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First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB #2600

Closed theFeverDog closed 2 years ago

theFeverDog commented 2 years ago

The problem

After updating to ESPHome 2021.10, the DSMR component does not seem to decrypt data from the P1 port correctly any longer, as I get the following error message:

[E][dsmr:090]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.

The integration worked correctly with version 2021.09.x. The decryption key is set in the secret.yaml. Updating the key using the service call ESPHome: slimmelezer_set_dsmr_key does also not work.

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?

Home Assistant Add-on

Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?




Component causing the issue


Example YAML snippet

  baud_rate: 115200
  rx_pin: D7

  id: dsmr_instance
  # For Luxembourg users set here your decryption key
  decryption_key: !secret decryption_key

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

Only one error message is reported over and over in the log:

[E][dsmr:090]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.

Additional information

This is using a Luxembourgish smart-meter, so the data of the P1 port is encrypted.

probot-esphome[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hey there @glmnet, @zuidwijk, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (dsmr) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks! (message by CodeOwnersMention)

theFeverDog commented 2 years ago

Setting crc_check to false seems to allow decryption to work again.

However, after 20 minutes the board became unresponsive, currently trying again after a restart...

petergebruers commented 2 years ago

You might try the fix mentioned in this issue:

this is: setting "rx_buffer_size: 1000" under "uart".

I cannot vouch for it because my meter does not use encrypted data, but it did show packet loss which might explain your observations.

theFeverDog commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I actually tried both " rx_buffer_size: 1000" and "crc_check: false" initially.

To see which of the two had the effect, I disabled the rx_buffer_size again, and decryption still works. So this seems to be related to the default crc_check not working for encrypted streams.

theFeverDog commented 2 years ago

Another update: while all sensors are updated after power cycling the board, no subsequent changes seem to be registered, e.g. values for power consumed, energy consumed and gas consumed did not update during the 60min after my last power cycle.

mmakaay commented 2 years ago

I've been working on a fix for CRC errors with the unencrypted DSMR variant. This can be found in this issue:

I'm wondering if the kind of issue that I tracked down there, is also responsible for the issues that you are seeing with encrypted DSMR. Therefore I implemented the same kind of fix for the encrypted telegram reader code. I can not test this code myself, because I don't have a crypted smart meter. Can you guys please test if this makes any difference for you? You can test out the fix by adding the following to your device YAML file.

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: fix-crypt-mdsr-chunked-reading
    components: [ "dsmr" ]
    refresh: 60s

Please uncomment or remove the rx_buffer_size if you have added that one. My target is to have the telegram reader work with the default buffer size.

Note: you still might see "First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting" messages in the log. This would occur when the reader misses the start of the encrypted telegram. For example when booting up the reader device, in which case the reader might simply start reading in the middle of a telegram. The message might even occur a few times in a row. IMO the logging on this could be made a bit friendlier, but that is not the first focus now.

theFeverDog commented 2 years ago

Sorry for getting back to you so late, I just got around to testing your fix now.

I used the external component as indicated, disabled rx_buffer_size and crc_check: everything is decrypted correctly and updating regularly!

(The data not updating I experienced earlier could also be linked my not having set a baud_rate: 0 for logger as indicated here # Indeed the data now seems to update regularly every 10 seconds)

mmakaay commented 2 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for testing this, @theFeverDog I'll see if we can get these changes incorporated in ESPHome. I already have a PR for the unencrypted DSMR version. I'll either extend that one, or I will create a PR after that one is merged, to not have too many changes in one PR.

Brillie commented 2 years ago

@mmakaay Maybe I'm a bit late to the party, but I too can confirm your fix to work perfectly -- without changing rx_buffer_size or crc_check. No errors in esp logs in the past couple of days, sensors update every second.

deejaybeam commented 2 years ago

Hi - here are the Infos for the problem with Siemens IM350 Smartmeter:

I was never able to use EspHome for this to read encrypted data from this device. Other firmware/project works with same hardware (but I use D7 (GPIO13) and a different circuit):,-Iskra-AM550

My config: (without substitutions: and wifi: section:

  devicename: dsmr01
  device_description: "DIY P1 module to read your smart meter"
  friendlyname: 'Smartmeter EG'
  ip: ''

  ssid: !secret esphome_wifi_ssid
  password: !secret esphome_wifi_password
    static_ip: ${ip}
  domain: .djb.local

  name: ${devicename}
  comment: "${device_description}"
  platform: ESP8266
  esp8266_restore_from_flash: true
  board: d1_mini
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
    name: zuidwijk.slimmelezer
    version: "1.0"
      - if:
            lambda: return id(has_key);
            - lambda: |-
                std::string key(id(stored_decryption_key), 32);
            - logger.log:
                level: info
                format: "Not using decryption key. If you need to set a key use Home Assistant service 'ESPHome:  ${devicename}_set_dsmr_key'"

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: fix-crypt-mdsr-chunked-reading
    components: [ "dsmr" ]
    refresh: 60s
  - source:
      type: git
      ref: uart-debugging-external-component
    components: [ "uart" ]
    refresh: 60s

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "${devicename} Fallback Hotspot"
    password: !secret esphome_wifi_ap_password


# Enable logging
  baud_rate: 0
  level: VERBOSE

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: !secret esphome_api_pasword
    service: set_dsmr_key
      private_key: string
      - logger.log:
          format: Setting private key %s. Set to empty string to disable
          args: [private_key.c_str()]
      - globals.set:
          id: has_key
          value: !lambda "return private_key.length() == 32;"
      - lambda: |-
          if (private_key.length() == 32)
            private_key.copy(id(stored_decryption_key), 32);

  password: !secret esphome_ota_password

  port: 80

  - id: uart_bus
    baud_rate: 115200
    rx_pin: D7
    rx_buffer_size: 1024
      direction: RX
        delimiter: "\r\n"
        - lambda: UARTDebug::log_string(direction, bytes);

  - id: has_key
    type: bool
    restore_value: yes
    initial_value: "false"
  - id: stored_decryption_key
    type: char[32]
    restore_value: yes

  id: dsmr_instance
  uart_id: uart_bus
  crc_check: false
  # For Luxembourg users set here your decryption key. 
  # Enable this when using decryption for Luxembourg;
  # key looks like '00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF'
  #decryption_key: !secret decryption_key 

  - platform: dsmr
      name: "Energy Consumed Luxembourg"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Consumed Tariff 1"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Consumed Tariff 2"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Produced Luxembourg"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Produced Tariff 1"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Energy Produced Tariff 2"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Power Consumed"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Produced"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Electricity Failures"
      icon: mdi:alert
      name: "Long Electricity Failures"
      icon: mdi:alert
      name: "Voltage Phase 1"
      name: "Voltage Phase 2"
      name: "Voltage Phase 3"
      name: "Current Phase 1"
      name: "Current Phase 2"
      name: "Current Phase 3"
      name: "Power Consumed Phase 1"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Consumed Phase 2"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Consumed Phase 3"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Produced Phase 1"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Produced Phase 2"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Power Produced Phase 3"
      accuracy_decimals: 3
      name: "Gas Consumed"
      state_class: total_increasing
      name: "Gas Consumed Belgium"
      state_class: total_increasing
  - platform: uptime
    name: "${devicename} Uptime"
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "${devicename} Wi-Fi Signal"
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: dsmr
      name: "DSMR Identification"
      name: "DSMR Version"
      name: "DSMR Version Belgium"
  - platform: wifi_info
      name: "${devicename} IP Address"
      name: "${devicename} Wi-Fi SSID"
      name: "${devicename} Wi-Fi BSSID"
  - platform: version
    name: "ESPHome Version"
    hide_timestamp: true


INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/dsmr01.yaml...
INFO Starting log output from using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to
[21:35:03][I][app:099]: ESPHome version 2021.10.3 compiled on Oct 29 2021, 20:47:44
[21:35:03][I][app:101]: Project zuidwijk.slimmelezer version 1.0
[21:35:03][C][wifi:490]: WiFi:
[21:35:03][C][wifi:352]:   Local MAC: 2C:F4:32:4B:23:DA
[21:35:03][C][wifi:353]:   SSID: [redacted]
[21:35:03][C][wifi:354]:   IP Address:
[21:35:03][C][wifi:356]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[21:35:03][C][wifi:357]:   Hostname: 'dsmr01'
[21:35:03][C][wifi:359]:   Signal strength: -46 dB ▂▄▆█
[21:35:03][V][wifi:361]:   Priority: 0.0
[21:35:03][C][wifi:363]:   Channel: 11
[21:35:03][C][wifi:364]:   Subnet:
[21:35:03][C][wifi:365]:   Gateway:
[21:35:03][C][wifi:366]:   DNS1:
[21:35:03][C][wifi:367]:   DNS2:
[21:35:03][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:095]: UART Bus:
[21:35:03][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:097]:   RX Pin: GPIO13
[21:35:03][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:099]:   RX Buffer Size: 1024
[21:35:03][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:101]:   Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[21:35:03][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:102]:   Data Bits: 8
[21:35:03][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:103]:   Parity: NONE
[21:35:03][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:104]:   Stop bits: 1
[21:35:03][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:106]:   Using hardware serial interface.
[21:35:03][C][uptime.sensor:031]: Uptime Sensor 'dsmr01 Uptime'
[21:35:03][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:35:03][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[21:35:03][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[21:35:03][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Icon: 'mdi:timer-outline'
[21:35:03][V][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-uptime'
[21:35:03][C][logger:233]: Logger:
[21:35:03][C][logger:234]:   Level: VERBOSE
[21:35:03][C][logger:235]:   Log Baud Rate: 0
[21:35:03][C][logger:236]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:181]: dsmr:
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_delivered_lux 'Energy Consumed Luxembourg'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_delivered_tariff1 'Energy Consumed Tariff 1'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_delivered_tariff2 'Energy Consumed Tariff 2'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_returned_lux 'Energy Produced Luxembourg'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_returned_tariff1 'Energy Produced Tariff 1'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_returned_tariff2 'Energy Produced Tariff 2'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   power_delivered 'Power Consumed'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   power_returned 'Power Produced'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   electricity_failures 'Electricity Failures'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: ''
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: ''
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 0
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Icon: 'mdi:alert'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   voltage_l2 'Voltage Phase 2'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: ''
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   voltage_l3 'Voltage Phase 3'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: ''
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   current_l1 'Current Phase 1'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'current'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   current_l2 'Current Phase 2'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'current'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   current_l3 'Current Phase 3'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'current'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   power_delivered_l1 'Power Consumed Phase 1'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   power_delivered_l2 'Power Consumed Phase 2'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   power_delivered_l3 'Power Consumed Phase 3'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   power_returned_l1 'Power Produced Phase 1'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   power_returned_l2 'Power Produced Phase 2'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   power_returned_l3 'Power Produced Phase 3'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   gas_delivered 'Gas Consumed'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'gas'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'm³'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:   gas_delivered_be 'Gas Consumed Belgium'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'gas'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'm³'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:187]:   identification 'DSMR Identification'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:187]:   p1_version 'DSMR Version'
[21:35:03][C][dsmr:187]:   p1_version_be 'DSMR Version Belgium'
[21:35:03][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:03][C][version.text_sensor:021]: Version Text Sensor 'ESPHome Version'
[21:35:03][C][version.text_sensor:021]:   Icon: 'mdi:new-box'
[21:35:03][V][version.text_sensor:021]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-version'
[21:35:03][C][captive_portal:150]: Captive Portal:
[21:35:03][C][web_server:160]: Web Server:
[21:35:03][C][web_server:161]:   Address:
[21:35:03][C][ota:082]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[21:35:03][C][ota:083]:   Address:
[21:35:03][C][ota:086]:   Using Password.
[21:35:03][C][api:134]: API Server:
[21:35:03][C][api:135]:   Address:
[21:35:03][C][api:139]:   Using noise encryption: NO
[21:35:03][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\x17)\x10\x88\'\xC4\xBFI\vj\xF7\xDC3?\r\xD6\xA1\xB7\xF9C\xA3\x1D\x82\x03\b\xCF\xEA\\\x02L\x10\xF9\xC7\x04GR\xA8\x94\x1C{l\xB9!\xF6%\f(N\x17C&W\xE3\xE4\xE5\x16\x1D@\xBEcH8\xEF\'\xDB\x12o\xD2\xB9?B\xE0&\xAAX\x9C\x1D6\r}\x1A\xF2m\x816\enl\x02w\xB31-~"
[21:35:03][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi Signal'
[21:35:03][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[21:35:03][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[21:35:03][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unit of Measurement: 'dBm'
[21:35:03][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[21:35:03][V][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifisignal'
[21:35:03][C][wifi_info:009]: WifiInfo IPAddress 'dsmr01 IP Address'
[21:35:03][V][wifi_info:009]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-ip'
[21:35:03][C][wifi_info:011]: WifiInfo SSID 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi SSID'
[21:35:03][V][wifi_info:011]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-ssid'
[21:35:03][C][wifi_info:012]: WifiInfo BSSID 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi BSSID'
[21:35:03][V][wifi_info:012]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-bssid'
[21:35:04][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:04][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:04][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\x18\xA3\xC5#\x19\v\x89\xED\x0E\x8D\x9Ct\x97\xA3\xB6\x18{\x89-=\xFD/\x16\xDE\x06\x8E\x19m 4?\xBA\x17ws\x98G\n\x05\xC2\xC4\x985\bV*\x101\xA0|f\x17Z.\xC1;\xA5x\xA3\x8E/\v\xBD\x16Sr\xF2\x1E\xAA\xB3\xDD\xA5\xBA\xA2\\\xFD\xBD~(\x10)O{\xC2c\xA3\x02o\xA69\xDA\n\xDC~"
[21:35:05][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:05][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\x19\xA6\x8D\x9C\xAFwBCj\xD8\xCAN\x1D\f\rz\xEE\xA1\x0E8j\xFB\xE4\xDEf\xA5\x12W\x88}b\x04\xF7^\xD8b\x9DT\xAA 9YW[j\x89\xD4\x1F\xC4\x93p}\xFF\xA4\xEF~\x86NF\xB6Fa\xF1\xF7m\x11R5\xC5\xAB\xF8\x15C\x8F\t\xB2q\xA4Py\xF5\xA94E\xC1\xC8m\xAAI\x1F3H\x0F~"
[21:35:06][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:06][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:06][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\x1A\xE5\xE5\xA2\xBD\x83\xACRa|\xF1\xE0N[\x04\x02\x14\xF8:F6\x91\xC4^\xC5\x15\xCD2\x91\xA9\x8C\xA5`\xCD\rA3\\n\xE7\x05\x1E\xC4\x93,\xD4vJByH\xEFY\xC8[\xD6]A\x0F`\xBD\x8F\xCCG7\xDB\xCAc\r\x83T\x1E\fY\xCDa\xFCT\xCC\xD1\xC0\xEAH\x01!\xA4\b\xF2@l\xC6\x98~"
[21:35:07][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:07][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\e+t<\xE1\xAE\xAF)\x0Fx\x11{\xE3\xEC\xEB\x16\xF1m\xAB\xD6\xBFJ_\x83Pw\xA5\x01G\x11\xF4D\xE8\x82\xED\x8C\xA4\xDA_\x14\x14\xC9\xD4u\xCBE\x90\x8D\xC5\xC6\xA7\x8E\rF%`1\xD8\x06\vF:16M-\xF0.\xEB\xC4c?\xD4\xBC\x00UL\xC3\xE3\x1E\x8A\x8D+\x8F\x96\x98U\xE5\xA6\xB3\xBC\xBB\xC3~"
[21:35:08][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:08][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:08][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\x1CE\xC6\xBBF\x90\x93\x88\xC1~D\x91\x0F\xF6/\xFE\t\xF0L4#\xE4gr\x97\x1A[FZ\xE2!\xACy\x00n\\h\xCA\xD3b\x8E3\x98oR\x00O/\xEF\x81\xB5f,$nh\xD0D\xCFw\x06 \x10\xEDu)3p\b[\x96R\xA7\x9C\x02$Pl\"BV\xA1\xD7\xA0\x99\x9E\xCF1\xF3\xE1V~~"
[21:35:09][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:09][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\x1D\x83\xA2\xB1U:\xA8\xAF\xC6\xAE7\xAC\xCF\x01\xADt\xC1EX\xCD0\xA1Q\x00\x02?\xFF|\x82\xC6Q\xEB+\xEEP\x91!%e\x80\xB0*\x16/)j\xF7=2\x1C\xC91\xADi\xFE`\x15\x06\xFBw]\xAD\xBF\x03\x9B\xDAp\xB6\xA9*SS\v\xA8l\x87B\xBA\x04@\x84q=\x8DfL\x94\xB2\xDC\xFA\v{~"
[21:35:10][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:10][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:10][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\x1E\x89\xBCl\xC2=\xC53J\xF3d\xD8\x85%\x00\xA8\xD5.\x91\xED\xC0\xC3\xDD\xE7e\xFD\xD4\xA9!\xD4e\x03)\b\xEC5\xDDi\x9E\xB8F\xE1+L\xE8\x8A\xE2h\xA2\x03\xDB\xF5\xD0E\xA0N\x9F@\xB6\x8B\xBC\xB1\xD3(\xCA\xCD\xF0\xD6\xE5\x87#;2\xE5\x88Ju\xE0\vf\x8A\xA4=\x92\x9Db\xF38\xE2@a\xBE\xEC~"
[21:35:11][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:11][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\x1F\nX0R\x05y\xB9\xDC\e\xAE\xFA\xD4;\x84\xA5\x02\t\xD82\x93\xFD\x1D1\x8F\xBC\xE1\x19\x9B;\x1C\xCA\xF0\xC4\xF0<\xCF\xC61\xF2*g\xE9\x8Ah\x0F\xF5\x80\x9F{\xAB\x10\xBB,\x1Dy\x97X\xD4b\xFB\xDB\x1F\xE6]q\v\xCCXi}\xC92\x003\xED\x94xKG)B}\xBFs\x14\xF1,\xD1\xD2\x001\xCA~"
[21:35:12][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:12][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_ U2\a\xE84n\x17\xFDb\x1D\xDC\x92\'%\xEFyt\x17\x1D\x96\xCAQuuS\f\xE2\x10\xA5\x83^5\x12\x8F\x1A5\xF2\xBB\xCES\a7\x82\xAD7\n\x06\xDC:\x01\x8FE.\xD6<>\x18\x96\x85\xB8\xC6t\x8F\xB3q{\x00\xD6-\xCA\bjV]\xBEP%d\x93F\x85\xFF\xD6\xD9b\xCB\xC5\xDE\xD3\x97\xC9\x05~"
[21:35:13][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:13][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_!\x04\xEF-\xA1n\xAC\x9E\xA77\x83\xCD\xA1\xAF\xF3Z?mwo\xFAJ\xC3aD)\x04\x03\xDE\r\xA2_\x00\x1D\xCC\xAC\a\xDB2\xE6\v\xFAz\x18=\x04\x1D\x8C\x99g\xD4\xB1\x97_+&\x86\x9D\xDC=ZY\x8B)e\x10\xEF\xD3\x80AT\x04\x8E<\x10\xF6on\xDD\n\x02\xA2\xBC\xE6p\x96\xA5\x85&\xC9\x8F\xA5~"
[21:35:14][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:14][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\"\xCF\x84\xDF\"\v\xBC\x12\xC6\xF9\x9E\xB1,ZM\x05A\x15\x87\x82q\x04ym\xAB(u\x19\xA4\xE4\xB8\n\x9A\x0F\xE4:\r\xDBz\xE2!\x0F\xB5\xF2\xCA\x17\xF6~\xD5\xACC\xC6\n\xD4R\xD9\xBB\x85Z\xC3\x15\x90\x04\xED\xF7k\xE7\a.\xB2\x01\x8E\xC8v\x18\x8E\xC2H\x185z\xDD\xEF\xAF\xA5\xE5\xB2\xC6\x93\xCA\xBF\xC6~"
[21:35:15][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:15][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_#I\x8D\xAD\xCC\xDD\xDEJ\xA2\x9A]\x92P\x14\xCDjN>-X?\xB2\xFB\xCD\x17\x1A}\x90S\xCA\xDCc\x8FS(\xF9\x16\x12\xABP#\xAC$\x12G\x94>\x01\xEB\xD4[\xB1w\x14\t:\x1C-\v\xAB\xEC\xCA\b\xE3\xD7\e\x16f\x01u#\xE1\x0F\x19i\x94\xA1\xB3s\xC2\xBA\x8D\xE0\x8D\rA(8\xDB|\x8A\xDA\x1F~"
[21:35:16][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:16][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:16][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_$\xD8:a\x87nF\x19\xE0\x0F+]\xEF\x18e\x8D\xEF\xA0Cn\xF2Z\xADC\xDA4\v@C\x83\xB3\xE8|S\xDD\xC1\xC1\ra\xC1N\x1FO\xF4\x93@\xB2N\x9C\x82\x11mp\xAE\xEE\xAEN)k\xAD\xCF\xD7\v\t+\r\xAFe\xB5\xC3\xAC\xD3\xCD\xB3\xD3\xD9\x15=\x8Af\xFE\xA3~%\xE2<\x02\x8D\b\x96UJ~"
[21:35:17][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:17][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_%\x90\xB3\xBAL\xC4H3\xD5\x00\xB8j\xB2C\xE0\xDB\'\xE4\xAD\xEF\xCB-\x96z\x1FFM\xE7\xB2RuJ\xFBB,\xB4\x02\x0E\x82d\x14g\x9E, #\x83Y\xC2\xF9+\xD7\xED\xDC\xAB\xF1\xA8\xE6\x81(\xDE,\xAD3\xF6H{\xFD\xA0yc\xB2\xBF\xB6J\x8E\x86KEp\x12l\xD8\xF0\xB8\xE0\xBD\xAA,\xF6\xB8c\xE8~"
[21:35:18][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:18][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_&Y$l\xC9\x00\x03`]_\x81\x82\xE1@\x8B\x14Y\x00\x85\xABh\xB3\xA3\xC1\xC7\xBBu\xDF\xAD\xC7\x88\xF5Az\xAA\x8BH\xF4\x01T\xCDJ|\xBE\xDEa\xD2\x8D\x89@\xD1\x9D\xDF\x155\xB3\x85O[/b\x0E\x17\xDF\xF1h\xAB\x1D\xEF\xE3\xDAc\xB0\xE03\x8DZ\xC1\x14\x173\xA0\xA3\x12\xD2T\xDE\xD6\x97\xED9\xAAq~"
[21:35:19][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:19][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:19][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_\'\xF1=\xFD\x0FjJ\xF8\x8Ea]\xC5|kZ6\xD1kH\x94\x88\xF3\x85]\xED\tm\xDC\x06\xD7\x870.\xBA\xA6\xA7X\xE4~\xE8Cf\x99a\xC5\xD83r\x1EA\x82\xF0\x1A\x8F\xFC\xAA\x05oG\x8BT\x8B9\x83n\x1A\xA5nJ].q\xE1}\x1E\x0F\x8A\xB1\xA3\xC1\x9B\xF3\xD4\x9DH\x17\x86X~\xF7VwZ~"
[21:35:20][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:20][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_(\xAE\xB2\x13)T9A\xE7\x05b\x88\x80\xCA\x14\x8E\xBC\xD6\xA1\xF4[\xF4\xC3\xE5\v:WI\x97\x98:\nQ0U\x13\x83[\r1\xF3\x98\xA0\x0E\xE4SL9~\x1A`oC!\x0F\xEE\xF3\x17L5\xBB\xEEi(\x03u\x17\xB9\xC0\xF6a/g\xB6.}\xA7\x92W&\xF3\x96\'\xFA@W\xCA\x84\xAF\x81z\xE8~"
[21:35:21][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:21][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:21][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_)\xD2\xEC\t\xF6ej\xCD\x8C\xB1\x8F\xEE\x9E3_\xABm\x8C:\xD9\x9CVa\xE2\xE7t\xF3\'\xD4\xFA\xA5\xB5\xC4\x8B\x8C\xC8\x8F\x0E\xA02\x0E(\x9A\xC4d\xFA\xC5\\\x04V:\x81\xF3\xA9F\xFF\xFA<\x85\xBCf\x11\xBC\x05K\xD1\x8B\xF3-\xE6g\xD6\"e d\x92\xCC\xD3\x92\x99\x1F\b\xD2\x92\xDBc\xB8;\xC4\xAF6~"
[21:35:22][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:22][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_*X\x9E\xA8\xC0\xB9^E\xDA9\xA3#|K\xC0j\x1F3U\x17\xD25\xB4\xCD\x16\v\x0F\x1C\xC4rn\x9C\xA4kWIi\xBC\xD5\x871cg\x95`\xB8\xBD\r7\x8FO;`\a\xD9\xA3\x88[\xE1\xBAx\\\xC3\x1F^\x0E\xDB_\xAD\'\x0E\xA0#\xC6\x97]*\xCC7\x89!wA\xB4\x9F[\xA0t\x93\xB8\xFB9~"
[21:35:23][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:23][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_+\xCF`\xFC\x86\xD7\xDAV\xFCS\xF8e\xA5\x055\xE6\x85\x8A=f\xD7\xCA\xCD\xBF\x1C3=^\xDA\xCCx\x93\xCEt\xD3\x86s\xCA\x85\xD1\fm*\x19\xCE,J\xDB\x8F\x16*\xF0\xAB\xC2\x9B\xFC]\xAD\x9B\xEC\xB3\x11\xCA\xA0!\xE5\xBB%\x87\x81\xC0\xE8\xEA\x9F\xE2*\xBC?.?\xDB\xD6\x81\x90Dj\xA8\x80V\xAF\x88\\~"
[21:35:24][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:24][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_,\x9D\x0F,_\xCDB$\x95DIlp\xCB_\xE9\xB4\xB6d\xEE\x91\xEA\x1C\xD7\xF6\x18tO\x95\xBCm\xB6\f>\x14YGJ\x98i[\xDA\xFD\x8DO\xE7*_\x01!W\xA4*\xD5P \xA4 2\xC6\xD7\n\xB9\xE6\x9C\x15\xF8D\xCE\xBDZ\xCB\xF7.i;{\xCC\xF5\xED\xD7\x13\xE7~\x94\xB9\x1E!S\x83\"\xE5X~"
[21:35:25][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:25][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:25][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_-\axC\x14~}>\xFF\xBF\xC1\xDF\xC9\xAA\xB7!\x99(q4@\x89i\x87\x8F\xEE\xE0\x1F\a\xEF\xE4\xF8\xAF\xF2R\x91O\xC3\xF7NX\xE65\xBF0M\xE0\eo\xC5\xA1\x9A\xC5\xE1\xD9\rIH$.:\x1D\xD8\xAFV\x14R\xDE\x86w\x15\xE0\xB2c\xBA*Z\x19\xF7\x83P\x11F&\xF9%\xB1\xCF\xA8\xC6T\xC8\x86~"
[21:35:26][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:26][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:26][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_.\xEAl,\x97J/\xF5\xE7[]\xA3\x12\xA7\x9Eu\x81\xEE\xF6\xCDu\xB5h\xD8\xBB\xE0\xB6\xC3\xC1x\xCDU)\xB6\xFC\xA7\x8D\xA6O\x8F\xBC\xDF\xE4\x01\x10\x8A\xDC\x8B\x8F/\'\xBANt\b\xE1.y\xB5\xD9\x06\xAB\xD3uZ\xB0\xA9\x94~f\x1CT\x19\x14\x12,\x8B\x1D7\xBB\v\xE2w\xB2.\x999\xBA\xCF\xBC\xD8y\xDE~"
[21:35:27][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:27][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_/\xEA\x14=\xCB\x8A\xB9h+zp\x97M<\x80b\xBF#{\xA8\x10 \x1F\eh^\xAA\xCCTFoRQg\xC2\x13\x9B\fY\xC9\xD8^O\x87\xE3\xF8$\\\x8F\xB7m\x96\xB5d\x9C\xB9\v\xAAT\xD6\xD3\xC8 \xB5\xC8t\x18\x1E=3\x86\a\xF6\x12\f\x9D\xC620n\xA3I\x84\x15\x1F\xAA\x12/\xFD\xCA\x9A\x91s~"
[21:35:28][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:28][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:28][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_0\x9F\x16lPi/\x972\x02eu\x98sG\x18?\x9D8\xCF\x9FF\xCF\x0E\xFD\x8D5\xDA+\xB15\xF2\x83\x85\xF5\'#\f\x01\x18#:\r\x11\xBA\x01g\fV!\xF1\x9D\xF0LfuhJm+f\xFBT\x90\xF5p+e\x96\xC75\xC1\n\xF0:\xA5T\xF6\\\x82\xC5K\xEC\e\xF9\t{\xB9\xBF\xB5\xF9\x14~"
[21:35:29][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:29][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_124\'\x8A\xAB\xA0\xB3\xAB\xB0\x1E\xC7\eT\xD0\xF9\xCE\r\x12\x02\b;\x1C\x1C\\d9\xA6\xD9NaY\x16\xE6$`\x1A6\xB0U\xEC\xF1@\xEE/;\xF1\xA4=\x8C{\x9B\xF6\xD8\x0E\x16\f\xF4\xDA\xD2\x8F\xA7Ji\xFF\xF9%\xE8\xA2x\xF4!\xB0P\xCF\xB4JpI\x99\xB9\xE9\b\x1F \xDE\xC6n\x83?<P\x1E~"
[21:35:30][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:30][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:30][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_2\xF3\xA3e\xCB+wI}\xFAf|=\xD0m\xEF[t\xB8?S+I\x1D1\xA9\xBC\xC6\xFC(\xAD\x81g\xE3\xBE\f\x81\xD5\xC9\xB9\xB0\xABIje\xF9\"?0\xADO\xF1\xA8K\xD9I\x18\xBA7y4\x136\x85\xD1P\x84\xE5\xBB\xDBF\a8\xB0k\xF9\r\x82\x82lcy\xA5],X@\x8C\xB1\xDCH\x94~"
[21:35:31][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:31][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:31][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_3tUi\xD5\xE7\xEFg\xD9\xB1JH9\x10\xF6\xDA\xECO-wW\xD4\xA4Z\'[\xC9h`w\xE1\v\xD8\xFE@~+qR\xA3\x10\xC99?\xC1\x97\xF6\xFE\xC2\xD4\xA5\x12\xB1\xCE\x84\xA9\x0E\xE5/\xC8\x19QAo\xC7\x8E\x97\xC7\xF1!\xF6\xBCpCb\x1Dd\xC8\xCF\xC3R\xA7\x12p\xE1\xB0\a\xCB\xB1\x89\xBA\x9E\xC9~"
[21:35:32][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:32][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_4b\xC9\x14\"\x12\x95$\x05\xB6}n\t2\xFB\x80\xD4)|*\xAA\xE6=\xAF\xB2@]\x05\v\xE7_\xB8\x1E\xE9~\x12\x86K\xD4\xFE\fF6Ah@i\xE2\a\x89\v\xEF\xEC\a\xDE\xD9y]j\xE7*^\xF1\xBE\xE1\x88\xF4\xFCS\xB2\f\x97+3\x97%\xCF\xB4N\xD8qY\xD9n\xFE\xE5.Z\xA0-\x15~"
[21:35:33][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.
[21:35:33][D][uart_debug:152]: <<< "~\xA0y\xCF\x00\x02\x00#\x13\xD9\x86\xE6\xE7\x00\xDB\bSMSgp\x04\xED\xE9_ \x00\x01_5\xFF,a\xB2\xC8\xA34y\v\xA1s\xD3\xD2\xE1\xAC#@1&\x9C\x85\x8C-\x94\xF1`\x12\xCF\xCFQ\xE4\x83\x9CJ\xE9F\xC2Im5,\xD8\xBCfn8q\xD4\xBEB\x8F\xD9N\xE9\xE9\x86\xED]\x8C`\xF0\x8F\x15=^J\xD0\xAA?-G\x91\x83%\x98D\x11\x8E9 \xD0\"mW\xCB\x89\xE1\xBA\x0E\xEF`~"
[21:35:34][E][dsmr:116]: First byte of encrypted telegram should be 0xDB, aborting.

best regards chris

deejaybeam commented 2 years ago

log after changing uart section to:

  - id: uart_bus
    baud_rate: 115200
    rx_pin: D7
    rx_buffer_size: 1024
      direction: RX
        bytes: 20
        - lambda: UARTDebug::log_hex(direction, bytes, ' ');
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/dsmr01.yaml...
INFO Updating
INFO Updating
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
Processing dsmr01 (board: d1_mini; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/espressif8266 @ 2.6.3)
HARDWARE: ESP8266 80MHz, 80KB RAM, 4MB Flash
Dependency Graph
|-- <ESPAsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.3
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome> 2.0.0
|   |-- <ESPAsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.3
|   |   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|   |-- <Hash> 1.0
|   |-- <Crypto> 0.2.0
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|   |-- <ArduinoJson-esphomelib> 5.13.3
|-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ArduinoJson-esphomelib> 5.13.3
|-- <Dsmr> 0.5.0
|-- <Crypto> 0.2.0
|-- <ESP8266mDNS> 1.2
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|-- <noise-c> 0.1.4
|   |-- <libsodium> 1.10018.1
|-- <DNSServer> 1.1.1
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
Compiling /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/src/main.cpp.o
Linking /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/firmware.elf
Building /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/firmware.bin
RAM:   [====      ]  41.4% (used 33896 bytes from 81920 bytes)
Flash: [=====     ]  45.1% (used 471220 bytes from 1044464 bytes)
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 12.67 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Connecting to
INFO Uploading /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/firmware.bin (475376 bytes)
INFO Compressed to 323616 bytes
Uploading: [============================================================] 100% Done...

