esp-rs / espflash

Serial flasher utility for Espressif SoCs and modules based on
Apache License 2.0
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`espflash` doesn't have `--log-format` argument #618

Closed HaoboGu closed 3 months ago

HaoboGu commented 3 months ago

Hello! I'm trying to use espflash together with defmt, espflash's doc says there's an argument --log-format:

But actually, there is no argument here:

$ espflash flash -h
Flash an application in ELF format to a connected target device

Usage: espflash.exe flash [OPTIONS] <IMAGE>

  <IMAGE>  ELF image to flash

  -b, --baud <BAUD>               Baud rate at which to communicate with target device [env:
  -p, --port <PORT>               Serial port connected to target device [env: ESPFLASH_PORT=]
      --no-stub                   Do not use the RAM stub for loading
  -f, --flash-freq <FREQ>         Flash frequency [possible values: 12mhz, 15mhz, 16mhz, 20mhz,
                                  24mhz, 26mhz, 30mhz, 40mhz, 48mhz, 60mhz, 80mhz]
  -m, --flash-mode <MODE>         Flash mode to use [possible values: qio, qout, dio, dout]
  -s, --flash-size <SIZE>         Flash size of the target [possible values: 256kb, 512kb, 1mb, 2mb,
                                  4mb, 8mb, 16mb, 32mb, 64mb, 128mb, 256mb]
      --bootloader <FILE>         Path to a binary (.bin) bootloader file
      --erase-parts <LABELS>      Erase partitions by label
      --erase-data-parts <PARTS>  Erase specified data partitions
      --format <FORMAT>           Image format to flash [possible values: esp-bootloader,
  -M, --monitor                   Open a serial monitor after flashing
      --monitor-baud <BAUD>       Baud rate at which to read console output
      --partition-table <FILE>    Path to a CSV file containing partition table
      --ram                       Load the application to RAM instead of Flash
  -h, --help                      Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version                   Print version

It seems only cargo espflash has this argument, not espflash:

$ cargo espflash flash -h
Flash an application in ELF format to a target device

Usage: cargo espflash flash [OPTIONS]

      --bin <BIN>
          Binary to build and flash
      --example <EXAMPLE>
          Example to build and flash
      --features <FEATURES>
          Comma delimited list of build features
          Require Cargo.lock and cache are up to date
          Require Cargo.lock is up to date
      --package <PACKAGE>
          Specify a (binary) package within a workspace to be built
          Build the application using the release profile
      --target <TARGET>
          Target to build for
      --target-dir <TARGET_DIR>
          Directory for all generated artifacts
          Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for details
  -f, --flash-freq <FREQ>
          Flash frequency [possible values: 12mhz, 15mhz, 16mhz, 20mhz, 24mhz, 26mhz, 30mhz, 40mhz,
          48mhz, 60mhz, 80mhz]
  -m, --flash-mode <MODE>
          Flash mode to use [possible values: qio, qout, dio, dout]
  -s, --flash-size <SIZE>
          Flash size of the target [possible values: 256kb, 512kb, 1mb, 2mb, 4mb, 8mb, 16mb, 32mb,
          64mb, 128mb, 256mb]
  -a, --after <AFTER>
          Reset operation to perform after connecting to the target [default: hard-reset] [possible
          values: hard-reset, no-reset, no-reset-no-stub]
  -B, --baud <BAUD>
          Baud rate at which to communicate with target device [env: ESPFLASH_BAUD=]
  -b, --before <BEFORE>
          Reset operation to perform before connecting to the target [default: default-reset]
          [possible values: default-reset, no-reset, no-reset-no-sync, usb-reset]
  -c, --chip <CHIP>
          Target device [possible values: esp32, esp32c2, esp32c3, esp32c6, esp32h2, esp32p4,
          esp32s2, esp32s3]
  -C, --confirm-port
          Require confirmation before auto-connecting to a recognized device
          List all available ports
          Do not use the RAM stub for loading
  -p, --port <PORT>
          Serial port connected to target device [env: ESPFLASH_PORT=]
      --bootloader <FILE>
          Path to a binary (.bin) bootloader file
      --erase-parts <LABELS>
          Erase partitions by label
      --erase-data-parts <PARTS>
          Erase specified data partitions
  -L, --log-format <LOG_FORMAT>
          Logging format [default: serial] [possible values: defmt, serial]
      --min-chip-rev <MIN_CHIP_REV>
          Minimum chip revision supported by image, in format: major.minor [default: 0.0]
  -M, --monitor
          Open a serial monitor after flashing
      --monitor-baud <BAUD>
          Baud rate at which to read console output
      --partition-table <FILE>
          Path to a CSV file containing partition table
      --target-app-partition <LABEL>
          Label of target app partition
      --partition-table-offset <OFFSET>
          Partition table offset
          Load the application to RAM instead of Flash
          Don't verify the flash contents after flashing
          Don't skip flashing of parts with matching checksum
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version
          Print version

The problem is, cargo espflash cannot be used as cargo's runner, that means I cannot use a simple cargo run command to run the program and get logs from defmt. I have to use cargo espflash flash --monitor --log-format defmt only. IMO espflash should provide --log-format argument as well as cargo espflash

HaoboGu commented 3 months ago

v3.0.0 works, closing