_IDF_VERSION=release/v4.4

# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y git curl gcc clang ninja-build libudev-dev unzip xz-utils\
    python3 python3-pip python3-venv libusb-1.0-0 libssl-dev pkg-config libtinfo5 libpython2.7 \
    && apt-get clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/library-scripts

# Set users
RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" ${CONTAINER_USER}

# Install Rust toolchain, extra crates and esp-idf
ENV PATH=${PATH}:/home/${CONTAINER_USER}/.cargo/bin:/home/${CONTAINER_USER}/opt/bin


    --extra-crates "ldproxy cargo-espflash web-flash" \
    --clear-cache "YES" --export-file /home/${CONTAINER_USER}/ \
    --esp-idf-version "${ESP_IDF_VERSION}" \
    --minified-esp-idf "YES" \
    --build-target "${ESP_BOARD}" \
    && rustup component add clippy rustfmt

# Install wokwi-server
RUN RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" cargo install wokwi-server --git --locked

# Activate ESP environment
RUN echo "source /home/${CONTAINER_USER}/" >> ~/.bashrc

CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]
SergioGasquez commented 2 years ago

Which platform are you using? I assume you are using aarch64 (m1), is that correct? As you mentioned, at this moment, installing wokwi-server via --extra-crates argument of the installer fails as it does not set RUSTFLAGS and does not use --locked. This is already fixed, but since the Dockerfile pulls the installer from the releases, those changes are not present, I would recommend using your Dockerfile as a temporary solution, and waiting for release which will probably come up next week and would solve the issue.

MabezDev commented 2 years ago

Also is nearing stabilization, so we won't need the unstable cfg soon.

mortenhauan commented 2 years ago

I'm using M1 yes, @SergioGasquez. It is no problem using my own Dockerfile as a temporary solution for now.

SergioGasquez commented 2 years ago

I'm using M1 yes, @SergioGasquez. It is no problem using my own Dockerfile as a temporary solution for now.

Great, we expect to have finished by the end of this week, I'll keep you updated!

SergioGasquez commented 2 years ago

Update: Release is out! Using your custom Dockerfile should no longer be required, I'll try to do some testing later on today to confirm that is working fine Update2: Just tested it using my M1 and seems to be working fine!

Could you give it a try and report back the results with the new installer @mortenhauan? Thanks!

SergioGasquez commented 2 years ago

Hello @mortenhauan, did you have a chance to confirm that is working for you? I would like to close the issue as it should be already fixed with the release