INFO Waiting for result...
INFO OTA successful
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to
[21:56:39][I][app:099]: ESPHome version 2021.10.3 compiled on Oct 29 2021, 21:56:09
[21:56:39][I][app:101]: Project zuidwijk.slimmelezer version 1.0
[21:56:39][C][wifi:490]: WiFi:
[21:56:39][C][wifi:352]:   Local MAC: 2C:F4:32:4B:23:DA
[21:56:39][C][wifi:353]:   SSID: [redacted]
[21:56:39][C][wifi:354]:   IP Address:
[21:56:39][C][wifi:356]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[21:56:39][C][wifi:357]:   Hostname: 'dsmr01'
[21:56:39][C][wifi:359]:   Signal strength: -45 dB ▂▄▆█
[21:56:39][V][wifi:361]:   Priority: 0.0
[21:56:39][C][wifi:363]:   Channel: 11
[21:56:39][C][wifi:364]:   Subnet:
[21:56:39][C][wifi:365]:   Gateway:
[21:56:39][C][wifi:366]:   DNS1:
[21:56:39][C][wifi:367]:   DNS2:
[21:56:39][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:39][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:39][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:40][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:40][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:40][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:40][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:095]: UART Bus:
[21:56:40][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:097]:   RX Pin: GPIO13
[21:56:40][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:099]:   RX Buffer Size: 1024
[21:56:40][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:101]:   Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[21:56:40][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:102]:   Data Bits: 8
[21:56:40][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:103]:   Parity: NONE
[21:56:40][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:104]:   Stop bits: 1
[21:56:40][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:106]:   Using hardware serial interface.
[21:56:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 12 68 1C 31 07 46 57 20 FA 83 67
[21:56:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E2 75 9B 2D 42 63 6C BE BC 92 5B 52 DB D5 F6 00 A7 6B C9 46
[21:56:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B4 86 6F B1 4C B4 12 06 74 B2 5E 66 8C 1C 16 00 F5 B7 91 7B
[21:56:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 43 AE E0 26 6C 8D FC 7F 20 FC E3 BC 85 73 97 38 27 E5 79 B0
[21:56:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A6 E0 8B B0 F3 3E 00 3A 25 0B BA 33 42 F8 2F BF 5F B3 47 35
[21:56:40][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:40][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:40][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:40][C][uptime.sensor:031]: Uptime Sensor 'dsmr01 Uptime'
[21:56:40][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:56:40][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[21:56:40][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[21:56:40][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Icon: 'mdi:timer-outline'
[21:56:40][V][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-uptime'
[21:56:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EB C6 7E
[21:56:40][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:40][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:40][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:40][D][api:098]: Accepted
[21:56:40][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[21:56:40][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:40][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:40][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:40][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[21:56:41][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:41][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:41][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:41][C][logger:233]: Logger:
[21:56:41][C][logger:234]:   Level: VERBOSE
[21:56:41][C][logger:235]:   Log Baud Rate: 0
[21:56:41][C][logger:236]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[21:56:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 13 71 84 54 5F 9C 68 AD 53 89 4C
[21:56:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 03 C9 A6 57 09 19 3E C1 9F 99 6C 2F 59 EE 05 09 8C FE 4C 53
[21:56:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 31 CF 6A 08 A5 8D CF 54 09 DF D2 8B 1E 60 E2 26 7B F8 13 C1
[21:56:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E5 3C 92 4E 9D 5A ED 15 A1 4C BD F0 C3 2A EB D7 D3 FE C0 41
[21:56:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5B BD 50 BD F8 C8 67 BF 7A 58 3F E0 5A 2B E4 7E 77 2D 38 B0
[21:56:41][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:41][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.29 s).
[21:56:41][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 85 7F 7E
[21:56:41][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:41][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:41][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:41][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:41][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:41][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:181]: dsmr:
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_delivered_lux 'Energy Consumed Luxembourg'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_delivered_tariff1 'Energy Consumed Tariff 1'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_delivered_tariff2 'Energy Consumed Tariff 2'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_returned_lux 'Energy Produced Luxembourg'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_returned_tariff1 'Energy Produced Tariff 1'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:   energy_returned_tariff2 'Energy Produced Tariff 2'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:   power_delivered 'Power Consumed'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:   power_returned 'Power Produced'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:   electricity_failures 'Electricity Failures'
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: ''
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: ''
[21:56:41][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 0
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Icon: 'mdi:alert'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: ''
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:   voltage_l3 'Voltage Phase 3'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: ''
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:   current_l1 'Current Phase 1'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'current'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:   current_l2 'Current Phase 2'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'current'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:   current_l3 'Current Phase 3'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'current'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:   power_delivered_l1 'Power Consumed Phase 1'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:   power_delivered_l2 'Power Consumed Phase 2'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:   power_delivered_l3 'Power Consumed Phase 3'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:   power_returned_l1 'Power Produced Phase 1'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:   power_returned_l2 'Power Produced Phase 2'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     Device Class: 'power'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:184]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:187]:   identification 'DSMR Identification'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:187]:   p1_version 'DSMR Version'
[21:56:42][C][dsmr:187]:   p1_version_be 'DSMR Version Belgium'
[21:56:42][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:42][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:42][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:42][C][version.text_sensor:021]: Version Text Sensor 'ESPHome Version'
[21:56:42][C][version.text_sensor:021]:   Icon: 'mdi:new-box'
[21:56:42][V][version.text_sensor:021]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-version'
[21:56:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 14 06 DE 05 8F CA 6C 4D E5 A0 6F
[21:56:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A4 DD 27 DC 59 6D DA 0C 9A D1 98 D7 E5 1F 36 0B 28 76 E8 DE
[21:56:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 89 BF 2F 72 F7 B7 0A 4F 9C 3C C3 32 4F D7 6D 10 FC 26 D9 08
[21:56:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 31 DF 46 6C 76 10 F9 34 E5 29 16 A9 BA D8 62 B0 E0 9B AC 02
[21:56:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 60 BD CC 5D 94 E3 EC 5F 06 57 22 12 04 85 C7 2E F8 E3 57 75
[21:56:42][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:42][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.24 s).
[21:56:42][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< BC 28 7E
[21:56:42][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:42][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:42][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:42][C][captive_portal:150]: Captive Portal:
[21:56:42][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:42][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:42][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:42][C][web_server:160]: Web Server:
[21:56:42][C][web_server:161]:   Address:
[21:56:43][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:43][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:43][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:43][C][ota:082]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[21:56:43][C][ota:083]:   Address:
[21:56:43][C][ota:086]:   Using Password.
[21:56:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 15 3D 7C CF DA E8 CB AF 7C 0B 69
[21:56:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 77 3C 1F 50 CC 41 94 7B E4 53 2B 25 D2 B4 AF 54 81 33 90 56
[21:56:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 92 38 63 A2 49 A9 54 7C FC 92 9D C3 0A 66 E5 33 3A E3 F3 8A
[21:56:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D2 74 C0 71 93 33 28 00 EE C1 56 36 27 03 27 56 15 24 C5 17
[21:56:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C4 3E A8 4F 15 4A 2A 16 C4 45 CE FB A3 D3 19 71 B1 F4 9A 01
[21:56:43][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:43][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:43][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:43][C][api:134]: API Server:
[21:56:43][C][api:135]:   Address:
[21:56:43][C][api:139]:   Using noise encryption: NO
[21:56:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EB BC 7E
[21:56:43][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:43][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:43][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:43][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi Signal'
[21:56:43][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[21:56:43][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[21:56:43][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unit of Measurement: 'dBm'
[21:56:43][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[21:56:43][V][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifisignal'
[21:56:43][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:43][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:43][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:43][C][wifi_info:009]: WifiInfo IPAddress 'dsmr01 IP Address'
[21:56:43][V][wifi_info:009]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-ip'
[21:56:44][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:44][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:44][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:44][C][wifi_info:011]: WifiInfo SSID 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi SSID'
[21:56:44][V][wifi_info:011]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-ssid'
[21:56:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 16 02 5D D1 FB 38 D5 07 95 EA 66
[21:56:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 09 99 B7 C3 A3 7B 97 21 EA 4C EA 32 07 91 98 81 BD AC 3A 54
[21:56:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F7 8B 3B 30 03 65 88 5D A9 7E C9 BC AE 90 6F FF 8A 2D CF EA
[21:56:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6A B2 3D 7C E4 9B D3 24 C0 C2 69 ED AF 6B 3E 82 9B 10 44 76
[21:56:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 30 1C CF D8 6D D1 39 99 8F 16 5C F1 9C A7 8F B2 29 BB AD 8B
[21:56:44][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:44][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.29 s).
[21:56:44][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:44][C][wifi_info:012]: WifiInfo BSSID 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi BSSID'
[21:56:44][V][wifi_info:012]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-bssid'
[21:56:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A4 61 7E
[21:56:44][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:44][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:44][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:44][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:44][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:44][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:45][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:45][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:45][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 17 35 BD BE 13 63 D5 51 4F F0 35
[21:56:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B1 31 6D B0 BB AD 90 22 FD 5D E7 78 DD BE 32 26 93 57 85 D5
[21:56:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D5 F5 64 07 2B 07 10 8C 70 A7 BE 9D EB C9 9A DA F8 0B 35 5F
[21:56:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6C 70 DD 90 90 9C 37 6B BF 2F 19 1A 57 37 EC 3D 18 42 50 57
[21:56:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 56 26 6B 3D 45 8C E5 84 CC 8F 33 EA 9F FD 9E 84 A7 81 EF A8
[21:56:45][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:45][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:56:45][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 3D 30 7E
[21:56:45][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:45][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:45][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:45][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:45][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:45][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:46][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:46][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:46][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 18 32 35 E5 FF 16 FE 4B A9 B8 1F
[21:56:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< FB C6 14 1B AC 3A 8A C4 75 6F B8 62 73 BC 96 9F F9 26 F0 BF
[21:56:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 77 96 3A 8B 1F D5 17 CC 65 6E 51 94 82 14 37 6A C5 CC C8 D3
[21:56:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 66 20 85 71 75 5A CA AC E4 72 30 E4 EF 91 B8 AE A0 98 98 4D
[21:56:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AA EB 94 BD 6F 22 43 5F 3F 2D A3 3D 68 CA 29 FC DB 35 49 A4
[21:56:46][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:46][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:46][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:46][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[21:56:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D4 FC 7E
[21:56:46][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:46][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:46][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:46][D][api:098]: Accepted
[21:56:46][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[21:56:46][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:46][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:46][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:46][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[21:56:46][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[21:56:47][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:47][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:47][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 19 7F 9D 41 5E 78 39 EC 1D 57 65
[21:56:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A0 AD DC D5 18 6C 92 AC 5E 18 04 4D 42 F2 22 9E 1A 89 CE 09
[21:56:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 54 25 9D 30 01 DE 64 56 1D 01 F7 F6 37 76 D1 D3 8F DC 26 D8
[21:56:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 74 FC AB 06 04 7B DD CA 26 85 E9 CF 36 13 44 79 26 F5 2B 0B
[21:56:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 63 F9 87 77 DA BD D1 36 FE 15 39 18 4C AE C8 16 10 F1 9C CD
[21:56:47][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:47][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:47][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A9 24 7E
[21:56:47][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:47][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:47][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:47][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:47][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:47][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:48][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:48][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:48][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 1A 6E A1 2B 3C 07 91 8D CF 1F E2
[21:56:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CC 01 1B 93 ED D6 51 5D 0D 7F 90 0B FB 87 C0 31 90 AA B0 E8
[21:56:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 62 F6 2D 3B 6A 1A 79 C1 BB 8C BF D4 CE D6 B2 20 7B 5E 0D 87
[21:56:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EB 97 51 D0 FA AC A1 3D CE 1A 15 0B 15 20 51 AD B2 21 5F 01
[21:56:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 80 40 44 34 1B B3 84 D6 36 C1 74 4C 4C EE D8 56 C5 B8 BC 82
[21:56:48][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:48][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:56:48][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B4 1D 7E
[21:56:48][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:48][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:48][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:48][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:48][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:48][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:49][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:49][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:49][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 1B F4 C9 07 7F 01 AD 37 5D 83 28
[21:56:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7B A7 D3 5E 4A C4 8E 63 BD 82 74 FD 01 2E 45 3A A8 DC BB 59
[21:56:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5C CC AB 2C 09 EF AA BB 43 7E 21 0B 5E F6 47 D2 ED 35 5F 26
[21:56:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 57 F8 68 42 80 EA 64 EF 46 70 70 FF E8 D6 56 06 D7 23 51 02
[21:56:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0F BB 93 50 3A E2 55 D8 18 48 AD 54 DB 8F CC D9 EF 41 22 75
[21:56:49][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:49][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:49][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 62 3E 7E
[21:56:49][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:49][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:49][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:49][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:49][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:49][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:50][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:50][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:50][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 1C A9 B6 A5 CB 3E 78 A1 45 6E 46
[21:56:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6B F5 7F D5 AB 9A 82 A0 AB FD B9 BA 1D 17 1F 21 2E 1F D3 07
[21:56:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7F 84 6E A4 42 52 46 8B DA 59 8D 40 52 96 20 94 22 37 F7 A6
[21:56:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< FC FD 05 5A F8 4F 03 CA 7E 47 3A 34 4E 31 FB D2 BA DE 62 15
[21:56:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< BA 09 1D 71 86 70 51 B6 37 95 81 A0 4B E4 5C 5A 95 3D 7F F9
[21:56:50][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:50][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:56:50][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E0 A1 7E
[21:56:50][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:50][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:50][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:50][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:50][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:50][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:51][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:51][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:51][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 1D 3B 6C 93 72 47 82 0D 8B BD 09
[21:56:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D9 2B 79 27 89 A8 DB B7 EE 3B 14 E7 86 33 AD 2B 34 5F 5C E1
[21:56:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D2 73 2E CF 1C 76 5D 3F 68 E6 89 7B DF 90 DE 8D 1C 51 47 B7
[21:56:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 61 6A 7B 58 89 C7 11 9C 92 3D 34 AD AC 2C BA 32 AA F1 34 C3
[21:56:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< DC A0 B7 FA BD BB F2 7F 0B 9A E1 BE A0 69 8A FD 7D 89 D6 DE
[21:56:51][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:51][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:51][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0E 57 7E
[21:56:51][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:51][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:51][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:51][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:51][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:51][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:52][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:52][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:52][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 1E B9 A1 1A 1D 9F 8A 98 32 74 F5
[21:56:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 54 65 87 7A D5 51 D2 4C EA FD 06 07 46 E7 7D 05 2F 9E 05 29
[21:56:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2D BB 6E 4D B1 1C D6 90 DF 02 A6 0D BF 59 94 47 FD 7D 42 15
[21:56:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0D 14 A5 AB CD BF 66 21 E0 1F 3C 25 94 63 1C 53 FE AA 01 9C
[21:56:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 69 BB 0F A2 95 B5 5D 73 D7 46 DC 29 63 7E F5 56 27 F6 0D 04
[21:56:52][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:52][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:56:52][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:52][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[21:56:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E5 4B 7E
[21:56:52][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:52][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:52][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:52][D][api:098]: Accepted
[21:56:52][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[21:56:52][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:52][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:52][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:52][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[21:56:52][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[21:56:53][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:53][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:53][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 1F DD 3A B1 2D E4 32 C5 46 0D 43
[21:56:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A5 46 C6 15 E3 15 F5 19 F3 3A 4F F0 78 54 AE 3A AC 91 66 31
[21:56:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 64 92 5F 12 07 38 A7 71 6D CD 47 EA 7B 15 C2 C8 7C BA 20 8C
[21:56:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 55 D6 CA 20 31 58 27 DE 75 D2 1A 25 E7 CD 93 64 04 18 F1 68
[21:56:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0F 35 8C 4D 46 8A CE 2D 2E 11 8F DE 28 36 08 8B 13 B7 6A 5C
[21:56:53][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:53][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:53][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B0 45 7E
[21:56:53][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:53][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:53][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:53][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:53][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:53][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:54][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:54][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:54][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 20 CC D1 79 CF A6 A8 84 59 E8 B6
[21:56:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 64 47 5B 0A 45 9C 37 D7 8B FF AA 85 7F FA 12 81 2A 29 D0 17
[21:56:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 75 F2 E3 09 E9 EE 6C 32 E9 28 D0 AF 93 B3 C7 8A 14 35 63 2F
[21:56:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C1 48 82 8B C3 DB C6 35 AA 54 18 EA 8C 6C BB C9 3E CF 31 85
[21:56:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7F 82 49 A3 68 58 37 24 00 8E 1F FC 79 2F 86 6B 53 1B 17 A2
[21:56:54][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:54][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:56:54][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A6 16 7E
[21:56:54][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:54][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:54][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:54][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:54][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:54][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:55][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:55][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:55][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 21 AE 33 CC 69 24 96 AB 3C C0 A6
[21:56:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 63 43 57 22 E8 48 40 FD 6A 79 B1 B8 4C ED EA B5 A0 2F 52 6D
[21:56:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C3 D1 93 A1 90 69 0B B0 D4 9B A7 42 C3 5B 68 3C 71 23 FA BF
[21:56:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< BD 8A D1 8C 48 AB F9 B4 BC B0 2D EB C7 1A D5 50 B6 94 9C 5A
[21:56:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 85 3F AD D9 C9 BB 6F 33 AC 3B 52 81 DE 5B 27 93 24 BA BE E0
[21:56:55][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:55][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:56:55][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 78 73 7E
[21:56:55][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:55][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:55][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:55][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:55][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:55][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:56][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:56][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:56][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 22 6A 21 78 E9 F8 C0 C9 26 78 60
[21:56:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B0 B4 B8 BC 71 02 54 71 BF 33 A0 8D B6 85 85 05 41 17 AB AE
[21:56:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 84 BF 0E 2A DB C7 43 E8 9C 39 53 5B E9 62 23 1A 8D 51 FF 10
[21:56:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 11 3C 22 19 FD 98 75 9E 20 27 4D C1 6B 5C 13 23 9F 40 5D C1
[21:56:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 76 09 F9 23 4F 61 44 7F DD D9 73 C8 57 B8 33 D5 66 00 46 16
[21:56:56][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:56][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:56][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< DF A0 7E
[21:56:56][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:56][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:56][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:56][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:56][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:56][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:57][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:57][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:57][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 23 B7 67 7D 0F EA 6C 08 F4 7E 05
[21:56:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EC 63 52 A2 1B 34 B6 47 42 EE D4 48 E7 BB 47 3E 3D 2D 24 F2
[21:56:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6D 85 AE 6F CF FB EF 36 B6 50 7D 38 A1 00 4F 6C 84 A5 D7 E4
[21:56:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 27 AE 83 30 06 54 2B E0 1F A7 D7 6E 39 B8 E9 35 D5 60 E7 24
[21:56:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 3F 4C BA 5D D5 29 7C AF 31 CE FE 45 FF B4 7D AD 97 28 C5 96
[21:56:57][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:57][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:57][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 41 39 7E
[21:56:57][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:57][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:57][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:57][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:57][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:57][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:58][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:58][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:58][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 24 FD B8 28 A9 58 E0 17 79 02 E0
[21:56:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2A CF 2C CB 56 C1 48 EE A1 F2 40 66 0A AB D2 45 74 6E 7F B9
[21:56:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 BE 29 15 40 86 4D FC 45 77 C0 FB 50 01 71 1C 85 CB 2C 8F
[21:56:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7C 0A 81 28 7C 89 A5 23 35 96 E6 9B 69 46 00 37 B6 85 4B A3
[21:56:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F8 32 98 88 37 1E BC E7 79 2E 8D C7 14 87 F1 8E 44 46 4C 19
[21:56:58][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:58][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:56:58][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:58][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[21:56:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AC 9E 7E
[21:56:58][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:58][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:58][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:58][D][api:098]: Accepted
[21:56:58][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[21:56:58][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:58][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:58][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:58][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[21:56:58][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[21:56:59][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:59][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:59][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:56:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 25 06 29 D6 AE 3B B9 CE FD 00 A7
[21:56:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F9 95 11 B8 F1 40 D3 32 1C 62 C4 C7 65 81 FB B2 CE 31 F4 42
[21:56:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 9D 08 EB 75 C2 2F CB 27 D6 85 03 2D 39 AF 75 76 7E E3 B5 17
[21:56:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 52 E8 D1 2D 05 77 6D BC 46 FD DE 83 F1 88 58 90 C0 2B 54 DC
[21:56:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 07 84 C7 29 E0 3E DF 20 7B 6B F0 C2 CA F9 AF CA 7B B4 E8 03
[21:56:59][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:59][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:56:59][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 84 79 7E
[21:56:59][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:59][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:59][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:56:59][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:59][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:56:59][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:00][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:00][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:00][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 26 BB 83 9F 05 46 30 4E 6A 8E 47
[21:57:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8E A3 5D 3E 84 B5 11 6B C7 45 E4 59 4C 79 2C CC 62 09 41 66
[21:57:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CF 40 4F 40 E8 FD 5F E8 40 6E C1 95 E5 D2 16 13 3C 37 05 62
[21:57:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0E 0F 69 87 AF 7D 33 AC 83 B4 7D AE 37 9D 64 3F EC 53 B6 79
[21:57:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 33 FD 2B E4 E3 F3 3B DC F6 7C 33 97 7E 6A 45 38 DA 84 89 23
[21:57:00][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:00][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:00][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B5 BF 7E
[21:57:00][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:00][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:00][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:00][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:00][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:00][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:01][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:01][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:01][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 27 A1 01 41 37 30 99 EA 45 21 9E
[21:57:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 63 0D A9 13 89 66 8C 3E DE 58 10 A0 61 A6 DD 4B 89 8F 50 A1
[21:57:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E4 43 D1 88 92 49 36 7F 0D ED E5 19 22 2E 7A 0C A2 8B 3E 99
[21:57:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6E B7 09 68 EC 65 6D 3F 7D 64 B9 D5 61 6E 8A B9 D9 1B E0 4B
[21:57:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 63 8F 11 73 10 E8 38 A6 28 5C E8 82 46 44 39 D0 11 F4 88 95
[21:57:01][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:01][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:01][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A9 7D 7E
[21:57:01][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:01][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:01][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:01][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:01][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:01][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:02][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:02][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:02][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 28 8A 55 F1 42 2A 5B CE 3F 43 B2
[21:57:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 11 2C A7 BF A1 9A 2A 2C 05 0F 50 DC 0B E8 C0 41 9F 11 6D E4
[21:57:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B8 6B 5C 8C 7C 83 D7 9F 35 17 EA CB 40 A5 62 C8 43 EB 78 2B
[21:57:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 99 C5 2D 98 12 41 16 C6 5C 47 FC 9F B9 66 CE CF 08 06 C6 0E
[21:57:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 99 E6 EB 07 A6 A4 9C 37 87 17 0F 37 7F EC 2E 4F EE FE 0A 01
[21:57:02][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:02][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:02][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5C D1 7E
[21:57:02][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:02][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:02][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:02][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:02][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:02][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:03][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:03][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:03][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 29 6F 0D 23 94 55 7E EA 75 FC 63
[21:57:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 63 43 B6 BF EB DA 15 15 CD 9A F0 AE 87 EA 40 E2 77 FD 5A C3
[21:57:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2B E3 56 80 BB F5 6C E4 16 B5 56 93 A0 D6 3E 24 46 32 44 D5
[21:57:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 82 49 AF CB 98 03 B1 25 53 02 D9 77 7E F0 19 FB 9D 1C 3A BF
[21:57:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2A FC 18 2B 79 00 40 F1 C0 CC E2 10 D4 93 D9 8C 01 F4 A4 D0
[21:57:03][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:03][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:57:03][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 92 88 7E
[21:57:03][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:03][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:03][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:03][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:03][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:03][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:04][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:04][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:04][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 2A F2 C7 15 D7 6D 96 0B 03 26 D8
[21:57:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C7 4B 46 9A 12 35 3F FC 77 2D 21 91 BC 1D 0D FD A0 08 85 FF
[21:57:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 72 32 26 AA 0B 6D EE 22 DF EF 00 B0 15 96 93 97 50 25 91 19
[21:57:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0E 4F 1B BF 19 F5 35 5F 43 6C 87 FC 12 21 53 85 80 3D 00 8F
[21:57:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C3 D7 4F 25 A5 EA B1 46 1E 5D 8C 16 6A 24 53 39 B6 B8 5B 8C
[21:57:04][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:04][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:04][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:04][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[21:57:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 00 80 7E
[21:57:04][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:04][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:04][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:04][D][api:098]: Accepted
[21:57:04][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[21:57:04][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:04][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:04][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:04][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[21:57:04][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[21:57:05][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:05][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:05][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 2B 80 8B 8E A4 9D 25 FE D5 D2 46
[21:57:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B8 60 B9 F7 6C 09 F0 D9 73 48 2B 38 13 54 8C 2E DE 39 32 A7
[21:57:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1E 30 1A 68 AE ED E3 4F 23 94 55 6D 93 2D 4D 25 26 2F A3 3B
[21:57:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 86 2E A5 9C 03 78 2D D4 99 76 7C 30 E3 05 84 7E 42 C5 19 4B
[21:57:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 52 8D DA 29 B4 A6 44 07 4D 78 0C 02 8E 23 77 E0 EE B1 88 8C
[21:57:05][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:05][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:05][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1D AE 7E
[21:57:05][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:05][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:05][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:05][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:05][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:05][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:06][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:06][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:06][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 2C 35 9F AC 77 B9 52 0C 04 5C E0
[21:57:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B0 61 16 FC 2E 5D 3B 59 31 35 10 DB CF EB 1B 01 D4 EC 88 82
[21:57:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F2 0A 3C B7 64 2B 3E 6A F6 72 8A AA AA FB 81 94 E1 78 BE D5
[21:57:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D0 79 73 70 36 46 57 09 F2 48 34 FE 84 08 47 0C A4 21 4C D7
[21:57:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 64 38 13 B5 0E 3D 0F F9 7E 97 59 0E 92 6A 26 95 E8 5B 95 CB
[21:57:06][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:06][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:06][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A5 96 7E
[21:57:06][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:06][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:06][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:06][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:06][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:06][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:07][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:07][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:07][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 2D A0 2B 94 9C B6 97 F5 04 BD 21
[21:57:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C1 BB 50 E2 00 18 9F 7F CA A2 F2 4C D6 E2 70 15 4A 14 2F 34
[21:57:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< FA FC 0D 14 B7 67 E2 65 4F CA 6A C9 1E 19 B3 50 25 2E 43 2A
[21:57:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C5 E8 CE 82 F4 B8 79 6F 92 68 55 6B D7 FF 3F CF 7F 3C C1 65
[21:57:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 95 E5 7A D4 1F A2 08 11 A8 07 8B 33 8F 47 50 5F 43 35 87 DF
[21:57:07][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:07][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:57:07][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< ED F3 7E
[21:57:07][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:07][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:07][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:07][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:07][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:07][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:08][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:08][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:08][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 2E 91 E3 DC 81 48 A4 C5 BA AE C4
[21:57:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5E DB 78 06 FF 2E FD 74 8A 95 E7 7C 5A 37 39 BD D5 17 E5 D1
[21:57:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B0 12 F1 34 2C 09 34 B7 8D AC 9C 33 1E 33 97 4D BD 35 EC F9
[21:57:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 87 18 30 B5 EE 85 DC C6 63 40 E7 A3 D6 4E E6 8B FD A4 70 A4
[21:57:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A0 7B B3 70 16 F9 81 F7 FA F7 71 D7 63 3F EA DC 43 EF 4D E6
[21:57:08][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:08][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:08][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A9 BD 7E
[21:57:08][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:08][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:08][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:08][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:08][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:08][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:09][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:09][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:09][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 2F 0E 48 E9 B4 54 51 58 F0 CA 5A
[21:57:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2A 2B 4B 59 80 80 06 79 1D D1 D1 80 3F 6C E3 6C B5 DE 91 30
[21:57:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 99 EE 3A DE CE 5D AC E3 E9 FB 38 44 AC 11 7F 61 66 7F 34 4F
[21:57:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 08 A3 1F 35 DF AA F2 C1 FB CB 46 D9 D5 AF F8 E4 1B 88 7B 2D
[21:57:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0A 16 38 8E BE D7 36 91 04 64 68 3D A7 25 69 C5 88 87 D9 1C
[21:57:09][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:09][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:09][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AA D2 7E
[21:57:09][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:09][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:09][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:09][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:09][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:09][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:10][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:10][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:10][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 30 85 F2 E1 B4 50 9D 44 39 C3 8A
[21:57:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 49 B5 13 E7 B7 B4 AA 27 DD F1 0C E8 44 77 A7 21 84 5A 0F AF
[21:57:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F5 84 00 D3 0A 44 26 BF B8 47 B6 33 B6 B9 38 29 AF 71 E0 F5
[21:57:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CF 19 3F A8 A2 91 55 8A 77 AF 16 D6 10 26 BC A5 F3 BA B5 62
[21:57:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< DE 3B 59 44 7F 15 54 45 55 19 88 27 5E 1C 78 92 38 C9 A4 45
[21:57:10][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:10][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:57:10][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:10][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[21:57:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 3E 3D 7E
[21:57:10][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:10][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:10][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:10][D][api:098]: Accepted
[21:57:10][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[21:57:10][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:10][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:10][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:10][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[21:57:10][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[21:57:11][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:11][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:11][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 31 0D FD 6E 24 B7 BB 80 B2 62 3E
[21:57:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B3 59 A2 88 70 BA 8E 30 2B EF 2A AC 37 72 8C 27 E9 1B D5 3A
[21:57:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 23 3C 8A 7E 61 18 06 39 BA 7F 3C FD EC 13 1E 08 20 D7 8F A5
[21:57:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EC 39 EC 4F 13 5E 27 CC 62 49 52 74 56 CC A8 1D 48 06 39 A5
[21:57:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 89 D6 BF 16 E4 D3 4F E2 C5 FE 5A DB 38 75 F4 E2 D0 81 34 2E
[21:57:11][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:11][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:57:11][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1F EA 7E
[21:57:11][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:11][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:11][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:11][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:11][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:11][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:12][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:12][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:12][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 32 29 A2 E0 82 6E 41 23 FD A1 42
[21:57:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F7 1F 40 2C 8A A9 C1 35 42 19 0A 8C DB 77 89 DC 0B 86 34 82
[21:57:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 11 C7 8F CE 0E 31 A1 BC 8D 2C 4E 9B A8 8B 65 57 05 A4 A3 7E
[21:57:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 02 9A FB 0F 50 93 F5 49 D6 B0 E0 BF CE B4 BC 35 A8 53 76 52
[21:57:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E3 BD E8 21 57 0C 95 8A 3F E1 14 55 FF 5F 1A F1 A2 5A 58 B9
[21:57:12][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:12][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:12][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 4B 42 7E
[21:57:12][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:12][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:12][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:12][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:12][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:12][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:13][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:13][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:13][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:13][V][sensor:062]: 'dsmr01 Uptime': Received new state 50.520000
[21:57:13][D][sensor:113]: 'dsmr01 Uptime': Sending state 50.52000 s with 0 decimals of accuracy
[21:57:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 33 BA 75 72 46 8D 4F 77 32 65 2A
[21:57:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 58 30 E7 E5 C7 99 8A 10 73 4F B6 3E D4 B2 74 43 E5 04 C6 D5
[21:57:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 64 75 5C 77 8E 7E 4F 4D BF 06 F6 7F 50 21 0E 21 D0 20 84 D1
[21:57:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 84 A6 90 D7 74 18 34 FE 18 BF 4D B3 6C 2A 6D 51 0B 41 C6 F9
[21:57:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 83 DA 8E E9 FE 7B 14 57 98 1E A1 D4 57 61 7C 58 14 DF 38 E0
[21:57:13][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:13][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:13][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< ED 12 7E
[21:57:13][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:13][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:13][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:13][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:13][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:13][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:14][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:14][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:14][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 34 A6 38 D9 93 8F 4C F9 26 9F 94
[21:57:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CA 02 F3 5D 2D 28 15 C0 7E B4 DC 60 CA 71 18 77 40 27 30 E8
[21:57:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6B 02 7F BA 6A DF 76 6B E0 4A BF B3 A6 91 3C 7D 4E 0D CD 99
[21:57:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C2 BB 22 7D 6C EF 3C 2D 18 3C D3 C2 17 48 1B 81 2F 40 0C 37
[21:57:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 21 2B 66 B6 2B 7D 66 DC 4E 0A BE 71 DF 5B 61 87 FD 61 24 20
[21:57:14][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:14][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:57:14][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A4 6D 7E
[21:57:14][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:14][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:14][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:14][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:14][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:14][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:15][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:15][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:15][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 35 5F 56 05 CF 35 BD C9 51 FD 1C
[21:57:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F6 FE B1 C1 9D 0C C4 73 9A 2B BA BE 6C 58 70 13 1C 08 04 AA
[21:57:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 27 E4 65 9C C4 CC 9E 74 89 E9 05 89 B9 23 C0 38 D5 B0 74 86
[21:57:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 3D E4 7F 6F D9 FF F4 E3 10 C1 35 D6 8A 7A CA 1A A7 51 20 C1
[21:57:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 58 6E 44 C4 5E 84 CA 07 50 F2 73 02 5A 70 04 62 D0 2A 17 AE
[21:57:15][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:15][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.32 s).
[21:57:15][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AF 39 7E
[21:57:15][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:15][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:15][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:15][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:15][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:15][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:16][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:16][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:16][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 36 C9 C9 47 60 21 A4 14 27 95 65
[21:57:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E4 4E 15 1D D5 25 02 40 82 F0 EB 34 36 38 9B 2D B2 46 B4 62
[21:57:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 67 44 7B 81 60 7E 7B 50 15 9B C4 82 B3 B9 DA C3 96 EF AD 99
[21:57:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 26 84 B4 53 A4 24 8F D8 30 15 D8 7E 1A C4 E0 48 9B 1F C7 B4
[21:57:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 98 F6 BC 32 19 27 0F 4D DE 62 F0 B7 AC 4E F6 48 7F 5C 20 C1
[21:57:16][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:16][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[21:57:16][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:16][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[21:57:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A5 46 7E
[21:57:16][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:16][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:16][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:16][D][api:098]: Accepted
[21:57:16][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[21:57:16][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:16][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:16][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:16][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[21:57:16][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[21:57:17][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:17][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:17][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 37 C4 A6 0A 90 CD 83 53 7F 8B 26
[21:57:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 50 37 4A 23 CF 21 1B 33 04 F4 09 A7 D2 32 59 DC C9 2D 9A 90
[21:57:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 15 1E 03 BE 5D 1C B4 E6 7E CC DE 6C 3B 87 6D BC 69 0F 10 07
[21:57:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 60 CF F3 34 B1 33 F4 25 8B 1C 0D E6 10 E6 26 75 EE C3 DC ED
[21:57:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2A EC 8B 96 9E 86 96 60 21 9F 1F 0E 25 05 6B 81 C9 74 7B F5
[21:57:17][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:17][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:57:17][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 4D 08 7E
[21:57:17][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:17][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:17][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:17][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:17][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:17][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:18][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:18][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:18][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[21:57:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 64 38 B7 1C 31 34 1A 70 53 1A 41 FD
[21:57:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 9B 9D EE 73 73 01 79 02 51 33 F2 D6 0F 9E AA D5 06 4E CA 99
[21:57:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 99 31 CB 86 07 62 2F 65 BE 57 5A 06 29 01 82 A2 42 43 CC E1
[21:57:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 08 70 0F 13 BD 64 FE 52 BE 39 BD 60 CC 66 42 4B A6 FC C0 E0
[21:57:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 19 D9 F2 11 57 D7 7D 92 27 AA 58 C2 DC D8 02 72 8D 93 65 B2
[21:57:18][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
mmakaay commented 2 years ago

