esp8266 / esp8266-webserver

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esp8266-12e ap mode startup problem #4

Open ajinkyaw opened 7 years ago

ajinkyaw commented 7 years ago

hi guys, i am sharing my circuit diagram here the problem i am facing is , i need to reset the esp8266-12e module multiple times to make it work (make it work means starting it in Ap mode as coded ). sometimes it works sometime it doesnt. please post the suggestions if any one knows. mycircuit

kaczy1217 commented 7 years ago

Hi, Did you solved your problem?

I have same problem, but for me it happens once a 20 power cycles. I really don't know what's wrong.

I have 5V 6A power supply MW Power, and ESP-12E breadboard with 3V3 7333 regulator. 470uF capacitor on the input of regulator and the second one on the output. Decoupling 100nF between 3V3 and GND. GPIO0 pulled down to GND, GPIO2 pulled up to VCC with 4,7k resistor, GPIO15 pulled to GND, CH_E and RST pulled up to VCC. What else I can do?

I almost forgot to mention that I'm using SD card reader. CS pin of SPI is set as GPIO2. Does it matter? I know that GPIO2 is being checked at the startup, but I've tried to run my board without the reader. Still no luck