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Add media player to echo voice assistant #77

Closed itsme9 closed 7 months ago

itsme9 commented 8 months ago

Hi, if possible could a media player entity be added to the atom echo voice assistant config Thanks

riesi77 commented 7 months ago

Would be a great improvement and I guess appreciated by many people.

gigawebs commented 7 months ago

This would be very helpful, would love to see this.

pdsccode commented 7 months ago

Chiming in here as well. Not only for the echo but for the use in conjunction with esp-idf framework in general. This would enable us to build our own voice assistant and use the same device as target for announcements (and music as well with the right speakers).

All about sustainability 😉

mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh commented 7 months ago


ikocijan commented 7 months ago

This would be a great addition. My use case is that I would use the atom echo as a speaker for my alarm. I bought the device thinking it's both a speaker and a voice assistant, but I was surprised that it's not recognized as a media player.

kksligh commented 7 months ago


morpheus8888 commented 7 months ago


jesserockz commented 7 months ago

This cannot be done until there is a media player that works on esp-idf.

I am going to close this issue as there is no planned timeline for this and that needs to be done before adding to these firmwares is even considered.

riesi77 commented 6 months ago

@jesserockz : Is this the correct feature request for getting a media player on esp-idf?

RaceNJason commented 3 months ago

@jesserockz - if you are going to close this issue, as riesi77 put it...where should we place our feature request for getting a media player on esp-idf then? Even if there is no planned timeline, this issue shouldn't be closed unless there is an alternative for requesting this feature. I don't use GitHub much so I'm not sure if there is a specific place to do feature requests (so please don't burn me if there is) and for the moment...this is the only thread I've seen relating to this issue and to the ESPHome GitHub repository.

What I do know about the M5Stack Echo is that it obviously supports I2S speaker and microphone already and that HA can send TTS to it already. No one here seems to actually want a 'media player' per say to play music from their echo (if they did, that would be sad). What everyone really wants is to be able to do speech notifications or sounds (like doorbells and such). Especially since what is the point of having both a voice assistant and a separate speaker when they should be able to do it in one unit. Maybe HA needs another device type like just a basic speaker which can be linked to TTS and sound notifications instead of full blown media players (and that could be added to the M5Stack Echo). Anyway, off if someone can provide a link to the proper channel so future people visiting this page will have a place to go and add their vote that would be great. Or, somehow reopen this issue even if it is on the back burner with no timeline. At least ESPHome developers will know how many people want to have this feature added. I would think that is more important than closing an issue just because there isn't any current plan for a feature like this...

ChristophCaina commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @jesserockz, can you maybe have a look into this repository? It seems, that this is a working example of VoiceAssistant + MediaPlayer on an S3-Box3

RaceNJason commented 4 weeks ago

If I had a S3-Box3 I would test this immediately. Every time I've tried to acquire one they are either out of stock or some seller wants an exorbitant amount for it. Mouser says new inventory is suppose to be coming June 7 which is a few days away. The closest thing I have to an S3-Box3 is a K128 (Core S3 Box) which is similar, but not exact.

Along those lines though, I could've sworn I've seen a YouTube video where someone did exactly this (and possibly with the code you are looking at). Especially when I saw the Casita images section which I'm absolutely sure I saw on a YouTube video (i.e. the images in response to the voice commands). Of course I don't know if any of it will help to develop a MediaPlayer type interface to the echo (what this thread is about), but maybe it will help point it in the right direction??

Anyway, if there is someone with an S3-Box3 who wants to try this and report back their experience (along with if it could be applicable to an M5Stack Echo), it could be helpful to the rest of us. I'll assume ChristophCaina doesn't have an S3-Box3, otherwise the post would've reported the experience rather than a comment to look into it...