What I find noteworthy, is things like this:

[21:56:41][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:56:41][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).

In the fix that I wrote, while reading an encrypted telegram, I wait for up to 200ms for new data to come in for the telegram that is being read. The fact that there are a lot of messages telling that dsmr took 0.20s, it looks like the 200ms is reached and the code gives up.

Furthermore, I see:

[21:57:17][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[21:57:17][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 4D 08 7E
[21:57:17][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:17][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:17][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:17][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:17][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:17][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[21:57:18][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while waiting for encrypted data or invalid data received.
[21:57:18][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[21:57:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67

Here, while reading a telegram, data aren't coming in for about a second. Looking at the DB 08 sequences in your logging (those are at the start of a new telegram), the smart meter is sending one telegram per second. In the log line from above, there's also this data 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 in front of the new telegram DB 08 53 ...etc.

Spider sense is tingling ... There is a data flush mechanism in the encrypted telegram reader. Maybe that mechanism is flushing too much at this point, throwing away the start of the telegram. I'll go and check if I can see a failure path for that.

deejaybeam commented 2 years ago

awesome! If you need more information ,or logs, or tests feel free to contact me! maybe it makes sense to check the code of the linked repo which is working? I do not turn the pin 2 on and off, to request data. It has fixed 5v (maybe relevant)

deejaybeam commented 2 years ago

Maybe one more information - the timeout first occours after enabling uart-debug, never seen this before....

mmakaay commented 2 years ago

Pin 2 being "HIGH" all the time is not a problem. That will simply result in the meter spewing data every second.

