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A Python persistence framework for graph databases like Neo4j, OrientDB and Titan.
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RelationshipProxy instruments wrong API calls #138

Open realoptimal opened 10 years ago

realoptimal commented 10 years ago


class Person(Node): ... element_type = "person" ... name = String(nullable=False) ... class Knows(Relationship): ... lable = "knows" ... class Knows(Relationship): ... label = "knows" ... created = DateTime(default=current_timestamp, nullable=False) ... g.add_proxy("person", Person) g.add_proxy("knows", Knows)

james = g.person.create(name="James") POST url: POST body: {"element_type": "person", "name": "James"} julie = g.person.create(name="Julie") POST url: POST body: {"element_type": "person", "name": "Julie"} g.knows.create(james, julie) POST url: POST body: {"_label": "knows", "created": 1403798951, "_outV": 15, "_inV": 16} <Knows:>

All good, but now:

g.knows.get_all() GET url: GET body: None

Hmm, shouldn't the URI should be a request on edges not vertices?

What about?

g.knows.index.lookup(created=1403798951) GET url: GET body: None

Again, same thing.

espeed commented 10 years ago

Why do you have two Relationship classes?

Also note in the first Relationship class there is a typo: lable

Here's the code that should get called on g.knows.get_all():

For some reason, the index object on the knows Relationship model is being set to a Vertex index instead of an Edge index.

espeed commented 10 years ago

Is this resolved?

realoptimal commented 10 years ago

I don't think so -- as you said index object on the knows Relationship model is being set to a Vertex index instead of an Edge index. Since I am not explicitly creating any indexes on model properties, I assume, all properties are indexed. Why shouldn't this return all knows Relationship objects?

espeed commented 10 years ago

The knows object should be hitting the endpoint for get_all() and index lookup() -- in the code snippet you have two Knows classes, and the first one has a typo for label -- would you mind posting the complete example to a Gist (imports and all) so I can try to reproduce the issue?

realoptimal commented 10 years ago

Yes, sorry, should have done that from the start:

and emptygraph is for me an hbase backed titan-db with configuration in rexster.xml as:
