esphome / issues

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ESP 8266 Setting up SPI bus... fails - Waveshare 7.5 E Paper #1190

Closed phiwa99 closed 3 years ago

phiwa99 commented 4 years ago

Operating environment/Installation (

ESP (ESP32/ESP8266, Board/Sonoff):

Affected component:

Description of problem:

I try to get a waveshare 7.5in E Paper Display to work with ESPHome (ESPHome 1.14.3) in HassIO. After compiling the code I get an error caused by the SPI component (I think so).

I updated my ESPHome yesterday from 1.13.6 to 1.14.3 because I had connecting problems with my esp8266 devices


With Esphome 1.13.6 the waveshare display worked, but I had no connection to my wifi.

Problem-relevant YAML-configuration entries:

  name: wemos_d1_epaper
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini
  #arduino_version: 2.5.0

  ssid: "FRITZ!Box 7490"
  password: "xxxxx"

# Enable logging
  level: VERBOSE

  password: "xxxxx"
# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: "xxxxx"

# Display 640x384 ##############################################################    

  - platform: waveshare_epaper
    cs_pin: D8
    dc_pin: D3
    busy_pin: D2
    reset_pin: D4
    model: 7.50in
    # rotation: 180°
    # full_update_every: 30
    # update_interval: 3600s
    lambda: |-
      it.print(0, 0, id(temp_font), "E Paper Display");
      it.print(330, 200, id(temp_font), "unten");
      /* Linie Mitte horizontal */
      it.line(320, 0, 320, 384);
      /*Linie Mitte waagerecht  */
      it.line(0, 192, 640, 192);      

#  - platform: gpio
#    pin:
#      number: D4
#      inverted: True
#    name: "LED_EPAPER"
#    id: "LED_EPAPER"
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: current_time
    timezone: Europe/Berlin
#    on_time:
#      # Every 1 minutes
#      - seconds: 0
#        then:
#          - component.update: epaper

# Sensor #######################################################################
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "WiFi Signal Sensor"
    id: wifisignal
    update_interval: 60s
# Home Assistant
# Sprit
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: preis_diesel_jet
    entity_id: sensor.jet_hamburg_bergedorf_diesel
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: preis_super_jet
    entity_id: sensor.jet_hamburg_bergedorf_super_e5
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: preis_diesel_star
    entity_id: sensor.star_hamburg_brennerhof_diesel
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: preis_super_star
    entity_id: sensor.star_hamburg_brennerhof_super_e5
    internal: true    
# Personen

# Temperaturen
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: aussentemperatur
    entity_id: sensor.f007_t_pf_468a0_temp
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: innentemperatur
    entity_id: sensor.temperatur_flur
    internal: true
# 3D Drucker

# Internet
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: speed_download
    entity_id: sensor.speedtest_download
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: speed_upload
    entity_id: sensor.speedtest_upload
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: speed_ping
    entity_id: sensor.speedtest_ping
    internal: true    

