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ESPHome Feature Request Tracker
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Add support for Xiaomi Mi Scale V1 and V2 #209

Closed tiagofreire-pt closed 3 years ago

tiagofreire-pt commented 5 years ago

Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like There is no easy way to integrate this BLE scale into Home Assistant, on Hassio.

Please describe your use case for this integration and alternatives you've tried: Integrating weight and BMI on esphome for Home Assistant.

The python code is available for both V1 and V2 Xiaomi Mi Scales:

Additional context It's just a small code increment on xiaomi_ble.cpp parser, already available on esphome.

tiagofreire-pt commented 5 years ago

More info for parsing data at:

OttoWinter commented 5 years ago

Some VERY_VERBOSE logs of the mi scale BLE payload would be useful. Could you provide those?

tiagofreire-pt commented 5 years ago

Some VERY_VERBOSE logs of the mi scale BLE payload would be useful. Could you provide those?

I hope this may help. Ignore the MiFlora BLE devices.

blescan -v
Scanning for devices...
Running  /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bluepy/bluepy-helper
Sent:  le on

Got: '# bluepy-helper.c version 1.3.0 built at 19:35:35 on Mar 12 2019\n'
Got: 'rsp=$mgmt\x1ecode=$success\n'
Sent:  scan

Got: 'rsp=$mgmt\x1ecode=$success\n'
Got: "rsp=$stat\x1estate=$scan\x1edst='(null)\x1emtu=h0\x1esec='low\n"
Got: 'rsp=$scan\x1eaddr=bC47C8D6A4916\x1etype=h1\x1erssi=h4F\x1eflag=h0\x1ed=b020106030295FE151695FE712098007D16496A8D7CC40D0710030A03000C09466C6F7765722063617265\n'
    Device (new): c4:7c:8d:6a:49:16 (public), -79 dBm 
    Flags: <06>
    Incomplete 16b Services: <0000fe95-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb>
    16b Service Data: <95fe712098007d16496a8d7cc40d0710030a0300>
    Complete Local Name: 'Flower care'
Got: 'rsp=$scan\x1eaddr=bCCE75C1BAC6B\x1etype=h2\x1erssi=h3E\x1eflag=h0\x1ed=b02010603021B1810161B1802A4E3070508132E2EFDFF884006094D4942435309FF5701CCE75C1BAC6B\n'
    Device (new): cc:e7:5c:1b:ac:6b (random), -62 dBm 
    Flags: <06>
    Incomplete 16b Services: <0000181b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb>
    16b Service Data: <1b1802a4e3070508132e2efdff8840>
    Complete Local Name: 'MIBCS'
    Manufacturer: <5701cce75c1bac6b>
Got: 'rsp=$scan\x1eaddr=bC47C8D6A4916\x1etype=h1\x1erssi=h4C\x1eflag=h0\x1ed=b020106030295FE151695FE712098007D16496A8D7CC40D0710030A03000C09466C6F7765722063617265\n'
Got: 'rsp=$scan\x1eaddr=bCCE75C1BAC6B\x1etype=h2\x1erssi=h39\x1eflag=h0\x1ed=b02010603021B1810161B1802A4E3070508132E2EFDFF884006094D4942435309FF5701CCE75C1BAC6B\n'
Got: 'rsp=$scan\x1eaddr=bC47C8D6A4916\x1etype=h1\x1erssi=h4C\x1eflag=h0\x1ed=b020106030295FE151695FE712098007D16496A8D7CC40D0710030A03000C09466C6F7765722063617265\n'
Got: 'rsp=$scan\x1eaddr=bC47C8D6A45B5\x1etype=h1\x1erssi=h58\x1eflag=h0\x1ed=b020106030295FE141695FE7120980078B5456A8D7CC40D0910026F000C09466C6F7765722063617265\n'
    Device (new): c4:7c:8d:6a:45:b5 (public), -88 dBm 
    Flags: <06>
    Incomplete 16b Services: <0000fe95-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb>
    16b Service Data: <95fe7120980078b5456a8d7cc40d0910026f00>
    Complete Local Name: 'Flower care'
Got: 'rsp=$scan\x1eaddr=bCCE75C1BAC6B\x1etype=h2\x1erssi=h3C\x1eflag=h0\x1ed=b02010603021B1810161B1802A4E3070508132E2EFDFF8840\n'
Got: 'rsp=$scan\x1eaddr=bC47C8D6A4916\x1etype=h1\x1erssi=h4F\x1eflag=h0\x1ed=b020106030295FE151695FE712098007D16496A8D7CC40D0710030A03000C09466C6F7765722063617265\n'
Got: 'rsp=$scan\x1eaddr=bCCE75C1BAC6B\x1etype=h2\x1erssi=h3B\x1eflag=h0\x1ed=b02010603021B1810161B1802A4E3070508132E2EFDFF884006094D4942435309FF5701CCE75C1BAC6B\n'
Select timeout
Sent:  scanend

