esp8266 / Basic

Basic Interpreter for the ESP8266
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Adds uniqueness in the default AP name #25

Closed ClemRz closed 7 years ago

ClemRz commented 7 years ago


I'd like to propose a small enhancement to your awesome library. When I had students working on ESP8266 using the Basic firmware they had trouble identifying which AP correspond to which hardware, this because they were all named "ESP" by default.

The enhancement I suggest is using either the MAC address or any unique identifier (MAC address sounds sound) to build the default AP name.


ClemRz commented 7 years ago

Thanks! Deleting the branch.

mmiscool commented 7 years ago

I noticed you said you were using these with student in a class. Have you developed activities or coriculum that might be shared. I would really like to make esp basic freindly enough to be used in schools.

ClemRz commented 7 years ago

Hi, Yes, I developped several IoT projects that can be performed in a classroom. I wrote the one using ESP8266 with the ESP Basic firmware on I think that ESP Basic is already very friendly! I love it!

ClemRz commented 7 years ago

Hi @mmiscool, do you think I could have a 512k bin build of the version with wifi uniqueness please? I will need it for a workshop with 10 students on Thursday. Thanks!

mmiscool commented 7 years ago

I think i can produce a build. Is it your intent to use the 2.0 branch or would you rather the 3.0 branch. I might be able to strip the tft stuff out of the 3.0 build?

ClemRz commented 7 years ago

I think 2.0 is ok, I just don't have the toolchain right now to compile with that change (uniqueness of SSID).

mmiscool commented 7 years ago

This is the bin file for the latest 2.0 branch 512 k. Check it to make sure it will work for you and send me a msg if you have any problems.

ClemRz commented 7 years ago

It works great! Thanks a lot!