# Schriften ####################################################################
  - file: 'fonts/Google_Sans_Bold.ttf'
    id: clock_font
    size: 90
    glyphs: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9, ':']
  - file: 'fonts/Google_Sans_Medium.ttf'
    id: temp_font
    size: 32
      ['&', '@', '!', ',', '.', '"', '%', '(', ')', '+', '-', '_', ':', '°', '0',
       '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E',
       'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S',
       'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', ' ', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
       'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
       'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z','å', 'ä', 'ö', '/']
  - file: 'fonts/Google_Sans_Bold.ttf'
    id: status_font
    size: 18
      ['&', '@', '!', ',', '.', '"', '%', '(', ')', '+', '-', '_', ':', '°', '0',
       '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E',
       'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S',
       'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', ' ', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
       'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
       'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'å', 'ä', 'ö', '/']
  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: icon_font
    size: 32
    glyphs: [
      '', # mdi-account-heart
      '', # mdi-thermometer
      '󰅢', # mdi-fire-hydrant
      "", # mdi-umbrella
      "イ", # mdi-home-thermometer-outline
      "ア", # mdi-home-thermometer
      # Wifi
      '冷', # mdi-wifi-strength-outline
      '爛', # mdi-wifi-strength-1
      '嵐', # mdi-wifi-strength-2
      '襤', # mdi-wifi-strength-3
      '蠟', # mdi-wifi-strength-4
      # Weather
      "", # mdi-weather-sunny
      "", # mdi-weather-night
      "", # mdi-weather-cloudy
      "", # mdi-weather-pouring
      "", # mdi-weather-snowy-rainy
      "s", # mdi-weather-snowy-heavy
      "", # mdi-weather-windy-variant
      "", # mdi-weather-fog
      "n", # mdi-weather-night-partly-cloudy
      "", # mdi-weather-partly-cloudy
      # Moon
      "チ", # new_moon
      "ト", # waxing_crecent
      "セ", # first_quarter
      "ナ", # waxing_gibbous
      "ソ", # full_moon
      "テ", # waning_gibbous
      "タ", # last_quarter
      "ツ", # waning_crescent
      # Sun
      "", # mdi-weather-sunset-down
      "", # mdi-weather-sunset-up
  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: weather_font
    size: 50
    glyphs: [
      '', # mdi-account-heart
      '', # mdi-thermometer
      '󰅢', # mdi-fire-hydrant
      "", # mdi-umbrella
      "イ", # mdi-home-thermometer-outline
      # Wifi
      '冷', # mdi-wifi-strength-outline
      '爛', # mdi-wifi-strength-1
      '嵐', # mdi-wifi-strength-2
      '襤', # mdi-wifi-strength-3
      '蠟', # mdi-wifi-strength-4
      # Weather
      "", # mdi-weather-sunny
      "", # mdi-weather-night
      "", # mdi-weather-cloudy
      "", # mdi-weather-pouring
      "", # mdi-weather-snowy-rainy
      "s", # mdi-weather-snowy-heavy
      "", # mdi-weather-windy-variant
      "", # mdi-weather-fog
      "n", # mdi-weather-night-partly-cloudy
      "", # mdi-weather-partly-cloudy
      # Moon
      "チ", # new_moon
      "ト", # waxing_crecent
      "セ", # first_quarter
      "ナ", # waxing_gibbous
      "ソ", # full_moon
      "テ", # waning_gibbous
      "タ", # last_quarter
      "ツ", # waning_crescent
  clk_pin: D5
  mosi_pin: D7

Logs (if applicable):

