esperantojs / esperanto

DEPRECATED: An easier way to convert ES6 modules to AMD and CommonJS
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Use Rollup #184

Open Rich-Harris opened 9 years ago

Rich-Harris commented 9 years ago

not ready for merge

Following #167 I started a separate project, Rollup, which does a better job of bundling ES6 modules by only including the bits of code that are actually needed. Though it has a couple of known issues, I'm using it in a number of projects without problems.

Meanwhile Esperanto is continuing to rack up issues, and I don't have time to devote to maintaining two projects with basically the same goal. My intention here is to integrate Rollup into Esperanto (and remove all of Esperanto's bundling logic) so that we don't need to.

Before that can happen, Rollup needs a few features to be added and a few bugs (exposed by this process) to be fixed. That work is being tracked on

Some changes that will fall out of this:

This doesn't affect one-to-one ES6 -> [AMD/CJS/UMD] conversions, only bundling. In future, it may make sense to remove bundling from Esperanto altogether, but this seemed like a more practical interim step.

Rich-Harris commented 9 years ago

Update: almost ready to go – just need to close and Rollup will have reached parity with Esperanto.