I did some changes and pushed them to a separate branch. @deejaybeam Can you test with ref: fix-crypt-mdsr-deejaybeam please? I did a few warning and error logging improvements while I was at it. Some of the messages were a bit confusing IMO.

deejaybeam commented 2 years ago

done - log:

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/dsmr01.yaml...
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
Processing dsmr01 (board: d1_mini; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/espressif8266 @ 2.6.3)
HARDWARE: ESP8266 80MHz, 80KB RAM, 4MB Flash
Dependency Graph
|-- <ESPAsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.3
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome> 2.0.0
|   |-- <ESPAsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.3
|   |   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|   |-- <Hash> 1.0
|   |-- <Crypto> 0.2.0
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|   |-- <ArduinoJson-esphomelib> 5.13.3
|-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ArduinoJson-esphomelib> 5.13.3
|-- <Dsmr> 0.5.0
|-- <Crypto> 0.2.0
|-- <ESP8266mDNS> 1.2
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
|-- <noise-c> 0.1.4
|   |-- <libsodium> 1.10018.1
|-- <DNSServer> 1.1.1
|   |-- <ESP8266WiFi> 1.0
Compiling /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/src/esphome/components/dsmr/dsmr.cpp.o
Compiling /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/src/main.cpp.o
Linking /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/firmware.elf
Building /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/firmware.bin
RAM:   [====      ]  41.4% (used 33880 bytes from 81920 bytes)
Flash: [=====     ]  45.1% (used 470972 bytes from 1044464 bytes)
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 14.37 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Connecting to
INFO Uploading /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/firmware.bin (475120 bytes)
INFO Compressed to 323428 bytes
Uploading: [============================================================] 100% Done...

INFO Waiting for result...
INFO OTA successful
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to
[23:18:17][I][app:099]: ESPHome version 2021.10.3 compiled on Oct 29 2021, 23:17:46
[23:18:17][I][app:101]: Project zuidwijk.slimmelezer version 1.0
[23:18:17][C][wifi:490]: WiFi:
[23:18:17][C][wifi:352]:   Local MAC: 2C:F4:32:4B:23:DA
[23:18:17][C][wifi:353]:   SSID: [redacted]
[23:18:17][C][wifi:354]:   IP Address:
[23:18:17][C][wifi:356]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[23:18:17][C][wifi:357]:   Hostname: 'dsmr01'
[23:18:17][C][wifi:359]:   Signal strength: -44 dB ▂▄▆█
[23:18:17][V][wifi:361]:   Priority: 0.0
[23:18:17][C][wifi:363]:   Channel: 11
[23:18:17][C][wifi:364]:   Subnet:
[23:18:17][C][wifi:365]:   Gateway:
[23:18:17][C][wifi:366]:   DNS1:
[23:18:17][C][wifi:367]:   DNS2:
[23:18:17][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:17][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:17][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:18][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:18][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:18][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:18][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:095]: UART Bus:
[23:18:18][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:097]:   RX Pin: GPIO13
[23:18:18][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:099]:   RX Buffer Size: 1024
[23:18:18][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:101]:   Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[23:18:18][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:102]:   Data Bits: 8
[23:18:18][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:103]:   Parity: NONE
[23:18:18][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:104]:   Stop bits: 1
[23:18:18][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:106]:   Using hardware serial interface.
[23:18:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 1E F6 70 3F C5 A8 ED FF E6 C8 46
[23:18:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 22 A6 FA E9 E9 38 51 E0 FF 56 65 9C F6 13 9D 6E 42 6E 2E FD
[23:18:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 18 2A 42 13 F0 AC C3 4E 32 BE 8D 5E AB 8F D1 F5 CE 8D 7E 61
[23:18:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0A E4 AE 04 BA 82 19 FD 35 F7 A6 0B 3A 0A 13 C1 42 1B D2 0F
[23:18:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 66 A3 1D 26 26 F3 AB E5 EB 03 28 C1 C1 72 80 A1 FA 14 AB 9C
[23:18:18][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:18][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.29 s).
[23:18:18][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:18][C][uptime.sensor:031]: Uptime Sensor 'dsmr01 Uptime'
[23:18:18][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   State Class: 'total_increasing'
[23:18:18][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[23:18:18][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[23:18:18][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Icon: 'mdi:timer-outline'
[23:18:18][V][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-uptime'
[23:18:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 4C 7D 7E
[23:18:18][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:18][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:18][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:18][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:18][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:18][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:19][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:19][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:19][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:19][C][logger:233]: Logger:
[23:18:19][C][logger:234]:   Level: VERBOSE
[23:18:19][C][logger:235]:   Log Baud Rate: 0
[23:18:19][C][logger:236]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[23:18:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 1F B0 47 A2 AE E4 D6 7A 6A 74 55
[23:18:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 95 16 6C 8C A0 96 D5 3E 05 28 D3 FE B5 DA 5B 26 BC BA F1 60
[23:18:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C0 8D F4 1D 76 43 62 5D A2 D0 86 FD 7F 14 38 1E 5A 02 D2 C9
[23:18:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< BC 37 37 48 51 8C 88 2A EE 7D 2E 6D C0 4A DD 9C C5 6F 43 FB
[23:18:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 95 80 FF 68 0B 0D 4F 1F D7 43 A8 69 9A 3D 4F F5 2A B8 B0 0C
[23:18:19][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:19][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[23:18:19][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AF F4 7E
[23:18:19][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:19][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:19][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:19][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:19][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:19][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:177]: dsmr:
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_delivered_lux 'Energy Consumed Luxembourg'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_delivered_tariff1 'Energy Consumed Tariff 1'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_delivered_tariff2 'Energy Consumed Tariff 2'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_returned_lux 'Energy Produced Luxembourg'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_returned_tariff1 'Energy Produced Tariff 1'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_returned_tariff2 'Energy Produced Tariff 2'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   power_delivered 'Power Consumed'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   power_returned 'Power Produced'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   electricity_failures 'Electricity Failures'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: ''
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: ''
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 0
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Icon: 'mdi:alert'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Icon: 'mdi:alert'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: ''
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   voltage_l2 'Voltage Phase 2'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: ''
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   voltage_l3 'Voltage Phase 3'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: ''
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   current_l1 'Current Phase 1'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'current'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   current_l2 'Current Phase 2'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'current'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   current_l3 'Current Phase 3'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'current'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   power_delivered_l1 'Power Consumed Phase 1'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   power_delivered_l2 'Power Consumed Phase 2'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   power_delivered_l3 'Power Consumed Phase 3'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   power_returned_l1 'Power Produced Phase 1'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   gas_delivered 'Gas Consumed'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'gas'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'm³'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:   gas_delivered_be 'Gas Consumed Belgium'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'gas'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'm³'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:183]:   identification 'DSMR Identification'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:183]:   p1_version 'DSMR Version'
[23:18:19][C][dsmr:183]:   p1_version_be 'DSMR Version Belgium'
[23:18:20][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:20][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:20][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:20][C][version.text_sensor:021]: Version Text Sensor 'ESPHome Version'
[23:18:20][C][version.text_sensor:021]:   Icon: 'mdi:new-box'
[23:18:20][V][version.text_sensor:021]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-version'
[23:18:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 20 C0 5F 93 F8 F5 61 FE 4E 89 8C
[23:18:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C1 4F A1 5F F0 46 49 30 6A CC F0 7B A9 D7 02 AD 0E 10 03 7A
[23:18:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 85 49 2A BF 08 4C B6 E9 47 5C 8B 17 9E 23 F9 91 22 7C A9 DF
[23:18:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D4 2B E1 3A 18 D5 8A BB 8A 41 42 0A 42 2A 2F 1E DB 89 B4 88
[23:18:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AA 5C 20 12 84 3F 03 2F F2 38 90 27 4A 69 D1 CD F0 EB 06 60
[23:18:20][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:20][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.24 s).
[23:18:20][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 25 30 7E
[23:18:20][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:20][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:20][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:20][C][captive_portal:150]: Captive Portal:
[23:18:20][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:20][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:20][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:20][C][web_server:160]: Web Server:
[23:18:20][C][web_server:161]:   Address:
[23:18:21][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:21][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:21][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:21][C][ota:082]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[23:18:21][C][ota:083]:   Address:
[23:18:21][C][ota:086]:   Using Password.
[23:18:21][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:21][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 21 A2 3E 43 7F DC 24 C5 71 54 CE
[23:18:21][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 16 3F 61 41 5F 26 3B 73 31 3B 99 37 FC 78 34 35 95 20 7F 70
[23:18:21][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CF C3 CE D3 EC 57 6B 7E DE C6 6E 1B FD 03 A8 D6 66 5A 36 9A
[23:18:21][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 64 13 A6 8F 31 06 A4 D2 AF F3 FC E4 96 46 75 1C 60 B6 0E BE
[23:18:21][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 72 B5 E2 CD FB DF E4 CC 46 EF AB 4D 18 C6 47 5D 6E F9 2C 35
[23:18:21][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:21][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.29 s).
[23:18:21][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:21][C][api:134]: API Server:
[23:18:21][C][api:135]:   Address:
[23:18:21][C][api:139]:   Using noise encryption: NO
[23:18:21][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7A 89 7E
[23:18:21][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:21][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:21][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:21][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[23:18:21][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi Signal'
[23:18:21][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[23:18:21][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[23:18:21][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unit of Measurement: 'dBm'
[23:18:21][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[23:18:21][V][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifisignal'
[23:18:21][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:21][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:21][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:21][D][api:098]: Accepted
[23:18:21][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[23:18:21][C][wifi_info:009]: WifiInfo IPAddress 'dsmr01 IP Address'
[23:18:21][V][wifi_info:009]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-ip'
[23:18:22][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:22][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:22][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:22][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[23:18:22][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[23:18:22][C][wifi_info:011]: WifiInfo SSID 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi SSID'
[23:18:22][V][wifi_info:011]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-ssid'
[23:18:22][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:22][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 22 C6 6A 79 2B 5A B5 4E 30 29 85
[23:18:22][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 68 72 D6 58 99 FA B4 FD 05 5A 90 CC 4E C7 D9 46 FF BD 02 0F
[23:18:22][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 9A CF 04 7B DE 43 85 E9 10 BB 06 44 7B 1B 2F 4C CE 88 D5 D4
[23:18:22][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2F 73 F9 10 B9 6F E4 14 DF 52 49 6D 23 48 1A 41 07 EC 74 69
[23:18:22][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E6 8D 3A B9 D4 8A FD 84 DE 11 F7 88 51 6A 02 72 E4 8C 37 10
[23:18:22][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:22][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.28 s).
[23:18:22][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:22][C][wifi_info:012]: WifiInfo BSSID 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi BSSID'
[23:18:22][V][wifi_info:012]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-bssid'
[23:18:22][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AD 56 7E
[23:18:22][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:22][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:22][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:22][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:22][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:22][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:23][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:23][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:23][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:23][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:23][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 23 CE 55 2D 49 D9 48 5C F9 83 E9
[23:18:23][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0B 45 74 14 F7 EF 2D 0D 98 CB 48 6A 37 BD 92 4E 53 50 70 19
[23:18:23][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C0 03 36 6D 02 EC 60 6B 7C BA CF EB 39 9D B2 FC 26 2C F9 F9
[23:18:23][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6F 54 5D B8 78 D2 88 44 E9 76 58 A5 23 AD 7C 35 E1 C7 C8 15
[23:18:23][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1F 14 45 79 3E D2 EB 79 A4 8A 24 93 7D C6 A0 B7 A3 6C 80 57
[23:18:23][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:23][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[23:18:23][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:23][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 93 2E 7E
[23:18:23][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:23][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:23][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:23][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:23][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:23][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:24][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:24][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:24][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:24][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:24][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 24 5F 92 EB 16 3A AB 7A 11 29 FF
[23:18:24][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 49 7E 82 40 B9 B2 5E 81 57 E9 3E 00 2C 65 0D 97 BF E6 B4 C1
[23:18:24][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 45 9C 71 08 E6 71 96 6B B6 6D 15 03 42 FF A0 3B 10 69 DA 11
[23:18:24][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< FC 08 90 B8 CF E4 72 73 17 C5 B3 96 81 F0 70 43 FB DB A2 33
[23:18:24][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 35 5C 8B D5 F1 8E DC 1D 53 E9 04 76 81 2C 47 3B 87 5B 29 BF
[23:18:24][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:24][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[23:18:24][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:24][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 96 96 7E
[23:18:24][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:24][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:24][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:24][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:24][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:24][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:25][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:25][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:25][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:25][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:25][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 25 75 C3 D1 32 43 DD C2 95 12 38
[23:18:25][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A7 6C 4C 99 0B DF 4B 4E 8F 07 8C F9 10 46 96 96 06 AB 1D D8
[23:18:25][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 31 F6 28 37 4C CE E8 44 FD F5 73 C7 B6 33 CB 35 E1 19 7E 6D
[23:18:25][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 68 17 29 0F 01 ED 8E 7A F3 3F 22 DF 1A 44 F8 A3 0B 0E 04 5C
[23:18:25][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 22 CC 79 9E B9 D1 FF 91 B0 78 0B BF 7C 30 4F F7 F5 3E 01 18
[23:18:25][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:25][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:25][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:25][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2E 94 7E
[23:18:25][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:25][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:25][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:25][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:25][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:25][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:26][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:26][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:26][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:26][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:26][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 26 0C FC 15 66 BF F9 F1 6C 60 5C
[23:18:26][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 86 96 25 0A FD 3C 8F 13 9E 36 6F AB A8 CD 4B E9 BE B8 8D C0
[23:18:26][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 09 DB 54 E1 68 F8 DE 26 18 26 A2 D9 24 2A B2 7E A6 83 C6 9D
[23:18:26][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EC B4 56 B5 26 F3 28 52 15 71 DB 44 0B 8B 7C 88 0F 14 05 FE
[23:18:26][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 81 52 51 0B 52 81 79 47 85 E2 AF BF 6F E6 7F 4A 55 88 68 C5
[23:18:26][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:26][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:26][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:26][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8C 33 7E
[23:18:26][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:26][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:26][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:26][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:26][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:26][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:27][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:27][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:27][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:27][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:27][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 27 F9 3E F2 39 67 72 B7 A6 8A B0
[23:18:27][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< FE 2F 5F 8A FA CC DC 4F AE 63 9A BD 35 67 93 42 D2 C3 1F C6
[23:18:27][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2E 28 88 5C 1D F3 FC A6 F4 C3 92 F2 78 54 98 83 08 B9 49 65
[23:18:27][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 49 76 8A A2 EB CA C9 A7 F4 F9 11 78 81 64 99 9C D6 20 CC 18
[23:18:27][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 80 79 4E C2 C5 0D 6C F5 F5 83 AB 8B 27 FE A3 70 AA 78 CF F2
[23:18:27][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:27][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[23:18:27][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:27][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E 3C 7E
[23:18:27][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:27][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:27][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:27][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[23:18:27][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:27][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:27][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:27][D][api:098]: Accepted
[23:18:27][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[23:18:28][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:28][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:28][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:28][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[23:18:28][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[23:18:28][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:28][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 28 8B 49 04 49 9F CB 62 F5 B1 E1
[23:18:28][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5F FC F5 B8 80 AC 0D 6E B4 37 09 19 BE 88 E9 3B 00 69 D0 91
[23:18:28][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7A 93 45 18 D6 5C EF D9 87 86 44 86 DA 36 7C 38 7E 40 7C F9
[23:18:28][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 33 8C 0E 4D 51 91 9F 08 C7 5F 5B F6 3B 4B 95 EC 86 7B 8A EF
[23:18:28][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6A 25 2E 66 00 E1 4E B1 45 DA 38 51 F7 C0 DA C2 62 92 78 EC
[23:18:28][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:28][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[23:18:28][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:28][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EA 11 7E
[23:18:28][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:28][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:28][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:28][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:28][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:28][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:29][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:29][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:29][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:29][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:29][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 29 DC AA 2B 8C 64 C5 E5 C4 5A 82
[23:18:29][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AA 85 C2 3F 98 55 84 50 4E 49 38 B8 15 6F 0C DB 04 D4 BE D2
[23:18:29][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C3 A7 95 6D 0D 56 23 DA 2A 87 77 8C 6D F5 64 BA A6 76 31 83
[23:18:29][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 62 E2 61 32 9F 0F B8 13 64 7A D1 57 D9 A7 FA 1E E7 C0 67 F8
[23:18:29][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C8 8A 71 BA 35 FB 76 20 3C 54 46 63 7C AC 2C 16 84 1B 88 45
[23:18:29][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:29][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:29][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:29][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D1 BC 7E
[23:18:29][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:29][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:29][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:29][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:29][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:29][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:30][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:30][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:30][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:30][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:30][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 2A 38 FC 29 C4 50 6D 73 91 BC B5
[23:18:30][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A0 A8 EA CB A2 13 21 3A A2 08 3B 4E 3E 36 61 49 6C 0D 5B D0
[23:18:30][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E8 E2 2C 31 2C 14 F3 0B 6C 6A 92 A5 26 2E 73 C6 42 01 8B 67
[23:18:30][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C7 74 04 25 39 1D 4C DF 39 67 6B C0 11 B2 1C 9C E9 5E 9B DB
[23:18:30][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F3 D6 79 7B 79 FC 44 68 89 F8 A9 63 C8 7F 28 77 9A BC 46 A9
[23:18:30][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:30][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:30][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:30][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6A E0 7E
[23:18:30][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:30][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:30][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:30][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:30][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:30][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:31][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:31][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:31][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:31][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:31][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 2B 30 92 C3 B4 83 24 0E 78 C9 C5
[23:18:31][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D8 2F 12 C2 68 D6 F0 38 F6 BC 72 43 82 CE 74 38 A2 F9 51 C8
[23:18:31][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 90 94 74 53 3E 03 61 5B 40 4E 60 C3 6D DC 49 6C FF FA 18 DE
[23:18:31][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< DD E1 2E B8 A1 B0 0D B8 9F A8 2A 3E 19 71 5B 8D 21 D2 B2 57
[23:18:31][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E9 C0 13 0D 86 D3 F2 BD E0 45 14 2B 9C 36 A5 62 9B 50 C4 EF
[23:18:31][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:31][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:31][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:31][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 9B 70 7E
[23:18:31][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:31][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:31][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:31][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:31][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:31][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:32][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:32][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:32][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:32][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:32][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 2C EA 98 7F 68 50 C2 EA 63 96 B4
[23:18:32][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B9 14 53 79 77 D0 DE 4F D1 85 A0 62 26 8E B7 02 0C 60 12 05
[23:18:32][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0F 5F 98 21 22 CE 46 17 13 C9 74 E0 97 2F E1 DD 26 5F 27 2A
[23:18:32][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 38 96 92 D2 C6 AB DF 80 E3 E9 E8 C5 86 4A F3 D8 92 E5 7D 37
[23:18:32][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F2 E0 71 09 1D 3B 11 C5 89 F1 F0 88 20 8E 0A 05 07 4B CC CF
[23:18:32][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:32][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:32][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:32][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 17 E5 7E
[23:18:32][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:32][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:32][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:32][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:32][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:32][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:33][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:33][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:33][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:33][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:33][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 2D F9 3A 40 D7 F7 44 9D F2 3D 11
[23:18:33][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6D 98 BF BA F4 E6 3B 31 91 08 81 13 A5 AB F0 0D A2 87 3A 75
[23:18:33][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2E D6 D5 BD F3 EA 30 1B 86 B7 D6 19 05 26 07 6B DC EC 55 E3
[23:18:33][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AF 13 37 5E 56 2D D1 BE DC 9C 07 70 93 90 C3 9E AA 11 DC 97
[23:18:33][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 04 A3 E0 AD BB 80 1B 41 47 3E 66 91 86 47 D6 05 1C A9 17 5C
[23:18:33][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:33][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[23:18:33][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:33][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8B 28 7E
[23:18:33][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:33][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:33][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:33][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[23:18:33][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:33][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:33][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:33][D][api:098]: Accepted
[23:18:33][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[23:18:34][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:34][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:34][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:34][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[23:18:34][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[23:18:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 2E D4 A5 B4 69 47 3D A5 1F AD D5
[23:18:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 9A F7 AF F5 33 F4 1D D2 99 F2 B5 13 79 28 6D 24 0D 6D 85 3C
[23:18:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 44 92 93 ED C6 84 14 47 69 89 B7 D5 15 4A 81 34 61 89 0B 70
[23:18:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F3 85 84 87 77 DD 37 80 F7 95 9D 7B 62 60 FB 93 0D 25 4F CE
[23:18:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5E 1C 5B D1 36 62 E6 67 66 A9 C4 FF 97 55 6C 70 AE A4 EF 3F
[23:18:34][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:34][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[23:18:34][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 38 69 7E
[23:18:34][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:34][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:34][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:34][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:34][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:34][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:35][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:35][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:35][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 2F 39 C3 3B DB 08 18 D5 4E 22 54
[23:18:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< BF 34 AD 10 95 1F 27 73 A9 A3 FB 8D B0 30 AC 25 B0 72 AE FB
[23:18:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8A EC C2 7A 20 9F C8 A6 4D BD 2D DF 41 FE 48 BE DD 45 5C 4D
[23:18:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E3 91 D1 D0 07 49 DF 73 65 B5 92 3D 01 1D A7 2E C7 7B DC AF
[23:18:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 A5 EB C3 AF C1 22 FD 4F 79 2D EC 69 01 B6 9E 31 AD 2C 3D
[23:18:35][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:35][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:35][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 96 32 7E
[23:18:35][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:35][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:35][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:35][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:35][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:35][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:36][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:36][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:36][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 30 67 F9 F4 E6 19 3C 7F 18 DE 44
[23:18:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 62 A3 8C B7 2E 19 D9 61 EE 43 45 0F 9B 55 21 3A 5D 3A FB 06
[23:18:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B7 9A DA CB 92 73 A9 07 46 15 BC 4F 1D FE A4 BA BC 44 13 17
[23:18:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 46 F5 E2 41 B7 05 46 76 F2 A7 8E 47 BD 2B 8E 40 01 F4 B5 B3
[23:18:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2E 5C EF 1A 9A D3 B9 2A BE C6 2B 48 F6 0B 8F B8 2E 79 DB AE
[23:18:36][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:36][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:36][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AE 9E 7E
[23:18:36][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:36][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:36][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:36][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:36][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:36][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:37][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:37][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:37][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 31 7F EF 22 7E C2 71 11 48 0C 87
[23:18:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CF 4C D7 D1 C3 F6 C6 98 98 AE 45 5B D1 A4 B3 2E 39 8C 92 B6
[23:18:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 89 EE 0E 3D F4 FA AC ED 64 2F F9 25 6A 98 EF 23 32 B9 BF C6
[23:18:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 3A C3 87 38 81 AD 3D 67 92 B9 DA DF 6E 14 71 71 D1 1C 1D 22
[23:18:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C9 E6 EC A0 05 27 4C 5C 8D C1 B1 E8 75 DB BE E2 E7 95 F4 52
[23:18:37][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:37][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:37][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A4 D2 7E
[23:18:37][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:37][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:37][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:37][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:37][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:37][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:38][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:38][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:38][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 32 EC 07 12 53 90 28 D3 24 5C F4
[23:18:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 89 91 B8 58 76 40 D5 20 BF 06 65 FE A9 AA 9D 81 B1 28 F3 47
[23:18:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 4C C0 20 CC 97 D2 B2 38 A9 13 98 F7 BE 85 05 E3 8D 99 25 5E
[23:18:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 95 A1 17 A4 C3 DE 23 AA 07 74 0B FD E5 EF B6 77 C2 E1 49 95
[23:18:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8C 4A 0F 0D 18 07 5F BC BA C7 8C A5 4A AC AB 63 73 98 E6 1E
[23:18:38][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:38][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:38][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 EC 7E
[23:18:38][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:38][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:38][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:38][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:38][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:38][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:39][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:39][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:39][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 33 B1 60 A2 B6 73 19 5D 73 F8 55
[23:18:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E9 9C 2B 5B 30 E3 4A A9 C1 62 A6 11 CE B5 50 0B 2D 34 78 D1
[23:18:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 93 EE E6 64 7E 3E F9 95 A8 66 4B 83 B0 29 AC 03 34 69 A6 04
[23:18:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B5 D2 4C E7 7B 13 92 D5 F1 B1 DB 5C CF A8 93 91 86 AD 9A EC
[23:18:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 06 BA 48 D9 11 65 20 55 CE A5 7F 06 B1 CD 7F 97 C9 99 00 AC
[23:18:39][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:39][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[23:18:39][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EE 45 7E
[23:18:39][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:39][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:39][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:39][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[23:18:39][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:39][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:39][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:39][D][api:098]: Accepted
[23:18:39][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[23:18:40][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:40][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:40][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:40][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[23:18:40][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[23:18:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 34 BC 64 AF BF 56 FB 12 40 9D 5C
[23:18:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5A AE 82 9E 14 73 62 52 30 A7 EC EA 61 02 7C 4F C6 83 54 1F
[23:18:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5C 95 77 83 53 F7 BC 5B 30 D2 EC 4C 78 E5 16 A8 D4 C5 FE FC
[23:18:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AF A8 07 85 62 E6 2A FD 33 46 62 A4 F3 EF E7 CD 36 6B AD B9
[23:18:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F0 12 89 AC 60 04 22 96 58 22 33 2F C2 72 A3 7B B0 23 BD CA
[23:18:40][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:40][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.30 s).
[23:18:40][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 59 DE 7E
[23:18:40][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:40][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:40][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:40][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:40][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:40][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:41][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:41][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.20 s).
[23:18:41][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[23:18:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 77 35 28 FB 10 AE 32 B1 05 5A DD 0C
[23:18:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 56 09 8D 81 9D B3 CB 7C 58 08 B9 D7 CF F9 48 43 6F 17 5F B0
[23:18:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 67 97 89 48 33 98 85 7A 4F 26 E3 F0 A8 A5 6B EA E3 FA 55 B0
[23:18:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 63 45 E3 3F A5 A2 AE 6A 4D B9 1D 29 B5 A6 D5 77 90 1B AE A2
[23:18:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 81 62 00 0A 11 39 27 C2 A1 EA 09 3E 25 15 CA 8C D7 80 19 E2
[23:18:41][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[23:18:41][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.31 s).
[23:18:41][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:18:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E9 8E 7E