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/wemos_d1_epaper.yaml...
INFO Detected timezone 'CET' with UTC offset 1 and daylight savings time from 28 March 02:00:00 to 31 October 03:00:00
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
INFO Running:  platformio run -d /config/esphome/wemos_d1_epaper
Processing wemos_d1_epaper (board: d1_mini; framework: arduino; platform: espressif8266@2.2.3)
HARDWARE: ESP8266 80MHz, 80KB RAM, 4MB Flash
Dependency Graph
|-- <ESPAsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ESP8266mDNS> 1.2
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|-- <SPI> 1.0
Compiling /data/wemos_d1_epaper/.pioenvs/wemos_d1_epaper/src/main.cpp.o
src/main.cpp:146:3: warning: multi-line comment [-Wcomment]
   //   lambda: !lambda "it.print(0, 0, id(temp_font), \"E Paper Display\");\nit.print(330,\
Linking /data/wemos_d1_epaper/.pioenvs/wemos_d1_epaper/firmware.elf
Retrieving maximum program size /data/wemos_d1_epaper/.pioenvs/wemos_d1_epaper/firmware.elf
Checking size /data/wemos_d1_epaper/.pioenvs/wemos_d1_epaper/firmware.elf
Building /data/wemos_d1_epaper/.pioenvs/wemos_d1_epaper/firmware.bin
DATA:    [=====     ]  46.7% (used 38280 bytes from 81920 bytes)
PROGRAM: [====      ]  41.6% (used 434572 bytes from 1044464 bytes)
Creating BIN file "/data/wemos_d1_epaper/.pioenvs/wemos_d1_epaper/firmware.bin" using "/data/wemos_d1_epaper/.pioenvs/wemos_d1_epaper/firmware.elf"
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 42.19 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Running: --before default_reset --after hard_reset --baud 460800 --chip esp8266 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x0 /data/wemos_d1_epaper/.pioenvs/wemos_d1_epaper/firmware.bin v2.7
Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Crystal is 26MHz
MAC: cc:50:e3:3c:01:c4
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Compressed 438720 bytes to 292548...
Wrote 438720 bytes (292548 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 8.0 seconds (effective 437.9 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin...
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from /dev/ttyUSB0 with baud rate 115200
[09:31:16]\xe0\xe0\xe0\x8c\xf3nn\xe7d\x8c\x87l`\x90\033\033ool`gs\x8e\x93\x9boc\x9cds\x93\x93nc\x9cd\x9c\x8cdd\xe4\033\x84l`\xfc\x82g\xdc
[09:31:16][I][logger:156]: Log initialized
[09:31:16][C][ota:364]: There have been 4 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[09:31:16][I][app:028]: Running through setup()...
[09:31:16][V][app:029]: Sorting components by setup priority...
[09:31:16][C][spi:020]: Setting up SPI bus...
[09:31:19]Abort called
WARNING Found stack trace! Trying to decode it
[09:31:19]ctx: cont
[09:31:19]sp: 3ffff480 end: 3fffffc0 offset: 01b0
[09:31:19]3ffff630:  00000070 3ffff680 3fff26ac 40228620  
INFO Need to fetch platformio IDE-data, please stand by
INFO Running:  platformio run -d /config/esphome/wemos_d1_epaper -t idedata
WARNING Decoded 0x40228620: operator new[](unsigned int) at /workdir/arena/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/libstdc++-v3-nox/libsupc++/../../../../../dl/gcc-xtensa/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
[09:31:30]3ffff640:  3ffff664 3ffe9ba4 3fff0ca8 40205058  
WARNING Decoded 0x40205058: esphome::display::DisplayBuffer::init_internal_(unsigned int)
[09:31:30]3ffff650:  3fff269c 00000003 3fff269c 402076a4  
WARNING Decoded 0x402076a4: esphome::waveshare_epaper::WaveshareEPaper::setup_pins_()
[09:31:30]3ffff660:  00000000 4020cdd8 3fff269c 4020772c  
WARNING Decoded 0x4020cdd8: esphome::Scheduler::SchedulerItem::cmp(std::unique_ptr<esphome::Scheduler::SchedulerItem, std::default_delete<esphome::Scheduler::SchedulerItem> > const&, std::unique_ptr<esphome::Scheduler::SchedulerItem, std::default_delete<esphome::Scheduler::SchedulerItem> > const&)
WARNING Decoded 0x4020772c: esphome::waveshare_epaper::WaveshareEPaper::setup()
[09:31:30]3ffff670:  00000000 3fff516c 3fff269c 4020c248  
WARNING Decoded 0x4020c248: esphome::PollingComponent::call_setup()
[09:31:30]3ffff680:  00000000 3fff516c 3fff0ca8 4020d1ec  
WARNING Decoded 0x4020d1ec: esphome::Scheduler::process_to_add()
[09:31:30]3ffff690:  00000000 00000000 3fff2564 40207250  
WARNING Decoded 0x40207250: esphome::time::RealTimeClock::call_setup()
[09:31:30]3ffff6a0:  3fff50b4 00000003 3fff0ca8 4021cd9d  
