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No ACK / ACK time-out using a Nextion NX3224T024 connected to Wemos D1 Mini #281 #282

Closed JBS5 closed 5 years ago

JBS5 commented 5 years ago

Operating environment/Installation ( Using the ESPHome 1.12.2 add-on on running on a Intel NUC with Ubuntu. I have created a simple and blank tft in the Nextion editor which is shown on the Nextion display.

ESP (ESP32/ESP8266, Board/Sonoff): I am trying to get a Nextion NX3224T024 to work connected to a Wemos D1 Mini.

Connected like this:

Affected component:

Description of problem: A screenshot of the upload followed by the errors:

Problem-relevant YAML-configuration entries:

  name: touchscreen
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini

  ssid: 'xxx'
  password: 'xxxx'
    # Set this to the IP of the ESP
    # Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1
    # The subnet of the network. works for most home networks.

  rx_pin: D4
  tx_pin: D7
  baud_rate: 9600

  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 0
    component_id: 2
    name: "Nextion Component 2 Touch"

  - platform: nextion
    lambda: |-
      it.set_component_text("t0", "hello");

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


Traceback (if applicable):

Additional information and things you've tried:

jascdk commented 5 years ago

I am having the exact same issue:(

bigstation17 commented 5 years ago

I have exact same problem :( Commands are working but not all the time

HFsi commented 5 years ago

Same here.....switching the pins give the same result

lordfiSh commented 5 years ago

@JBS5 you may want to remove/mask your wlan config ;)

JBS5 commented 5 years ago

@lordfiSh Thanks :-) replaced that part of the YAML in the code.

jascdk commented 5 years ago

@JBS5 just wondering. Have you tried to use a esp32 instead of a esp8266? I have made some other displays (the PCF8574) using the esp8266 , and it messed up. Was not working good. After I switched to esp32 it runs smoothly. Just a thought

HFsi commented 5 years ago

I have a PCF8574 controlled by a esp01 (the cheapest on earth, I think) working 24/7 with no issues at all. The esp32 test is a good idea, I'll do it when the ones I bought arrive

JBS5 commented 5 years ago

@jascdk Will try it with an esp32, I do not have some available so I have to order one, takes some time. Not sure if this one is suitable ?

bigstation17 commented 5 years ago

I tried it with esp32, it's exactly the same errors.

JBS5 commented 5 years ago

Thanks @bigstation17 for your feedback, then I save myself the time to try it with a esp32 and hope there will be some input how to fix this problem. Or, happy to help if there is more input needed to addresss the issue.

bigstation17 commented 5 years ago

Yes for sure. I saw in dev version that are more commands for nextion that are undocumented for now. I paused my nextion project and i will wait for next esphome version :)

JBS5 commented 5 years ago

Just installed the HA SwitchPlate project ( again on my Nextion display and Wemos D1 Mini to make sure both are still ok and that works without any problem.

Should be an ESPHome thing for sure...

nejc-cc commented 5 years ago

Possible solution at the end of my ranting!

One quick side note though, you might want to use a level shifter for your project. I mean, I've read all sorts of things and people say it's working and all but ESP's work on 3.3 V and Nextion works on 5 V.

Secondly, this is the error I'm getting:

[15:06:51][I][logger:119]: Log initialized
[15:06:51][C][ota:484]: There have been 0 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[15:06:51][I][application:055]: Running through setup()...
[15:06:51][C][uart:111]: Setting up UART bus...
[15:06:51][W][display.nextion:041]: Waiting for ACK timed out!
[15:06:51][W][display.nextion:088]: Sending command 'bkcmd=3' failed because no ACK was received
[15:06:51][W][display.nextion:041]: Waiting for ACK timed out!
[15:06:51][W][display.nextion:088]: Sending command 'page 0' failed because no ACK was received
[15:06:51][C][wifi:027]: Setting up WiFi...