nice to have my own fix :-)

mmakaay commented 2 years ago

Well, it ain't a fix if it ain't working, right? ;-)

I'm not sure why I'm not seeing "Start byte 0xDB of encrypted telegram found" in the logging. It's logged using the verbose log level, which you have active. I do see the "Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram" and that one can only trigger when a header was seen before. So based on that, I'd say that the start byte was seen.

Because I see some bits of data between the various timeouts, I pushed a change into your personal fix branch. The only thing that I did was to set the read timeout to a whopping 900ms, just to check if your meter sends data with pauses that are longer than the 200ms that I used so far.

Give it a spin!

deejaybeam commented 2 years ago

Hi - I have done a Clean Build and Install (hopefully this updates the external component), and here is the log - again with "Timeout while reading data":

INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Connecting to
INFO Uploading /data/dsmr01/.pioenvs/dsmr01/firmware.bin (475120 bytes)
INFO Compressed to 323430 bytes
Uploading: [============================================================] 100% Done...

INFO Waiting for result...
INFO OTA successful
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from using esphome API
WARNING Can't connect to ESPHome API for Error connecting to ('', 6053): [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 6053)
INFO Trying to reconnect to in the background
INFO Successfully connected to
[08:53:34][I][app:099]: ESPHome version 2021.10.3 compiled on Oct 30 2021, 08:52:06
[08:53:34][I][app:101]: Project zuidwijk.slimmelezer version 1.0
[08:53:34][C][wifi:490]: WiFi:
[08:53:34][C][wifi:352]:   Local MAC: 2C:F4:32:4B:23:DA
[08:53:34][C][wifi:353]:   SSID: [redacted]
[08:53:34][C][wifi:354]:   IP Address:
[08:53:34][C][wifi:356]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[08:53:34][C][wifi:357]:   Hostname: 'dsmr01'
[08:53:34][C][wifi:359]:   Signal strength: -45 dB ▂▄▆█
[08:53:34][V][wifi:361]:   Priority: 0.0
[08:53:34][C][wifi:363]:   Channel: 11
[08:53:34][C][wifi:364]:   Subnet:
[08:53:34][C][wifi:365]:   Gateway:
[08:53:34][C][wifi:366]:   DNS1:
[08:53:34][C][wifi:367]:   DNS2:
[08:53:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 54 8B 7E
[08:53:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD D4 A7 A9 5A 59 91 6A A9 70 4B 3A
[08:53:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 51 CE 7B AF 0C 0B 42 D7 C3 7B 03 07 9E 91 4A 77 D4 42 6E 4F
[08:53:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 26 AF F3 5E A3 D7 F0 F8 69 CC 9E 13 D5 C4 32 45 13 27 F7 69
[08:53:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2D 18 34 B4 07 90 7C 74 25 B0 6D 9A 71 A8 A1 30 A7 6A AB B0
[08:53:34][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7B 7E 78 80 A9 C5 20 60 49 AF CA 8B 7C 3C 86 16 98 5B A4 1B
[08:53:35][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:35][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:35][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E5 61 7E
[08:53:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD D5 05 DB AE DD 59 A5 EF 1B 69 E5
[08:53:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C3 69 CD B7 E5 68 FF 54 88 7D 7B EC 39 A6 0A F4 85 10 1B D8
[08:53:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CB 4C 09 91 3B 02 70 56 E1 7E 8B 7E C7 40 DD 18 5D EA C6 40
[08:53:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CC F0 36 EC 8B 58 76 CC 2F C6 D6 A9 6C B4 12 44 2B F4 A3 C5
[08:53:35][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E D7 F3 B2 B2 82 98 19 85 A2 9E 5E 73 F8 00 74 2C 47 BA B5
[08:53:36][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:36][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.99 s).
[08:53:36][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:36][D][api:098]: Accepted
[08:53:36][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[08:53:36][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:095]: UART Bus:
[08:53:36][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:097]:   RX Pin: GPIO13
[08:53:36][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:099]:   RX Buffer Size: 1024
[08:53:36][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:101]:   Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[08:53:36][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:102]:   Data Bits: 8
[08:53:36][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:103]:   Parity: NONE
[08:53:36][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:104]:   Stop bits: 1
[08:53:36][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:106]:   Using hardware serial interface.
[08:53:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B9 CF 7E
[08:53:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD D6 20 6D 8B 9E 8D AB 48 49 3F 87
[08:53:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 98 E8 39 E2 D7 63 45 65 0A AF 33 6E 2C 81 49 68 27 2B C4 F4
[08:53:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CF 9B F0 64 F0 43 5A 25 62 5C 0E 87 3F AB 57 06 97 BD 8C EB
[08:53:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 82 FA 12 74 D8 CE B4 F5 BC C6 8B 16 1F 38 53 48 50 DB 1F 9C
[08:53:36][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 76 CC 71 93 C8 3F DA 79 7D 0D 00 AA 7E BF 3A 4B 1D 92 33 8E
[08:53:37][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:37][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.97 s).
[08:53:37][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:37][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[08:53:37][C][uptime.sensor:031]: Uptime Sensor 'dsmr01 Uptime'
[08:53:37][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   State Class: 'total_increasing'
[08:53:37][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[08:53:37][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[08:53:37][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Icon: 'mdi:timer-outline'
[08:53:37][V][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-uptime'
[08:53:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2F 8A 7E
[08:53:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD D7 12 72 64 CE DD 83 33 07 56 EB
[08:53:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A6 8E 95 86 D6 4A FB 86 24 F6 A6 21 22 31 A7 A8 18 D3 78 AA
[08:53:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EC 62 A5 E6 01 04 31 E5 89 7E AD 54 0F 7F 48 78 37 3B 51 22
[08:53:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 72 F8 0E E7 FD 83 DB 29 56 BD 6F 85 46 F0 BB CD CA B7 1D 52
[08:53:37][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D2 3C 00 60 B0 07 2C 6B 8D 46 89 2F F6 32 3B EE 53 EE 1D EF
[08:53:38][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:38][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.94 s).
[08:53:38][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6F BC 7E
[08:53:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD D8 5A 02 0F C5 26 84 EE 84 0C 2C
[08:53:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 68 16 CE 0B FC 21 2C D9 81 3C 7C FB 24 51 36 4C 43 32 3C AB
[08:53:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 00 CF BE FA 5D 1A 88 4E 2E E2 41 CF 8B 5A 50 2D D0 0A D9 E9
[08:53:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 05 A6 6B DF 04 DA F9 ED 3A C2 29 87 E1 9F 3A 91 A3 D9 46 BB
[08:53:38][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1E 50 78 11 4F 45 D4 94 32 E0 BE 08 E0 1A 78 8D 1A BC 81 71
[08:53:39][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:39][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (1.00 s).
[08:53:39][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F9 91 7E
[08:53:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD D9 8F 22 8E 7F 23 AB 47 3D 85 5D
[08:53:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 20 A4 24 88 79 F7 17 0B DE 56 3C 55 DC A1 06 ED 99 0A F6 D9
[08:53:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 75 45 03 E8 3D 3B A1 80 3E 3A 1B C4 B2 53 B7 46 E3 AB 15 BF
[08:53:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 65 9B 9C BE CD 58 9F E2 3A 65 DA 35 14 6E 6E A1 DB 8E 0E E5
[08:53:39][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< BE ED 5E 62 AE 67 B9 56 23 09 A8 5B B5 3A 5B 02 AB 99 6D 44
[08:53:40][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:40][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.95 s).
[08:53:40][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:40][C][logger:233]: Logger:
[08:53:40][C][logger:234]:   Level: VERBOSE
[08:53:40][C][logger:235]:   Log Baud Rate: 0
[08:53:40][C][logger:236]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[08:53:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6E F7 7E
[08:53:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD DA A4 D0 AB 7F 0A CA 20 77 C6 F3
[08:53:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 33 B7 58 25 9E C0 9A C3 EB B0 91 17 46 E7 63 5C 98 5E 6D 57
[08:53:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7D BD D6 01 2E 1B B6 46 7F B7 5E B6 89 CD 4D 55 B5 79 00 9D
[08:53:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D0 5A CD 44 23 C8 9A 1F 39 BD E7 DB 34 5E 08 20 35 E1 81 4D
[08:53:40][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1A C3 BB D6 DB 80 0C DC A2 FE F0 55 F3 34 B3 C5 16 3E E6 8D
[08:53:41][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:41][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (1.00 s).
[08:53:41][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E6 00 7E
[08:53:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD DB 1A 18 71 70 A7 F4 E9 32 05 3D
[08:53:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 54 CF 34 C4 D8 5C F1 E2 AB BB 25 58 E8 1C 19 A7 AC 2B 07 BE
[08:53:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1F 35 AD 53 E1 D3 6C 6F 3A 0A 6A E1 CF 3E EA 2F 58 05 99 DC
[08:53:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E6 FD 5D A6 4B A4 89 C3 25 76 28 D1 5B 47 56 32 D6 3D 90 68
[08:53:41][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 67 AE FC 1D 2E B8 77 0C 70 76 32 FC 70 07 97 DC 08 62 8C D4
[08:53:42][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:42][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.97 s).
[08:53:42][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A0 B9 7E
[08:53:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD DC AC 32 A8 FE 62 FD 5E 14 4E 9E
[08:53:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B8 6A 3D 74 88 23 83 2A 67 3C FE 45 6B 00 D6 ED A1 7E 7B 41
[08:53:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< DC F6 1D 69 0B 3C 1B 29 E5 12 0F AF 9F 89 A0 D7 ED 0E 11 C2
[08:53:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 9F C4 53 64 25 A1 97 79 E3 67 50 78 BC 32 5A D8 A9 0E 30 8E
[08:53:42][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6F A6 28 62 12 05 63 84 03 14 A5 44 2B 3F 06 EE 77 29 AB 1C
[08:53:43][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:43][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.96 s).
[08:53:43][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:177]: dsmr:
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_delivered_lux 'Energy Consumed Luxembourg'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_delivered_tariff1 'Energy Consumed Tariff 1'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_delivered_tariff2 'Energy Consumed Tariff 2'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_returned_lux 'Energy Produced Luxembourg'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_returned_tariff1 'Energy Produced Tariff 1'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   energy_returned_tariff2 'Energy Produced Tariff 2'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'energy'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   power_delivered 'Power Consumed'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   power_returned 'Power Produced'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   electricity_failures 'Electricity Failures'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: ''
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: ''
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 0
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Icon: 'mdi:alert'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   voltage_l1 'Voltage Phase 1'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: ''
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   voltage_l2 'Voltage Phase 2'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: ''
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   voltage_l3 'Voltage Phase 3'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'voltage'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: ''
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   current_l1 'Current Phase 1'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'current'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   current_l2 'Current Phase 2'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'current'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   current_l3 'Current Phase 3'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'current'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'A'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   power_delivered_l1 'Power Consumed Phase 1'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   power_delivered_l2 'Power Consumed Phase 2'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   power_delivered_l3 'Power Consumed Phase 3'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   power_returned_l1 'Power Produced Phase 1'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   power_returned_l2 'Power Produced Phase 2'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   power_returned_l3 'Power Produced Phase 3'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'power'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'kW'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   gas_delivered 'Gas Consumed'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'gas'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'm³'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:   gas_delivered_be 'Gas Consumed Belgium'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Device Class: 'gas'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     State Class: 'total_increasing'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Unit of Measurement: 'm³'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:180]:     Accuracy Decimals: 3
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:183]:   identification 'DSMR Identification'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:183]:   p1_version 'DSMR Version'
[08:53:43][C][dsmr:183]:   p1_version_be 'DSMR Version Belgium'
[08:53:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 79 A5 7E
[08:53:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD DD 71 DB 03 40 10 CD 5A DD 7F 52
[08:53:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 24 4E 9C 89 FE B8 84 90 67 37 59 F7 9A A0 58 87 44 BF F9 25
[08:53:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 77 84 45 C7 09 99 ED 4C AE E9 65 8A 58 48 06 3D 0E 0B 66 4A
[08:53:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 30 02 1E 53 5E 75 74 E0 E5 A4 38 D2 04 3B 22 65 B3 36 96 13
[08:53:43][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CF 50 0F B6 04 EF 9C A9 DE BC FC F5 F6 D4 D6 62 89 ED D1 6A
[08:53:44][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:44][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.92 s).
[08:53:44][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:44][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[08:53:44][C][version.text_sensor:021]: Version Text Sensor 'ESPHome Version'
[08:53:44][C][version.text_sensor:021]:   Icon: 'mdi:new-box'
[08:53:44][V][version.text_sensor:021]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-version'
[08:53:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 96 E5 7E
[08:53:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD DE C9 9F 90 74 04 BD 27 06 5E C7
[08:53:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C9 88 23 48 76 25 1E F7 40 05 77 65 3E E1 64 E1 DA D4 9F 81
[08:53:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A1 60 5D 0E DB AD B1 AD E1 09 24 A1 D4 2D 1C 3C 70 78 7B AF
[08:53:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 4E 08 6D 40 C0 DF FB A4 68 03 FA 9A BD E0 77 82 AB CF 99 48
[08:53:44][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 54 5A 37 2B 27 01 31 75 B3 DB 52 34 B3 56 1A 70 0D 60 9E FA
[08:53:45][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:45][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.96 s).
[08:53:45][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:45][D][api:098]: Accepted
[08:53:45][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[08:53:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E8 FA 7E
[08:53:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD DF EB ED 89 21 A5 D8 74 1B 6B CE
[08:53:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0B 82 60 CE 75 42 00 73 D9 5A 66 EA 5C 62 03 9C 75 BD 6E 4A
[08:53:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 77 A6 15 E3 15 0E E2 FC 0C 9F BA 3C 45 F2 13 B0 57 8A 88 9F
[08:53:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F4 C8 C5 1E 21 94 6F 1C 55 74 91 3D 1F DA F0 03 53 B4 0E CA
[08:53:45][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AB FB 80 8C 9B FD C2 67 59 A2 03 F4 F0 1B B7 CC 63 04 7A 0D
[08:53:46][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:46][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.97 s).
[08:53:46][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:46][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[08:53:46][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[08:53:46][C][captive_portal:150]: Captive Portal:
[08:53:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< BD 44 7E
[08:53:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E0 65 77 24 8D 7C 56 A4 EE F1 B3
[08:53:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 62 9C C0 91 CC 8F B1 E2 7D DB 8F 02 F1 1A 34 6B 16 4D 6D 6F
[08:53:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5B 59 27 1F AA E2 ED 65 07 1E C1 AE 05 8B 82 7A D2 3C 11 CF
[08:53:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< ED A7 18 40 1D 24 A3 59 C0 0B 29 E3 14 8C 29 BA 9F 09 2D 03
[08:53:46][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 46 30 3E E2 22 3F 8C 08 FF 1C FB 4F 86 0E 48 C8 4C AB 8D 7F
[08:53:47][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:47][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:47][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:47][C][web_server:160]: Web Server:
[08:53:47][C][web_server:161]:   Address:
[08:53:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F4 F8 7E
[08:53:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E1 E6 79 E0 E1 D2 3F 7D A4 01 28
[08:53:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2C F3 80 76 B7 35 B5 1C C5 A2 E5 47 9C DD 41 92 E7 18 2F 36
[08:53:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 23 DD 6C E3 42 74 D6 43 39 36 47 F9 13 35 44 A7 20 DE BA 8F
[08:53:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1D AA 3B 02 09 8A 07 BD 8A EE 9D E8 30 4C 3F CB E0 08 B3 6C
[08:53:47][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A3 82 3B B0 F6 97 64 F5 27 78 E3 2C 80 B4 4E AA BC 8A 66 58
[08:53:48][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:48][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:48][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:48][C][ota:082]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[08:53:48][C][ota:083]:   Address:
[08:53:48][C][ota:086]:   Using Password.
[08:53:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 04 78 7E
[08:53:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E2 BE 34 3F 41 EB 7E 4D BA F9 DA
[08:53:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 32 CF 75 42 59 EA BD 30 71 87 2D 96 0B E9 24 8A 7F 5A D7 5F
[08:53:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1F A4 C8 F6 CB 07 0F 5C 32 6F 23 96 8C 9F E9 6A 6D AE 19 70
[08:53:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 72 C9 7A 8B 02 E3 6C BF D4 01 B9 2B 40 62 7E 98 3A 9A 22 93
[08:53:48][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8B 4B 0B 3A 56 06 BA 29 25 3A F6 6F AB E5 1E 1A F4 E5 72 A9
[08:53:49][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:49][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:49][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:49][C][api:134]: API Server:
[08:53:49][C][api:135]:   Address:
[08:53:49][C][api:139]:   Using noise encryption: NO
[08:53:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 91 10 7E
[08:53:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E3 ED 07 51 D1 94 21 EE 7E 8F E3
[08:53:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 34 4E F8 27 F0 29 B6 77 AC F4 91 AE 10 D8 0D A1 12 ED A5 65
[08:53:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 3B 84 D8 9D 2C ED D4 5C 6F EA AF B9 21 28 AF 0C 96 4F 9C BA
[08:53:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5C 62 ED 93 75 2D CD A7 57 11 4E 9C DD 6A F1 53 32 5D 08 21
[08:53:49][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 48 80 87 B4 25 B5 46 84 CE AF 83 3A DE EF 9C 1C E9 75 40 19
[08:53:50][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:50][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.97 s).
[08:53:50][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:50][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi Signal'
[08:53:50][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[08:53:50][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[08:53:50][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unit of Measurement: 'dBm'
[08:53:50][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[08:53:50][V][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifisignal'
[08:53:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 9F 5B 7E
[08:53:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E4 B0 41 7E D4 9B A3 6A 69 73 34
[08:53:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 04 5D CF D4 63 4E 16 F0 C7 4C 5B BB 5B C7 2B 98 CC 85 A9 5D
[08:53:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8F 55 8E 11 B1 BA 97 ED C1 7E CF 10 28 5A FA 6B E5 34 A7 AC
[08:53:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A0 D3 8C 8A 99 8F 51 FD 12 A3 2A 82 9C C3 74 DF E7 3A 7F 0A
[08:53:50][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1D 5B 1E 94 79 34 CB C2 6F 80 44 0D AC 47 51 A1 DF 88 BD 53
[08:53:51][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:51][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:51][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:51][C][wifi_info:009]: WifiInfo IPAddress 'dsmr01 IP Address'
[08:53:51][V][wifi_info:009]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-ip'
[08:53:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F1 99 7E
[08:53:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E5 5D DD 89 CA 63 2F 50 E3 E9 F9
[08:53:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AB 47 06 71 53 D3 7D 0E C9 A6 C1 2A 06 DF 9E F8 98 A8 83 1B
[08:53:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A5 CA C1 D8 6F 5E 0F 23 7B EA 4F 11 4F DA BD 9A 34 2A AA 31
[08:53:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5B E9 02 BE 31 A7 C3 D6 07 02 42 1F 2A FF 48 E2 7A 88 F3 89
[08:53:51][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 38 BF 4A 6F 6A A9 83 D4 5A CB 40 AE 21 2D 44 B8 9B 16 A4 19
[08:53:52][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:52][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:52][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:52][C][wifi_info:011]: WifiInfo SSID 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi SSID'
[08:53:52][V][wifi_info:011]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-ssid'
[08:53:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 71 19 7E
[08:53:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E6 7D 66 0C 85 7B 1F 3F 95 50 1C
[08:53:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D6 FF C6 10 36 66 ED E3 91 70 40 46 5C 12 A6 98 A7 A0 9B FB
[08:53:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1D 36 90 7D A9 10 57 79 24 0F 62 6A 49 FD AC AC CC BD 10 79
[08:53:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2B B8 4C B7 96 20 47 4E 85 CE C4 01 73 94 44 2A E8 84 72 5E