WARNING Decoded 0x4021cd9d: esphome::Component::call()
[09:31:30]3ffff6b0:  3fff2564 00000002 3fff0ca8 4020c011  
WARNING Decoded 0x4020c011: esphome::Application::setup()
[09:31:30]3ffff6c0:  3fff50b4 00000017 3fff1098 3fff2dc4  
[09:31:30]3ffff6d0:  3fff269c 3fff269c 3fff2c54 4021bbc9  
WARNING Decoded 0x4021bbc9: malloc
[09:31:31]3ffff6e0:  00000000 3fff2634 00000010 3fff2dc4  
[09:31:31]3ffff6f0:  3fff269c 3fff269c 3fff5094 402109b2  
WARNING Decoded 0x402109b2: setup
[09:31:31]3ffff700:  00000032 0000002a feefeffe feefeffe  
[09:31:31]3ffff710:  3fff45ec 40258898 4020d6bc 4020d65c  
WARNING Decoded 0x40258898: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
WARNING Decoded 0x4020d6bc: std::_Function_base::_Base_manager<setup::{lambda(esphome::display::DisplayBuffer&)#1}>::_M_manager(std::_Any_data&, std::_Function_base::_Base_manager<setup::{lambda(esphome::display::DisplayBuffer&)#1}> const&, std::_Manager_operation) at main.cpp
WARNING Decoded 0x4020d65c: std::_Function_handler<void (esphome::display::DisplayBuffer&), setup::{lambda(esphome::display::DisplayBuffer&)#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, esphome::display::DisplayBuffer&) at main.cpp
[09:31:31]3ffff720:  00000032 0000002a 3ffea630 402589be  
WARNING Decoded 0x402589be: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff730:  00000000 00000004 00000032 0000002a  
[09:31:31]3ffff740:  3ffea634 40258ae4 00000000 0000000a  
WARNING Decoded 0x40258ae4: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff750:  00000032 00000022 3ffea638 40258bd2  
WARNING Decoded 0x40258bd2: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff760:  00000000 00000006 00000032 00000026  
[09:31:31]3ffff770:  3ffea63c 40258cdc 00000000 00000002  
WARNING Decoded 0x40258cdc: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff780:  00000032 0000002d 3ffea640 40258e17  
WARNING Decoded 0x40258e17: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff790:  00000000 00000004 00000032 0000002b  
[09:31:31]3ffff7a0:  3ffea644 40258f44 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x40258f44: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff7b0:  00000032 00000029 3ffea648 40259063  
WARNING Decoded 0x40259063: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff7c0:  00000000 00000004 00000032 0000002a  
[09:31:31]3ffff7d0:  3ffea654 40259189 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x40259189: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff7e0:  00000032 0000002a 3ffea658 402592af  
WARNING Decoded 0x402592af: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff7f0:  00000000 00000004 00000032 00000028  
[09:31:31]3ffff800:  3ffea65c 402593c7 00000000 00000008  
WARNING Decoded 0x402593c7: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:31]3ffff810:  00000032 00000024 3ffea660 402594c3  
WARNING Decoded 0x402594c3: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff820:  00000000 00000006 00000032 00000027  
[09:31:32]3ffff830:  3ffea664 402595d4 00000000 00000006  
WARNING Decoded 0x402595d4: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff840:  00000032 00000027 3ffea668 402596e5  
WARNING Decoded 0x402596e5: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff850:  00000000 00000006 00000032 00000027  
[09:31:32]3ffff860:  3ffea66c 402597f6 00000000 00000006  
WARNING Decoded 0x402597f6: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff870:  00000032 00000027 3ffea670 40259907  
WARNING Decoded 0x40259907: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff880:  00000000 00000006 00000032 00000027  
[09:31:32]3ffff890:  3ffea674 40259a18 00000000 00000002  
WARNING Decoded 0x40259a18: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff8a0:  00000032 0000002c 3ffea678 40259b4c  
WARNING Decoded 0x40259b4c: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff8b0:  00000000 00000002 00000032 0000002f  
[09:31:32]3ffff8c0:  3ffea680 40259c95 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x40259c95: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff8d0:  00000032 00000028 3ffea684 40259dad  
WARNING Decoded 0x40259dad: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff8e0:  00000000 00000004 00000032 0000002a  
[09:31:32]3ffff8f0:  3ffea688 40259ed3 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x40259ed3: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff900:  00000032 0000002a 3ffea68c 40259ff9  
