esphome / ESPAsyncWebServer

Async Web Server for ESP8266 and ESP32
80 stars 62 forks source link

Decide which ESPAsyncWebServer fork should be canonical? #34

Open egnor opened 2 months ago

egnor commented 2 months ago

[edited based on discussions] The situation with ESPAsyncWebServer is a mess:

Ideally we'd designate one repo and merge the important fixes and improvements there, and any remaining forks would work off that if people need to add project-specific tweaks? And we could see about changing registry entries to point to that fork, or at least steer people there?

The most likely candidates seem like this one and @mathieucarbou's fork; Mathieu seems to be actively merging in fixes from elsewhere and seems to be willing to take up the mantle, so that's one promising option?

But, I'm sure people have Opinions...

egnor commented 2 months ago

From @mathieucarbou, another contender for One True EspAsyncWebServer fork here: (I wonder if there's anything in this fork that couldn't be replaced by that one ...)

egnor commented 2 months ago

(updated the main issue description after a discussion with mathieucarbou...)