[08:53:52][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C3 49 73 47 ED 0D C8 5C A1 0F FF 24 15 78 2E 64 E2 97 32 88
[08:53:53][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:53][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:53][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:53][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[08:53:53][C][wifi_info:012]: WifiInfo BSSID 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi BSSID'
[08:53:53][V][wifi_info:012]:   Unique ID: '2cf4324b23da-wifiinfo-bssid'
[08:53:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 73 48 7E
[08:53:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E7 A8 9B A0 EC 7D 42 99 C4 D2 2C
[08:53:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 3F 1D 73 EE 56 C2 4F B0 D8 0A A5 9C A4 A5 CD 8D 07 72 07 0C
[08:53:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 83 C0 81 F1 3C 13 95 14 A8 56 CE 47 92 E8 B6 0D BE 72 A7 6F
[08:53:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< DE C1 5F 0F 98 B6 96 71 95 D2 CF 92 1E 16 0D 1B 02 0F 21 AD
[08:53:53][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0B 08 9E CB E9 1A 87 43 12 04 FA 88 CA D9 4E 3E 96 24 A0 12
[08:53:54][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:54][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:54][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:54][D][api:098]: Accepted
[08:53:54][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[08:53:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 03 79 7E
[08:53:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E8 E5 AB E8 79 F7 3F 8D E0 72 2F
[08:53:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 04 4F 23 74 B1 00 A3 30 60 AA C0 9C 1E FB 67 B9 C6 BD 81 E3
[08:53:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 24 CF F3 56 C4 39 B2 A6 00 D4 F2 1A 65 D7 5F 19 3A C6 CF E1
[08:53:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5B CF D7 E9 65 01 50 11 31 75 CA 67 31 A0 38 0F A7 BC D8 BC
[08:53:54][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E3 54 7F FB 85 2D 42 17 86 70 07 9A FE A6 C7 C0 AB 94 95 B6
[08:53:55][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:55][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:55][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:55][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[08:53:55][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[08:53:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 15 D6 7E
[08:53:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD E9 3B A0 87 2B 6B D5 47 B2 92 20
[08:53:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F9 4E B3 4C B2 82 09 DD 93 C3 2A 28 BE B7 20 60 17 B8 99 1E
[08:53:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 9C 59 62 D5 E8 15 07 32 54 7C 3F EC E5 90 C3 4D C9 B5 8E 9C
[08:53:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D8 00 4B DD 4D B9 05 02 0F 73 1D F4 58 F5 E4 1D E4 7B 1F C6
[08:53:55][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 09 0B 81 94 6D 78 0C 04 16 28 D0 F7 9F 93 A7 2E 32 54 2E 21
[08:53:56][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:56][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:56][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 69 86 7E
[08:53:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD EA 0F 2D 7B 64 09 81 68 57 6E E5
[08:53:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< AE 28 BA AA 58 92 D1 9C 88 59 95 35 62 BB 98 FE CB 75 51 89
[08:53:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6A E1 67 4F 44 58 73 87 99 BB 54 C4 8C 6A EC DA 96 35 D5 10
[08:53:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D6 2A 52 B2 22 9D 6E 08 C6 64 62 86 CF 97 74 BD 8B 54 47 DE
[08:53:56][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 17 64 19 49 3D 96 AF 28 F3 AE 03 37 DB F6 06 FB 75 50 96 EB
[08:53:57][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:57][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:57][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 52 4F 7E
[08:53:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD EB 67 3E 20 F2 30 B1 B4 1D 24 E2
[08:53:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5C 22 92 93 D6 8C 33 54 93 30 DF C6 F9 83 53 1D F8 59 D7 7C
[08:53:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E8 30 B4 99 05 C6 E2 8E 1F 52 B9 63 F6 7E 4E 2D CC 8F 40 FB
[08:53:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 91 20 C2 D2 E4 FE AF EF 4B 15 76 38 BE F4 57 41 31 DC 39 0C
[08:53:57][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 92 89 42 EB 17 9F 66 B5 E5 DE 65 1D 62 7E FF 02 30 88 FD 5E
[08:53:58][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:58][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.99 s).
[08:53:58][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:58][V][sensor:062]: 'dsmr01 Uptime': Received new state 44.541000
[08:53:58][D][sensor:113]: 'dsmr01 Uptime': Sending state 44.54100 s with 0 decimals of accuracy
[08:53:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2B C2 7E
[08:53:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD EC 22 04 67 3B 5B 39 60 11 8D 83
[08:53:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2C 63 BA 09 EF 30 7A 6D C1 DF A3 5E AA 9C 82 8F 1D FB 6E A8
[08:53:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CE 58 F1 44 4B D4 C1 5B DE B6 C4 D7 FA 29 EE 75 C6 D9 4F 01
[08:53:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D2 1E DB 2A C9 C9 FB 26 D1 D2 33 9F 11 89 83 E9 98 66 F2 C4
[08:53:58][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8E FD 38 74 FB 42 35 F3 EA 66 F5 DD 87 0E 3D E6 13 8C BA D5
[08:53:59][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:53:59][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:53:59][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:53:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 72 5B 7E
[08:53:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:53:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD ED 78 EC 7E 61 3F 13 7D CA 8C 52
[08:53:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6D DF 2E D1 10 7A 1C 54 3F B9 75 5E 75 3C BD BB 68 C3 5A B6
[08:53:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 43 48 3E 3D 87 B5 C2 B2 29 46 F5 E7 E1 85 91 78 64 64 C9 1F
[08:53:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 54 BF BC AE 7B 6B D0 16 AE 3D 09 69 7D 38 A5 26 10 10 46 14
[08:53:59][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< FD A2 AF CC C2 61 A0 3C E0 94 79 1B 57 F7 5C 78 AF 2F C9 EA
[08:54:00][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:00][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:00][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 03 61 7E
[08:54:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD EE A5 62 CD E2 B9 EA E5 B7 43 73
[08:54:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A3 96 7B 52 0C 04 79 B4 24 DD A6 C1 71 63 1C F7 22 FA F2 90
[08:54:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 08 2F 31 E8 43 22 20 94 3B C5 AA 20 C9 96 4E 1C F9 58 CC 61
[08:54:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 87 70 5C E7 6C EC 1A 0E C6 C7 D0 DE 16 9B 8C 81 B2 90 27 A0
[08:54:00][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 08 47 8D 91 76 96 88 80 23 F2 03 A3 5B AA 40 4D 85 71 4E 72
[08:54:01][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:01][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:01][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 75 FE 7E
[08:54:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD EF 42 42 0B 7F 89 F0 ED D4 09 1C
[08:54:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 6F 8B 9F D9 63 66 62 2F B8 79 0F 7E 85 00 34 6F A8 1B 18
[08:54:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0A A9 17 CC 72 E9 B5 B4 E9 9A 2D BE 4F E0 5C E4 DA 4C 41 4B
[08:54:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 98 47 BF 6B 61 1D 6C 65 82 56 43 B8 F5 9E 8C BC FB 68 16 D5
[08:54:01][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8F EB CA E3 5C 4E E2 A5 38 FD 00 B9 22 27 B8 14 91 7C AE 31
[08:54:02][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:02][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:02][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:02][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[08:54:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 80 7C 7E
[08:54:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F0 41 8C B0 AB AC 4F B9 04 BC 7F
[08:54:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6E D6 32 32 04 2A 50 D2 64 02 32 06 56 41 9E 38 20 43 7C 99
[08:54:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 57 89 8F 3D 60 D7 2C B5 93 AF 03 F8 BF BB 1A 1D E1 86 F8 EC
[08:54:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B7 99 9D BE 35 81 EB F4 57 8C 97 2B C7 70 7D FB 94 D1 9B 50
[08:54:02][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 13 E1 C9 FC B3 A9 A8 84 D0 38 AB 2F CB 90 B8 3B 93 7A 49 99
[08:54:03][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:03][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.97 s).
[08:54:03][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:03][D][api:098]: Accepted
[08:54:03][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[08:54:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EF CD 7E
[08:54:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F1 91 FF 85 8C 3E A9 5C D0 C8 B7
[08:54:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< DC E5 F9 F3 B3 AE 90 A8 00 6C C3 7E 29 70 5D B0 AF E8 A6 45
[08:54:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 73 CE CB 75 74 B9 DD BD 9F B9 17 83 11 F8 4E B0 CE A6 05 D5
[08:54:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6B 07 B4 CF 4E 5B 18 18 AE 21 DD F9 B9 F5 49 43 24 2B 72 3B
[08:54:03][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CA D4 AB E1 D6 50 8C DF AE 88 6E 9B 99 31 86 D4 4E BC A3 18
[08:54:04][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:04][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:04][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:04][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[08:54:04][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[08:54:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A3 C1 7E
[08:54:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F2 F9 0C EE CC 3C CC 5A 4C 1B A6
[08:54:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 D3 1D 0D AC 1F 3B 0B 74 57 22 0B 99 17 53 31 A8 D9 20 39
[08:54:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B2 9C 2A 08 68 AA C7 4E 8C 3B 39 0D FB 0B 28 65 AF F2 3C 61
[08:54:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A5 39 6E E8 57 B0 8C 08 A8 F9 AF ED 32 1E 1F 55 66 B9 1A 60
[08:54:04][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7A CA CC BE 74 ED 0D 6B 45 9C F2 44 CE 4E 29 0B ED 60 73 F0
[08:54:05][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:05][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:05][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 0C 7E
[08:54:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F3 82 B1 E4 FA 6E 78 6E 32 E4 54
[08:54:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 72 98 E2 5E D7 70 ED 20 76 91 20 F4 76 44 ED DC 11 BE 03 DB
[08:54:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CC 32 80 B7 F4 8B 63 82 55 2D B9 27 52 4C FD AC F2 02 04 D1
[08:54:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2C 48 64 65 94 58 DB 40 35 76 B5 22 46 0F EE 52 4D 52 AB C6
[08:54:05][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 08 04 00 72 81 2D 00 8E EF BC 95 3A FF EF 8C 9A EA 0B D5 D4
[08:54:06][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:06][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:06][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 13 36 7E
[08:54:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F4 4E 0D 1E 8D A2 FE 4A 29 E3 11
[08:54:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 30 C1 F2 F9 1F 1E 63 D7 83 44 41 7D A3 C0 1F AA 05 E2 4A C2
[08:54:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 54 C8 31 4E 6A B1 32 68 7F C1 96 3A C9 0D E9 95 7D 11 BB 1B
[08:54:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B5 3A 36 07 95 90 E6 90 1B 93 1D A0 0D 72 6B 88 BD 06 D8 2E
[08:54:06][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 14 E4 49 5A 55 BE 02 72 24 41 D5 F7 00 FD 7C 83 26 48 36 12
[08:54:07][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:07][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:07][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 68 D7 7E
[08:54:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F5 C0 46 85 21 5B 1D F8 7D BD 9C
[08:54:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7B 37 D5 22 2C 0E 9E F1 26 BD 7E 02 7C 75 B3 A0 30 6B 28 53
[08:54:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< FC 5A 87 31 7F 6D 32 35 D9 E5 48 C9 BF F2 ED 85 A7 A5 39 31
[08:54:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 2F F6 49 5F 54 A5 69 59 AB EE 13 7E B5 B0 0C D6 D8 58 F9 A3
[08:54:07][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 71 D4 04 96 33 99 AF 88 71 9F 38 27 97 D5 BF 13 ED EF E7 47
[08:54:08][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:08][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.99 s).
[08:54:08][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D0 1C 7E
[08:54:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F6 A5 AE 25 0A F9 5F BD DA F5 AB
[08:54:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 71 21 82 CD 75 3D 4B 0C FD BE 10 A6 E5 CF 99 2D 73 E8 6C 41
[08:54:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 92 D3 9E E6 9C D7 63 D7 28 F2 73 4B D8 CD 3B 6F 2D 10 01 AD
[08:54:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A3 82 12 62 27 D0 98 F0 D4 25 D3 6D EA CA 1D E7 33 A2 B6 37
[08:54:08][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 34 C5 D5 97 6B 60 32 E0 43 5E 33 8A AC 64 73 A1 B6 00 C9 DB
[08:54:09][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:09][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:09][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A2 AB 7E
[08:54:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F7 0E 19 CF 2A 10 EF D1 C3 F7 A1
[08:54:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< DE CF A6 C6 BA 21 45 D7 BF E0 5E 21 C1 BB 46 28 61 94 C8 0C
[08:54:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 02 66 0A 00 8B 65 17 02 41 61 37 A5 A1 2F C0 FE 91 EE DC 81
[08:54:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 34 10 B5 35 15 14 07 18 04 DB F4 D5 B2 B4 D3 6E 15 85 30 35
[08:54:09][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 44 D8 56 B5 26 81 B6 59 9E BF 9E 70 BE D7 4A 57 9F 65 05 3E
[08:54:10][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:10][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:10][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:10][V][sensor:062]: 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi Signal': Received new state -44.000000
[08:54:10][D][sensor:113]: 'dsmr01 Wi-Fi Signal': Sending state -44.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[08:54:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 38 E3 7E
[08:54:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F8 8A A4 C5 17 65 3F 5E 21 93 6A
[08:54:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 91 01 A2 BE 1B 7A 58 4F EC 22 D5 B5 E8 B2 D3 B9 49 B4 EE 54
[08:54:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 4D 14 02 00 68 07 32 20 0C FF EB 2A B0 33 3A 91 E8 06 53 DB
[08:54:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E2 62 C7 03 2E 67 5B E6 C4 AA 18 CF 43 FA DF F7 E9 43 E3 7C
[08:54:10][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< FD EE 66 98 FD E0 64 7B 7E 0C 78 4F E0 BB 53 33 29 8E 93 BC
[08:54:11][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:11][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.99 s).
[08:54:11][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:11][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[08:54:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 5A 9C 7E
[08:54:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD F9 CF 2B FA 80 8C 6D 9E 22 78 B3
[08:54:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E3 6A 96 58 8B 6B F8 2F 14 87 0B 7D 71 6B 72 CB DF 16 1F E7
[08:54:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D7 9D 9E 77 7D CF E3 2A C8 DA 31 C2 8B 5F 7A D5 71 37 EA 32
[08:54:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 76 DF F1 C8 40 99 C4 27 2A 6F 36 D5 DF 91 1A E6 CB 69 F5 D0
[08:54:11][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1D A5 58 DC 0F 74 44 75 4D 5D 04 E1 15 F1 5D 0D 9D 7E B4 1E
[08:54:12][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:12][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.97 s).
[08:54:12][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:12][D][api:098]: Accepted
[08:54:12][V][api.connection:720]: Hello from client: 'Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ('
[08:54:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F5 3A 7E
[08:54:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD FA 6E F3 2B 39 9C 5C D4 51 40 D3
[08:54:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0B 87 40 DD DE 95 73 04 2F 23 62 96 FB 9B 29 6D 73 86 0F 59
[08:54:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E2 58 E9 EF 26 13 8C 3B FD D7 10 10 01 3E 7B F0 21 CD ED 3B
[08:54:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 00 49 12 FD 27 69 5C 38 A6 1D F9 B1 59 3C 19 D8 71 1C B5 66
[08:54:12][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< D4 BE 39 00 AA 30 86 07 E2 4E 80 93 A4 64 09 52 07 6E A1 43
[08:54:13][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:13][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:13][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:13][V][api:110]: Removing connection to Home Assistant 2021.10.6 (
[08:54:13][D][api.connection:736]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( Connected successfully
[08:54:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 75 F2 7E
[08:54:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD FB 1F A8 70 B4 42 F8 DC BA F7 F2
[08:54:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B1 40 C6 53 D8 39 88 99 5E 12 BF CE 8B 89 27 7A B0 D4 2C 6D
[08:54:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< EB 3E 4C 74 47 25 AB AF D3 73 3F 1E 19 4C 4C BB 5D BA 55 98
[08:54:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 13 64 E6 1D 4D 73 36 B7 1D 38 3E C2 FC C4 03 EB 16 A9 52 EB
[08:54:13][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 48 DE 7D A2 25 1B F7 9B 11 AA 3F D0 18 2C 3D 34 6F CD 39 4E
[08:54:14][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:14][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:14][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 0F EB 7E
[08:54:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD FC DC 8D 00 94 3B F1 69 6B 4C 5D
[08:54:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 3C F1 D4 FD 6C 59 10 0C 24 1A AF 56 CD 59 9A BE E8 B8 E9 19
[08:54:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 83 0E 10 C4 60 D3 03 44 F2 73 CD 86 C2 86 81 33 4F F7 18 76
[08:54:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 4A 03 DE 97 D2 24 92 FC EA 72 7F BC A8 CF 4B DC 77 65 37 84
[08:54:14][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 85 E1 33 B0 A0 AC EA 54 15 FA DB E7 9D 80 37 AE 30 E0 0A 1E
[08:54:15][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:15][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:15][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 31 43 7E
[08:54:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD FD FD F7 D0 C9 5E 45 98 9E BA 5A
[08:54:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6D 33 09 49 AB 97 3F 49 46 CF E2 4F E6 08 C9 06 D3 B3 36 B4
[08:54:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< A2 EB 6E 52 E1 9D 6A 51 5B D4 DC BA 4C 21 76 94 88 39 34 2F
[08:54:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6A 1A E0 86 91 13 4A 35 8A E3 7F 21 D7 2B D7 B5 85 01 6A 23
[08:54:15][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C5 D3 F5 D7 D4 E1 7A 3A C9 CD B8 7E 9A 02 CA 74 87 01 4F CF
[08:54:16][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:16][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.97 s).
[08:54:16][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 02 41 7E
[08:54:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD FE 0C E8 A7 FC DD 95 31 0C 93 FF
[08:54:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E3 21 76 F2 84 D1 00 38 FA 70 60 10 F9 E8 FE C2 A6 F2 5D 52
[08:54:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F9 88 1A 35 90 28 78 47 1F D6 E6 9E 21 A4 F6 43 6D 99 94 1E
[08:54:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 54 08 91 5F 56 62 9C 46 56 49 D5 4B E1 A4 D2 22 B7 1C FB 17
[08:54:16][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1C E7 24 83 87 51 01 6A E9 CE 5D D5 B7 78 A7 CD 94 C7 DE 11
[08:54:17][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:17][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:17][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 95 D4 7E
[08:54:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FD FF 35 1D 41 BC 6D 78 DA E9 73 0B
[08:54:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 11 D9 63 C9 56 29 EF 7E 9E 04 A8 A6 9E 21 35 A0 86 D2 99 AF
[08:54:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 00 7B B7 25 5F 8B 2D D7 D2 08 00 59 3E EC 77 09 F8 38 56 65
[08:54:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< B5 6F 78 5B 53 BD 48 08 27 06 0E 27 2C 9A A2 1C E9 6A 90 82
[08:54:17][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< DF BA E9 20 17 C9 4A F3 93 3B CF E3 45 60 D4 0C CA 7E 85 A2
[08:54:18][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:18][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:18][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 8A FA 7E
[08:54:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FE 00 95 E1 32 F8 EA 86 CF 70 1F F9
[08:54:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< CA 2E F8 E2 42 F1 7F 52 71 61 65 53 15 96 3A 19 F3 E3 EA 47
[08:54:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 63 92 1E CB 60 10 C2 4B DD E5 AC 91 AC 63 1E 29 73 E7 3A 66
[08:54:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 02 A8 38 B9 D2 43 69 95 D0 0E F9 A1 E8 1D 27 39 8E C5 55 08
[08:54:18][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 53 F3 88 97 BE 0B 91 B5 25 5C 46 D9 D0 C8 93 7B 0F 14 1C 28
[08:54:19][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:19][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:19][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 6C 37 7E
[08:54:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FE 01 D1 67 AA DA 59 0D 88 7D BB 38
[08:54:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 56 38 D6 6A 14 EA 43 C9 54 38 4E CC FC 7A 24 3A 02 FA C4 DE
[08:54:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 33 CC AC 60 83 2B CA A7 9B DC 9D 13 13 4B A4 3E A2 47 FD 3F
[08:54:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 4C 16 B4 7D A1 DF C3 4B F0 3E 18 4D 96 A7 EB A5 DC 9E 44 CA
[08:54:19][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< F9 1F 4D C9 6E 70 94 22 4B 6C 33 FD 91 B1 CA 1E BB BF 1E 3E
[08:54:20][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
[08:54:20][V][component:186]: Component dsmr took a long time for an operation (0.98 s).
[08:54:20][V][component:187]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:54:20][D][api.connection:157]: Home Assistant 2021.10.6 ( requested disconnected
[08:54:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< BA AD 7E
[08:54:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 7E A0 79 CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00 DB 08 53 4D 53 67
[08:54:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 70 04 ED E9 5F 20 00 01 FE 02 0A 06 66 D1 7F 8A C9 D1 09 7A
[08:54:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< C5 55 28 18 54 E5 2A 50 05 EF 51 8C 4E BC BB 26 E7 D3 81 CC
[08:54:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 98 C1 CB 80 73 A9 88 99 F5 A7 8E 3B CB FC D7 CD 77 B2 85 90
[08:54:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< 1F CC 6D E1 BC F0 E5 21 EF CB 50 45 F4 05 C7 D6 36 0E FE 04
[08:54:20][D][uart_debug:109]: <<< E9 72 3F 9D 9A 8C C9 AE ED FF 50 09 F9 46 0F 5B 7C D0 77 57
[08:54:21][W][dsmr:099]: Timeout while reading data for encrypted telegram
mmakaay commented 2 years ago