WARNING Decoded 0x40259ff9: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff910:  00000000 00000004 00000032 0000002a  
[09:31:32]3ffff920:  3ffea690 4025a11f 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025a11f: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff930:  00000032 0000002a 3ffea694 4025a245  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025a245: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff940:  00000000 00000003 00000032 0000002b  
[09:31:32]3ffff950:  3ffea698 4025a372 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025a372: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:32]3ffff960:  00000032 0000002a 3ffea69c 4025a498  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025a498: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffff970:  00000000 00000004 00000032 0000002b  
[09:31:33]3ffff980:  3ffea6a0 4025a5c5 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025a5c5: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffff990:  00000032 0000002a 3ffea6a4 4025a6eb  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025a6eb: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffff9a0:  00000000 00000004 00000032 0000002a  
[09:31:33]3ffff9b0:  3ffea69c 4025b384 00000000 00000002  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b384: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffff9c0:  00000020 0000001c 3ffea6a0 4025b3f4  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b3f4: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffff9d0:  00000000 00000002 00000020 0000001b  
[09:31:33]3ffff9e0:  3ffea6a4 4025b460 00000000 00000002  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b460: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffff9f0:  00000020 0000001b 3ffea5bc 4025b77e  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b77e: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffffa00:  00000000 00000004 0000000d 0000000e  
[09:31:33]3ffffa10:  3ffe9a6c 4025b79a 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b79a: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffffa20:  00000005 0000000e 3ffea5c0 4025b7a8  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b7a8: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffffa30:  00000000 00000004 0000000b 0000000e  
[09:31:33]3ffffa40:  3ffea5c4 4025b7c4 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b7c4: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffffa50:  0000000c 0000000e 3ffe9614 4025b7e0  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b7e0: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffffa60:  00000000 00000004 0000000a 0000000e  
[09:31:33]3ffffa70:  3ffea5c8 4025b7fc 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b7fc: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffffa80:  00000010 0000000e 3ffe97a0 4025b818  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b818: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:33]3ffffa90:  00000000 00000004 0000000d 0000000e  
[09:31:33]3ffffaa0:  3ffe95d4 4025b834 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b834: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffab0:  0000000f 0000000e 3ffe97d8 4025b850  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b850: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffac0:  00000000 00000004 0000000b 0000000e  
[09:31:34]3ffffad0:  3ffea5cc 4025b86c 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b86c: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffae0:  0000000f 0000000f 3ffe9a30 4025b88a  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b88a: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffaf0:  00000000 00000004 0000000b 0000000e  
[09:31:34]3ffffb00:  3ffea5d0 4025b8a6 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b8a6: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffb10:  0000000b 0000000e 3ffe95fc 4025b8c2  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b8c2: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffb20:  00000000 00000004 0000000c 0000000e  
[09:31:34]3ffffb30:  3ffea5d4 4025b8de 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b8de: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffb40:  0000000c 0000000e 3ffe9a74 4025b8fa  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b8fa: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffb50:  00000000 00000004 0000000d 0000000e  
