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ESP32 S3 Box and Box 3 eventually Freeze with on device wake work detection #194

Open demartinoaj opened 1 month ago

demartinoaj commented 1 month ago


I'm having an issue with both the ESP32 S3 Box and Box 3 firmware. After a few hours they will eventually freeze and stop responding to wake words. This issue occurs only when using local wake word detection on the esp32 box, so I assume its an issue with the box firmare. It seems to be resolved by toggling the box mute in home assistant, but then will inevitable break again in a few hours. I've managed to capture the error in the log below, which I've attached. Has anyone encountered this before?


simonjowett commented 21 hours ago

Same Box 3 hardware and I am experiencing wake word issues similar to your own however, mine seems to lock up after only 1 or 2 responses. When it does respond, the screen stays on showing the text response and does not revert to the 'grey house'. If the mic is muted and unmuted the screen does return so the ESP is not 'locked up', it's still online and responding to esphome config changes. Pretty much useless at this point.
