esphome / feature-requests

ESPHome Feature Request Tracker
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Group esphome configuration in HA #2622

Open bogyxp opened 6 months ago

bogyxp commented 6 months ago

Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like

Having a lot of ESPHome devices can create problems when mass updating. It would be nice to be able to group them in folders (for example Sensors, Switches, etc) so that I can update a category at a time. Also, finding a specific configuration file that i have to update or change is annoying as i have to go thru all or search for it. Having this feature means that i can also put all of the unused config files in a folder that i don`t need to see them, but also not lose the configuration for them.

Please describe your use case for this integration and alternatives you've tried:

use-case is when i update my esphome nodes, it takes a really long time, and the window starts lagging as it has to be opened for about 30 minutes and gets slow as time passes. Would like to have a folder called Switches where all my switches configurations are and another one for sensors when all the sensor configurations are. I would also like to be able to enter the switches folder and just update all of them and then go to the sensors folder and be able to update them as well. As a current workaround i have imposed a naming convention so that the names are descriptive and also keeps the switches and sensors together. The nodes that do not support easy OTA (like my sonoff rfbridge with not enough flash) have a DO NOT COMPILE on the first line so that it cannot generate code and be flashed.

Additional context

having folders or groups where we can enter and see only a part of the config files would be awesome.

supertin commented 1 month ago


I simply wish to filter out "test" devices at this stage and a simple JavaScript filter by device name would help me here, since my test devices all contain "test" in their names.

However, a better solution in my mind would be filtering by "tags", with each device being allowed multiple user defined tags. For example, a new door sensor I'm working on might have "door", "sensor" and "test" tags, while a light switch I'm happy with and is in full time service might have "light", "switch" and "in_service" tags. Then I can quickly choose "test" from a drop down list (or type it in a text box) to show me only the "test" devices.

Folders would also work for me, but this would be limited to just one category per device instead of several.