[09:31:34]3ffffb60:  3ffe9760 4025b916 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b916: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffb70:  00000012 0000000e 3ffe9c64 4025b940  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b940: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffb80:  00000000 00000004 0000000d 0000000e  
[09:31:34]3ffffb90:  3ffe96d4 4025b95c 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b95c: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffba0:  0000000c 0000000e 3ffea5d8 4025b978  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b978: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffbb0:  00000000 00000004 0000000b 0000000e  
[09:31:34]3ffffbc0:  3ffea5dc 4025b994 00000000 00000012  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b994: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffbd0:  00000009 00000004 3ffea5e0 4025b99c  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b99c: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:34]3ffffbe0:  00000000 00000008 0000000a 0000000a  
[09:31:34]3ffffbf0:  3ffea5e4 4025b9b0 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b9b0: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffc00:  0000000b 0000000e 3ffea5e8 4025b9cc  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b9cc: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffc10:  00000000 00000008 0000000b 0000000a  
[09:31:35]3ffffc20:  3ffea994 4025b9e0 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b9e0: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffc30:  0000000c 0000000e 3ffeabb0 4025b9fc  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025b9fc: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffc40:  00000000 00000008 0000000b 0000000a  
[09:31:35]3ffffc50:  3ffea5ec 4025ba10 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025ba10: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffc60:  00000008 0000000e 3ffeab78 4025ba1e  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025ba1e: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffc70:  00000000 00000008 0000000c 0000000e  
[09:31:35]3ffffc80:  3ffea5f0 4025ba3a 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025ba3a: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffc90:  0000000a 0000000e 3ffea5f4 4025ba56  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025ba56: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffca0:  00000000 00000004 00000005 0000000e  
[09:31:35]3ffffcb0:  3ffea5f8 4025ba64 ffffffff 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025ba64: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffcc0:  00000007 00000012 3ffeaba0 4025ba76  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025ba76: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffcd0:  00000000 00000004 0000000a 0000000e  
[09:31:35]3ffffce0:  3ffea518 4025ba92 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025ba92: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffcf0:  00000005 0000000e 3ffea5fc 4025baa0  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025baa0: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffd00:  00000000 00000008 00000010 0000000a  
[09:31:35]3ffffd10:  3ffea4d8 4025bab4 00000000 00000008  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bab4: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffd20:  0000000a 0000000a 3ffe997c 4025bac8  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bac8: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:35]3ffffd30:  00000000 00000008 0000000c 0000000a  
[09:31:35]3ffffd40:  3ffea600 4025badc 00000000 00000008  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025badc: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffd50:  0000000b 0000000e 3ffea604 4025baf8  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025baf8: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffd60:  00000000 00000008 0000000b 0000000e  
[09:31:36]3ffffd70:  3ffea704 4025bb14 00000000 00000008  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bb14: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffd80:  00000008 0000000a 3ffe9cf4 4025bb1e  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bb1e: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffd90:  00000000 00000008 00000009 0000000a  