Hmm, those data look very consistent. Something else is the issue here. When trying to decode what's in those bytes, I get stuck at this point:

# Magic start byte

# System name length

# System name
53 4D 53 67 70 04 ED E9

# Some indicator of payload length?
5F (decimal 95)

# Magic separator?

# Frame counter (I see this one going up 1 with each telegram)
00 01 FE 01

# Payload? This is very short for an actual DSMR payload.
D1 67 AA DA 59 0D 88 7D BB 38 56 38 D6 6A 14 EA
43 C9 54 38 4E CC FC 7A 24 3A 02 FA C4 DE 33 CC
AC 60 83 2B CA A7 9B DC 9D 13 13 4B A4 3E A2 47
FD 3F 4C 16 B4 7D A1 DF C3 4B F0 3E 18 4D 96 A7
EB A5 DC 9E 44 CA F9 1F 4D C9 6E 70 94 22 4B 6C
33 FD 91 B1 CA 1E BB BF 1E 3E BA AD 7E 7E A0 79
CF 00 02 00 23 13 D9 86 E6 E7 00

This looks a little bit like encrypted DSMR, but there are some clear differences as well. And that is likely where the issue lies here. This will never work for your meter, because the meter doesn't use DSMR, but something alse. Your meter speaks a different language here.

The timeouts occur, because the DSMR component reads in the bytes, finds an actual header and system name and then reads some bogus telegram length from the packet. In this specific example, it would use 0x2000 as the telegram length, making the telegram reader wait until it has read more than 8000 bytes. That many bytes will never be sent from the meter for a single telegram, and therefore the DSMR reader eventually gives up and registers a timeout. And even when it does read this many bytes somehow, the data in the telegram would be corrupt, because the encryption is different.

So... long story short: your meter doesn't seem to use a compatible DSMR protocol, and therefore it doesn't work. It would require a specific implementation instead.

deejaybeam commented 2 years ago

Oh - that´s bad. Thank you very much for your support! The response from the great working community is really awesome. Maybe someone will create an integration for that...?

best regards chris

mmakaay commented 2 years ago

Do you know where the source code is for that project you lined? Didn't look into it that much, only saw a link to a pre-compiled firmware bin file. Anyway, if you've got that, create a feature request at

AdmiralStipe commented 2 years ago

So... long story short: your meter doesn't seem to use a compatible DSMR protocol, and therefore it doesn't work. It would require a specific implementation instead.

I have the same issue trying to even make it work (it never worked so far)... as the tehnician at Iskraemeco told me, newer ISKRA AM550 meters are not using the "old" ASCII protocol, but the newer DLMS/COSEM protocol, which is not ASCII, but binary. Not that I fully understand this or even know, what has to be done (I'm electrician, not IT), but that might explain, why you get strange data. Also, he told me, that this "new" protocol always starts telegrams with "7E A0" or "7E A8", which is soon (but not immediately) followed with "E6 E7 00". I don't have the slightest idea, what that is, but that's what he said (and also showed with his software connected to his meter) and that's the pattern I can see in the upper log. So, I'm also interested in getting this to work, but have no idea how to start to request DLMS support and provide neccessary information (as even I don't know, what this meand and needs).

mmakaay commented 2 years ago

What would probably help is a good specification of the format and example messages to build and test the parser with (or a coder that has this type of smart meter so he/she can work directly against the meter). If you have any additional information, then please post it in the feature request for this meter.

AdmiralStipe commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have any additional info, as the only thing I've seen is what the technician told me and showed me on his screen sharing via Teams conference. I remembered the "7A A0" and the name of protocol (DLMS/COSEM), but that's more or less all. The link you provided there (SHRDZMDevice) most likely contains the basics (I have AM550, not IM350, but as they have the same protocol, it should work on both meters), so it should be a good starting point for a coder.

mmakaay commented 2 years ago

Since the problems that this issue was opened for originally have been confirmed as fixed, I'm closing this issue now. For the not working meter with the binary protocol, a feature request was opened, so we won't lose tracking for that one.