espen / balder

Balder - Open source Ruby on Rails photo gallery
MIT License
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Support for CNAME S3 Buckets #21

Closed PolarFox closed 12 years ago

PolarFox commented 12 years ago

Support for buckets running under cname.

I made a ugly and dirty hack to produce this effect in my gallery.

Images are served from, which has some S3 & Varnish proxy magic. Cutting the costs of S3 ;)


espen commented 12 years ago

Did you check if Fog has a setting for this? Or if the CDN methods in Fog could be used for this?

PolarFox commented 12 years ago

I think there was a :fog_host or something.. But it didn't do the trick...

espen commented 12 years ago

Ok, I probably wont add this unless there is a pull request with code that is not too hacky or some easy setting in fog to enable this. If it requires a hacky approach then I think it is better to put it up on the wiki.