esp8266 / Arduino

ESP8266 core for Arduino
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SoftwareSerial problem #2365

Closed skeezoo closed 6 years ago

skeezoo commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am working with a wemos d1 board that s trying to communicate with a PZEM-004T my IDE is 1.6.8 and esp8266 library 2.2.3 @9600 baud I faced problems with Serial communication when receiving bytes . it just looked like rubbish. tried a wemos d1 with a mega 2560 always the esp8266 receives wrong characters. Double and trippled check all my configurations , but no difference. Until I tried to use older version of SoftwareSerial. I replaced the SoftwareSerial library found in version 2.2.3 with the one in 2.0.0 and now everything works when using any other different than 2.0.0 same issue I even tried to used the latest IDE 1.6.10 but same issue. anyone having problem with software serial library? I'm I missing some configuration?


9600 commented 8 years ago

You called?

Sandiep commented 8 years ago

Hi @skeezoo,

I have tested espsoftwareserial v3.1.0 with esp8266 v2.3.0 using Arduino IDE 1.6.10. Following code seems to work fine.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial soft_serial(5,4);
void setup() {

void loop() {
  soft_serial.println("Hello World");

Can you share your code to regenerate issue?


skeezoo commented 8 years ago

@9600 sorry wrong number ;-)

@Sandiep thx for your help but found the solution in issue #1426 seems that @juancgalvez was working on a PZEM and solved it by adding half bit time delay just before starting to read bits followed his recommendation and solved the problem looks like a PZEM timing issue. Thanks a lot juancgalvez

crosofg commented 7 years ago

@skeezoo can you share the pzem software serial with esp8266 code?

skeezoo commented 7 years ago

Hi @crosofg sorry for late answer here is a sample code

////////////////////very important for serial communication with PZM///////////////////////////////////////////////

include "SoftwareSerial.h" // used espsoftwareserial-master -> change in void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR SoftwareSerial::rxRead()-> m_bitTime/3 to m_bitTime/2

SoftwareSerial PZEMSerial(14, 12, false, 256); uint8_t PZEM004T_Address[7]= {0xB4,0xC0,0xA8,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x1E}; uint8_t PZEM004T_VoltRequest[7]={0xB0,0xC0,0xA8,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x1A}; uint8_t PZEM004T_AmpRequest[7]={0xB1,0xC0,0xA8,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x1B};// C0 A8 01 01 00 1B uint8_t PZEM004T_WattRequest[7]={0xB2,0xC0,0xA8,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x1C};//B2 C0 A8 01 01 00 1C uint8_t PZEM004T_WattHourRequest[7]={0xB3,0xC0,0xA8,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x1D};//B3 C0 A8 01 01 00 1D

byte byPZEM004TResp,byPZEM004TReq;

float rVoltMain,rAmpsMain; char strVolt[5] = "0"; char strAmp[5] = "0"; char strWatt[5] = "0"; char strWattHour[10] = "0"; byte rx_bytes[7]; bool bPZEMTxBusy,bPZEMRxTimeout,bDataAvailable,bPing; unsigned long prevmillis,prevmillis1,prevmillis2,prevmillis3,prevmillis4,prevmillis5,prevmillis6; int i; uint32_t dnWattHour; uint16_t nWatt; char buf[100];

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //SETUP /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); }

void loop() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //PZEM Communication Fault /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((millis() - prevmillis > 5000) && (bPZEMTxBusy)){ //detect and trigger fault , start req again bPZEMTxBusy = false; bPZEMRxTimeout = true; //Reset Values read rVoltMain = 0.0; rAmpsMain = 0.0; nWatt = 0; byPZEM004TReq = 0; Serial.println("PZEM RX timeout"); }

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Led Fast Flicker On PZEM RX timeout /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((millis() - prevmillis1 > 50) && (bPZEMRxTimeout)){ //Toggle BuildIn Led digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, !digitalRead(BUILTIN_LED)); prevmillis1 = millis(); }

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Send To PZEM Request /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((millis() - prevmillis > 100) && (!bPZEMTxBusy)) { bPZEMTxBusy = true; switch (byPZEM004TReq) { case 0: PZEMSerial.write(PZEM004T_Address,sizeof(PZEM004T_Address)); //Serial.print("Addressreq @ "); //Serial.println(millis()); break;
case 1: PZEMSerial.write(PZEM004T_VoltRequest,sizeof(PZEM004T_VoltRequest)); //Serial.print("Vreq @ "); Serial.println(millis()); break; case 2: PZEMSerial.write(PZEM004T_AmpRequest,sizeof(PZEM004T_AmpRequest)); //Serial.print("Areq @ ");Serial.println(millis()); break; case 3: PZEMSerial.write(PZEM004T_WattRequest,sizeof(PZEM004T_WattRequest)); //Serial.print("Wreq @ ");Serial.println(millis()); break; case 4: PZEMSerial.write(PZEM004T_WattHourRequest,sizeof(PZEM004T_WattHourRequest)); //Serial.print("Whreq @ ");Serial.println(millis()); break; } PZEMSerial.flush(); prevmillis = millis(); }

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Serial Receive from PZEM and Parse /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// i=0; while (PZEMSerial.available() > 0) { bDataAvailable = true; rx_bytes[i++] =; delay(2); } //Evaluate Received Data if (bDataAvailable){ bDataAvailable = false; bPZEMTxBusy = false; bPZEMRxTimeout = false; //Serial.print("Received @ ");Serial.println(millis()); / Serial.print(rx_bytes[0],HEX); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(rx_bytes[1],HEX); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(rx_bytes[2],HEX); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(rx_bytes[3],HEX); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(rx_bytes[4],HEX); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(rx_bytes[5],HEX); Serial.print(";"); Serial.println(rx_bytes[6],HEX);/ switch (rx_bytes[0]){ case 0xA0: Serial.print("V = "); //testFloat = (float)rx_bytes[2];//+(float)rx_bytes[3]/10; rVoltMain = (float)rx_bytes[2]+(float)rx_bytes[3]/10.0; memset(strVolt, 0, sizeof(strVolt)); dtostrf(rVoltMain,4,1,strVolt); Serial.println(strVolt); byPZEM004TReq = 2; break; case 0xA1: Serial.print("A = "); rAmpsMain = (float)rx_bytes[2]+(float)rx_bytes[3]/100.0; memset(strAmp, 0, sizeof(strAmp)); dtostrf(rAmpsMain,4,2,strAmp); Serial.println(rAmpsMain); byPZEM004TReq = 3; break; case 0xA2: Serial.print("W = "); nWatt = ((uint16_t)rx_bytes[1]<<8) + (uint16_t)rx_bytes[2]; memset(strWatt, 0, sizeof(strWatt)); ltoa((uint16_t)nWatt,strWatt,10); Serial.println(strWatt); byPZEM004TReq = 4; break; case 0xA3: Serial.print("Wh = "); dnWattHour = ((uint32_t)rx_bytes[1]<<16) + ((uint32_t)rx_bytes[2]<<8) + (uint32_t)rx_bytes[3]; memset(strWattHour, 0, sizeof(strWattHour)); ltoa(dnWattHour,strWattHour,10); Serial.println(strWattHour); Serial.println(""); byPZEM004TReq = 1; break; case 0xA4: if (rx_bytes[6]=0xA4){ Serial.print("Address Ok "); byPZEM004TReq = 1; } else Serial.print("Address not Defined "); }


}//End of Loop

devyte commented 6 years ago

Per previous comments, closing as resolved.