[09:31:36]3ffffda0:  3ffeaabc 4025bb32 00000000 00000005  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bb32: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffdb0:  00000008 0000000d 3ffea608 4025bb3f  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bb3f: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffdc0:  00000000 00000008 0000000b 0000000a  
[09:31:36]3ffffdd0:  3ffea60c 4025bb53 00000000 00000008  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bb53: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffde0:  0000000b 0000000a 3ffea610 4025bb67  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bb67: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffdf0:  00000000 00000008 0000000f 0000000a  
[09:31:36]3ffffe00:  3ffeac80 4025bb7b 00000000 00000008  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bb7b: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffe10:  0000000a 0000000a 3ffea614 4025bb8f  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bb8f: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffe20:  00000000 00000008 0000000b 0000000e  
[09:31:36]3ffffe30:  3ffea618 4025bbab 00000000 00000008  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bbab: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffe40:  0000000a 0000000a 3ffea61c 4025bbbf  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bbbf: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffe50:  00000000 00000004 00000006 0000000e  
[09:31:36]3ffffe60:  3ffea620 4025bbcd 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bbcd: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffe70:  0000000a 0000000e 3ffea624 4025bbe9  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bbe9: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffe80:  00000000 00000003 0000000a 0000000f  
[09:31:36]3ffffe90:  3ffea628 4025bc07 00000000 00000004  
WARNING Decoded 0x4025bc07: sleep_reset_analog_rtcreg_8266
[09:31:36]3ffffea0:  0000000c 0000000e 3fff2400 00000000  
[09:31:36]3ffffeb0:  00000000 3fff2430 00000000 00000000  
[09:31:36]3ffffec0:  00000000 4021dfe0 00000000 4021dfe0  
WARNING Decoded 0x4021dfe0: int conststr::parseNthInteger<6u>(char const (&) [6u], unsigned int)
WARNING Decoded 0x4021dfe0: int conststr::parseNthInteger<6u>(char const (&) [6u], unsigned int)
[09:31:37]3ffffed0:  00000000 4021dfe0 00000000 4021dfe0  
WARNING Decoded 0x4021dfe0: int conststr::parseNthInteger<6u>(char const (&) [6u], unsigned int)
WARNING Decoded 0x4021dfe0: int conststr::parseNthInteger<6u>(char const (&) [6u], unsigned int)
[09:31:37]3ffffee0:  00000000 4021dfe0 00000000 00000000  
WARNING Decoded 0x4021dfe0: int conststr::parseNthInteger<6u>(char const (&) [6u], unsigned int)
[09:31:37]3ffffef0:  3fff2ea4 00000000 00000000 3ffff710  
[09:31:37]3fffff00:  0000001c feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe  
[09:31:37]3fffff10:  feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe  
[09:31:37]3fffff20:  feefeffe 3fff2e34 3fff2dc4 3fff2d54  
[09:31:37]3fffff30:  3fff2ce4 3fff2be4 3fff2b74 3fff2b04  
[09:31:37]3fffff40:  3fff2a94 3fff2a24 3fff29b4 3fff2944  
[09:31:37]3fffff50:  3fff28d4 3fff2814 3fff27a4 3fff2734  
[09:31:37]3fffff60:  feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe  
[09:31:37]3fffff70:  3ffffef0 3fff2b74 00000750 00000028  
[09:31:37]3fffff80:  0000002c feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe  
[09:31:37]3fffff90:  feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe 3fff0fd4  
[09:31:37]3fffffa0:  3fffdad0 00000000 3fff0fa4 4021a00c  
WARNING Decoded 0x4021a00c: loop_wrapper() at core_esp8266_main.cpp
[09:31:37]3fffffb0:  feefeffe feefeffe 3ffe8588 40100869  
WARNING Decoded 0x40100869: cont_wrapper
[09:31:37]last failed alloc call: 3FFF269C(30732)
[09:31:37] ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
[09:31:37]load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16 
[09:31:37]tail 8
[09:31:37]chksum 0x2d
[09:31:37]csum 0x2d
[09:31:37][I][logger:156]: Log initialized
[09:31:37][C][ota:364]: There have been 5 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[09:31:37][I][app:028]: Running through setup()...
[09:31:37][V][app:029]: Sorting components by setup priority...
[09:31:37][C][spi:020]: Setting up SPI bus...
[09:31:37]Abort called
WARNING Found stack trace! Trying to decode it

