esp8266 / arduino-esp8266fs-plugin

Arduino plugin for uploading files to ESP8266 file system
GNU General Public License v2.0
706 stars 214 forks source link

esp8266FS using wrong Hardware path, because it is hard coded #71

Open arnold-b opened 4 years ago

arnold-b commented 4 years ago

Hello, If i try to Upload to SPIFFS i get error. And after Debugging your Code i found:

  1. You should print out the path before you stop case "esp32": { const esp32Path = path.join(arduinoUserPath, "hardware", target.package, target.architecture); logImportant(Found ESP32 packages: ${esp32Path}); This reached even on error if (!dirExists(esp32Path)) throw ESP32 has not been installed correctly - see;

THIS never reached on error logImportant(Found ESP32 packages: ${esp32Path});

        return esp32Path;

If i try to pack then i get this path from Hardware

At least you should log the Vars before Termination. That makes the error correction more easy

board: include path: "board": "espressif:arduino-esp32-master:esp32", Path=value[0]+'\'+value[1] "board": "espressif:esp32:esp32",

By the way i found second error. If i choose ESP wrover, your script tell. it is not esp. esp32wrover May just check if it is espressif and not the type

I don´t know much About programming vscode extensions. I´m wondering where you find ESP8266FS_ARDUINO_USER_PATH I just took from prefference the sketchbook.path

SamsiFPV commented 4 years ago

I got the same problem, and haven't found a solution yet. Did you actually solve your problem somehow?