espeed / bulbs

A Python persistence framework for graph databases like Neo4j, OrientDB and Titan.
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OrientDB REST API support; direct Gremlin (also SQL?) queries #128

Open tourne opened 10 years ago

tourne commented 10 years ago

OrientDB Server has a REST/JSON API, which also accepts Gremlin and OrientDB SQL queries directly via HTTP.

Do you think it would be more efficient to talk to the API directly without Rexster, while also enabling access to OrientDB-specific features such as native graph schema ie. classes, calling server-side functions and batch operations (the latter also allows sending scripts to execute in any JVM language)?

espeed commented 10 years ago

My only experience with OrientDB is through the context of Rexster. If someone wants to contribute a bulbs.orientdb adapter, that would be cool. The bulbs.neo4jserver adapter supports its native Cypher query languages in addition to Gremlin so supporting OrientDB SQL might work too.

BTW: Rexster has support for server-side functions and you can perform batch functions through Gremlin.