[09:32:13][C][ota:364]: There have been 10 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[09:32:13][E][ota:369]: Boot loop detected. Proceeding to safe mode.
[09:32:13][I][app:028]: Running through setup()...
[09:32:13][V][app:029]: Sorting components by setup priority...
[09:32:13][C][wifi:033]: Setting up WiFi...
[09:32:13][V][wifi_esp8266:043]: Disabling AP.
[09:32:13]bcn 0
[09:32:13]del if1
[09:32:13]mode : null
[09:32:13][V][wifi_esp8266:033]: Enabling STA.
[09:32:13]mode [V][wifi_esp8266:376]: Event: Changed Mode old=AP new=OFF
[09:32:13]wifi evt: 8
[09:32:13]: sta(cc:50:e3:3c:01:c4)
[09:32:13]add if0
[09:32:13][V][wifi_esp8266:376]: Event: Changed Mode old=OFF new=STA
[09:32:13]wifi evt: 8
[09:32:13]sleep disable
[09:32:13][D][wifi:304]: Starting scan...
[09:32:13][D][wifi:319]: Found networks:
[09:32:13][I][wifi:365]: - 'FRITZ!Box 7490' [redacted]▂▄▆█
[09:32:13][D][wifi:366]:     Channel: 1
[09:32:13][D][wifi:367]:     RSSI: -33 dB
[09:32:13][I][wifi:365]: - 'FRITZ!Box 7490' [redacted]▂▄▆█
[09:32:13][D][wifi:366]:     Channel: 1
[09:32:13][D][wifi:367]:     RSSI: -65 dB
[09:32:13][I][wifi:365]: - 'FRITZ!Box 7490' [redacted]▂▄▆█
[09:32:13][D][wifi:366]:     Channel: 1
[09:32:13][D][wifi:367]:     RSSI: -91 dB
[09:32:13][D][wifi:369]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[09:32:13][D][wifi:369]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[09:32:13][D][wifi:369]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[09:32:13][I][wifi:193]: WiFi Connecting to 'FRITZ!Box 7490'...
[09:32:13][V][wifi:195]: Connection Params:
[09:32:13][V][wifi:196]:   SSID: 'FRITZ!Box 7490'
[09:32:13][V][wifi:199]:   BSSID: C8:0E:14:CF:47:46
[09:32:13][V][wifi:203]:   Password: [redacted]
[09:32:13][V][wifi:205]:   Channel: 1
[09:32:13][V][wifi:215]:   Using DHCP IP
[09:32:13][V][wifi:217]:   Hidden: NO
[09:32:13][V][wifi_esp8266:344]: Event: Changed AuthMode old=OPEN new=WPA2 PSK
[09:32:13]wifi evt: 2
[09:32:13]state: 0 -> 2 (b0)
[09:32:13]state: 2 -> 3 (0)
[09:32:13]state: 3 -> 5 (10)
[09:32:13]add 0
[09:32:13]aid 6
[09:32:13]connected with FRITZ!Box 7490, channel 1
[09:32:13]dhcp client start...
[09:32:13][V][wifi_esp8266:325]: Event: Connected ssid='FRITZ!Box 7490' bssid=C8:0E:14:CF:47:46 channel=1
[09:32:13]wifi evt: 0
[09:32:13][V][wifi_esp8266:350]: Event: Got IP static_ip= gateway= netmask=
[09:32:13]wifi evt: 3
[09:32:13][I][wifi:423]: WiFi Connected!
[09:32:13][C][wifi:283]:   SSID: [redacted]
[09:32:13][C][wifi:284]:   IP Address:
[09:32:13][C][wifi:286]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[09:32:13][C][wifi:287]:   Hostname: 'wemos_d1_epaper'
[09:32:13][C][wifi:291]:   Signal strength: -33 dB ▂▄▆█
[09:32:13][V][wifi:293]:   Priority: 0.0
[09:32:13][C][wifi:295]:   Channel: 1
[09:32:13][C][wifi:296]:   Subnet:
[09:32:13][C][wifi:297]:   Gateway:
[09:32:13][C][wifi:298]:   DNS1:
[09:32:13][C][wifi:299]:   DNS2: (IP unset)
[09:32:13][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[09:32:13][C][ota:030]:   Address: wemos_d1_epaper.local:8266
[09:32:13][C][ota:032]:   Using Password.
[09:32:13][W][ota:036]: Last Boot was an unhandled reset, will proceed to safe mode in 0 restarts
[09:32:13][I][app:058]: setup() finished successfully!
[09:32:13][I][ota:379]: Waiting for OTA attempt.
[09:32:13][I][app:100]: ESPHome version 1.14.3 compiled on May  1 2020, 09:30:41
[09:32:13][C][wifi:415]: WiFi:
[09:32:13][C][wifi:283]:   SSID: [redacted]
[09:32:13][C][wifi:284]:   IP Address:
[09:32:13][C][wifi:286]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[09:32:13][C][wifi:287]:   Hostname: 'wemos_d1_epaper'
[09:32:13][C][wifi:291]:   Signal strength: -33 dB ▂▄▆█
[09:32:13][V][wifi:293]:   Priority: 0.0
[09:32:13][C][wifi:295]:   Channel: 1
[09:32:13][C][wifi:296]:   Subnet:
[09:32:13][C][wifi:297]:   Gateway:
[09:32:13][C][wifi:298]:   DNS1:
[09:32:13][C][wifi:299]:   DNS2: (IP unset)
[09:32:13][C][logger:175]: Logger:
[09:32:13][C][logger:176]:   Level: VERBOSE
[09:32:13][C][logger:177]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[09:32:13][C][logger:178]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[09:32:13][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[09:32:13][C][ota:030]:   Address: wemos_d1_epaper.local:8266
[09:32:13][C][ota:032]:   Using Password.
[09:32:13][W][ota:036]: Last Boot was an unhandled reset, will proceed to safe mode in 0 restarts
[09:32:13]pm open,type:0 0

Additional information and things you've tried:

With the ESPHome 1.13.6 the Display worked, Wifi not I updated ESPHome to 1.14.3. - Wifi worked, SPI not I also installed ESPHome 1.15.0-dev and tried it.

I changed the code with different options. arduino_version: 2.3.0

If I use an ESP32 it works!

I tried to use different pins on the wemos d1

If i compile an sample code with the Arduino IDE and upload it to the Wemos D1 mini the display works.

sredfern commented 4 years ago

Hey @phiwa99 - Do you know if its a v1 or v2 display? A new version was released and is incompatible with the 7.5in.


New display:

phiwa99 commented 4 years ago

Hey I have the 7.5inch e-Paper HAT (C) (white, black, yellow) Version 1 (640x384 resolution)

It works with the esp32. Just the esp8266 does not work.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.