Got: 'rsp=$mgmt\x1ecode=$success\n'
Stopping  /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bluepy/bluepy-helper
Xeroxxx commented 5 years ago

I love to see this supported too.

zsiti commented 5 years ago

I don't own a Xiaomi Mi Scale, but I would buy one if it would be possible to read out data from it using ESPHome. Hope this would be implemented eventually.

tiagofreire-pt commented 5 years ago

@ottowinter, do you need some help on this?

tsunglung commented 5 years ago

I already implement this feature, How can I upload the code?

mario-tux commented 5 years ago

I already implement this feature,

Do you mean a working ESPHome component?

How can I upload the code?

You could create a PR for the main branch or provide the code to test in custom-component folder.

tsunglung commented 5 years ago

I am fresh to github. no idea to create PR. I provide the diff code for test.

glmnet commented 5 years ago

I see you're trying to create the PR 🎉️ If you find issues you can find good info here Feel free to ask

mario-tux commented 5 years ago

@tsunglung I can confirm that your patch works and my Mi Scale 2 reports the weight (in kgs). It looks that the battery level is not available: do you know if it is supported by the device/protocol?

For the PR: it is not too difficult but, If you prefer, I could make the request for you.

tsunglung commented 5 years ago

@diraimondo Thanks for confirming. From @tiagofreire-pt provided info/protocol, I did not see the battery level info. So I did not implement battery level. I will try to create PR later if I have time.

tiagofreire-pt commented 5 years ago

@tsunglung, OK, for this first approach I think is may be good enough.

I'm looking forward into this new PR. If you need testers, please, just say it. :)

tiagofreire-pt commented 5 years ago

@tsunglung, please, check if it's everything alright. My knowledge on github and C++ are quite limited. :)

Thanks for this awesome work!

tsunglung commented 5 years ago

@tiagofreire-pt Thanks for creating commit, I checked it and need some modification.

tiagofreire-pt commented 5 years ago

@tsunglung, can you do it directly or may I need to do it for you?

If so, please, point where are the modifications needed.


glmnet commented 5 years ago

@tiagofreire-pt you must create only one PR for the whole feature, not a PR for every file. Please fix that. Close PR that will not be required to be merged.

tiagofreire-pt commented 5 years ago

@glmnet , it seems that I don't have permissions for:

You’re not authorized to merge this pull request.

I'm following this FAQ:

glmnet commented 5 years ago

it's not your role to do that, you are welcome to create a pull request, however as I said your PR is not acceptable as there is one pull request per file and that is not how it's done.

see for example this PR it has 5 file changes you provided 6 PR with one file change each.

We (actually nobody) will accept this.

For a clean approach I will suggest you close all your PR and submit a new one with all the changes. Thanks.

tiagofreire-pt commented 5 years ago

@glmnet, I guess I finally managed to properly submit the PR:

cohe4ko commented 4 years ago

How to use this feature in actual project?

pattyland commented 4 years ago

@cohe4ko As you can see #691 is still not merged so you can't use it. There seems to good progress for Xiaomi BLE devices in #552 so maybe this will help this issue

pattyland commented 3 years ago

Looks like #1368 finally added the support for the xiaomi scales.

Thank you @dckiller51! I don't know if you noticed:

ppanagiotis commented 3 years ago

Hello! I am trying to use this feature but no input data appears at esphome logs or at home assistant. My yaml file is:

  name: ble_gw_test
  platform: ESP32
  board: nodemcu-32s
  arduino_version: dev

  ssid: "foo"
  password: "bar"



## Enable logging


  - platform: xiaomi_miscale2
    mac_address: 5C:CA:D3:XX:XX:XX
      name: "Xiaomi Mi Scale Weight"
      id: weight_miscale
          - lambda: |-
              if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 65 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 74.49) {
                return id(weight_user1).publish_state(x);}
              else if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 74.50 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 83) {
                return id(weight_user2).publish_state(x);}
              else if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 46 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 64) {
                return id(weight_user3).publish_state(x);}
              else if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 28 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 45) {
                return id(weight_user4).publish_state(x);}
              else if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 5 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 20) {
                return id(weight_user5).publish_state(x);}

      name: "Xiaomi Mi Scale Impedance"
      id: impedance_xiaomi
          - lambda: |-
              if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 65 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 74.49) {
                return id(impedance_user1).publish_state(x);}
              else if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 74.50 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 83) {
                return id(impedance_user2).publish_state(x);}
              else if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 46 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 64) {
                return id(impedance_user3).publish_state(x);}
              else if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 28 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 45) {
                return id(impedance_user4).publish_state(x);}
              else if (id(weight_miscale).state >= 5 && id(weight_miscale).state <= 20) {
                return id(impedance_user5).publish_state(x);}

  - platform: template
    name: Weight User1
    id: weight_user1
    unit_of_measurement: 'kg'
    icon: mdi:weight-kilogram
    accuracy_decimals: 2
  - platform: template
    name: Impedance Panagiotis
    id: impedance_user1
    unit_of_measurement: 'ohm'
    icon: mdi:omega
    accuracy_decimals: 0
  - platform: template
    name: Weight Siham
    id: weight_user2
    unit_of_measurement: 'kg'
    icon: mdi:weight-kilogram
    accuracy_decimals: 2
  - platform: template
    name: Impedance Siham
    id: impedance_user2
    unit_of_measurement: 'ohm'
    icon: mdi:omega
    accuracy_decimals: 0
  - platform: template
    name: Weight Théo
    id: weight_user3
    unit_of_measurement: 'kg'
    icon: mdi:weight-kilogram
    accuracy_decimals: 2
  - platform: template
    name: Impedance Théo
    id: impedance_user3
    unit_of_measurement: 'ohm'
    icon: mdi:omega
    accuracy_decimals: 0
  - platform: template
    name: Weight Sacha
    id: weight_user4
    unit_of_measurement: 'kg'
    icon: mdi:weight-kilogram
    accuracy_decimals: 2
  - platform: template
    name: Impedance Sacha
    id: impedance_user4
    unit_of_measurement: 'ohm'
    icon: mdi:omega
    accuracy_decimals: 0
  - platform: template
    name: Weight Noham
    id: weight_user5
    unit_of_measurement: 'kg'
    icon: mdi:weight-kilogram
    accuracy_decimals: 2
  - platform: template
    name: Impedance Noham
    id: impedance_user5
    unit_of_measurement: 'ohm'
    icon: mdi:omega
    accuracy_decimals: 0

Can someone help me? My model is XMTZC05HM

dckiller51 commented 3 years ago

mac_address: 5C:CA:D3:XX:XX:XX

Hello, Did you put the mac address between 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'

mac_address: '5C:CA:D3:XX:XX:XX'

PricelessToolkit commented 3 years ago

ppanagiotis : same things everything worked for me, but after the update it does not work any more

edenhaus commented 3 years ago

@jesserockz As this feature is already implemented (esphome/esphome#1368), I think we can close this issue