My code from ESPHome:

  name: delavnica_nextion
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini_pro

  - ssid: !secret primarywifi
    password: !secret primarywifipass
    static_ip: !secret ip_delavnicaNextion

# Enable Home Assistant API

  port: 80

  safe_mode: True
  password: !secret otapass

# Enable logging
#  level: VERY_VERBOSE

  rx_pin: D7
  tx_pin: D4
  baud_rate: 115200

  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 0
    component_id: 6
    name: "Nextion beep button"
    id: nextion_beep_button

  - platform: nextion
    lambda: |-
      if (id(nextion_beep_button).state) {
        it.set_component_text("textbox", "It's alive!");
      } else {

What I've noticed is now I don't need to enable bkcmd=3 anymore. I've connected 2 additional USB to UART adapters and logged the whole communication from ESP and Nextion display (both ways). ESP sends the correct data and Nextion replies correctly. For some reason, ESPHome doesn't read the data back - it did receive it!

While writing this reply, I moved tx_pin to D6 instead of D4. Everything started working. W. T. F.?

nejc-cc commented 5 years ago

One more thing I noticed:

[17:24:48][W][display.nextion:149]: Received unknown filler end bytes from Nextion!
[17:24:48][W][display.nextion:149]: Received unknown filler end bytes from Nextion!
[17:24:49][W][display.nextion:160]: Nextion reported invalid instruction!

I get quite a bit of these when pushing buttons. Could this be because of softwareserial? Once I get the thang of things, I'll switch over to real UART and disable logging - or push logging to softwareserial.

OttoWinter commented 5 years ago

@thedexboy I see you have enabled VERY_VERBOSE logs, could you share those logs?

While writing this reply, I moved tx_pin to D6 instead of D4. Everything started working. W. T. F.?

Interesting, it could be softwareserial, but on the other hand the D6 pin on that board has no hw serial attached. So both are using a soft serial - maybe a pin is damaged?

bigstation17 commented 5 years ago

[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:149]: Received unknown filler end bytes from Nextion!
[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:041]: Waiting for ACK timed out!
[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:088]: Sending command 'n0.val=0' failed because no ACK was received
[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:149]: Received unknown filler end bytes from Nextion!
[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:041]: Waiting for ACK timed out!
[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:088]: Sending command 't1.txt="release"' failed because no ACK was received
[19:12:34][D][binary_sensor:037]: 'button test': Sending state ON
[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:149]: Received unknown filler end bytes from Nextion!
[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:041]: Waiting for ACK timed out!
[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:088]: Sending command 'n0.val=1' failed because no ACK was received
[19:12:34][W][display.nextion:149]: Received unknown filler end bytes from Nextion!
[19:12:35][W][display.nextion:041]: Waiting for ACK timed out!
[19:12:35][W][display.nextion:088]: Sending command 't1.txt="press"' failed because no ACK was received 


[19:16:07][D][binary_sensor:037]: 'button test': Sending state OFF
[19:16:07][VV][uart:176]:     Wrote "n0.val=0"
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b00000001 (0x01)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:176]:     Wrote "t1.txt="release""
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b00000001 (0x01)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][D][binary_sensor:037]: 'button test': Sending state ON
[19:16:07][VV][uart:176]:     Wrote "n0.val=1"
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b00000001 (0x01)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:176]:     Wrote "t1.txt="press""
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:165]:     Wrote 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b00000001 (0x01)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07][VV][uart:186]:     Read 0b11111111 (0xFF)
[19:16:07]pm open,type:0 0
[19:16:08][VV][component:126]: Running interval 'update':0 with interval=5000 last_execution=13243 (now=18249)```
nejc-cc commented 5 years ago

@OttoWinter if I uncomment and try getting very_verbose logs, ESP won't boot - it will get stuck in a bootloop.

mmotley999 commented 5 years ago

FWIW, I'm seeing the same behavior on a Wemos D1 mini clone, even when I should be using the hardware UART0 (I think?) and moving logging to UART1. Perhaps disabling serial logging altogether would help? I haven't tried that yet.

  hardware_uart: UART1
  id: mainlog

  tx_pin: GPIO1
  rx_pin: GPIO3
  baud_rate: 19200

However, I'm not seeing these errors when I converted the same code to an ESP32 board... I put it through it's paces with no ACK errors:

  tx_pin: GPIO17
  rx_pin: GPIO16
  baud_rate: 19200
OttoWinter commented 5 years ago

However, I'm not seeing these errors when I converted the same code to an ESP32 board... I put it through it's paces with no ACK errors:

That probably means the issue is with software serial indeed. ESP32 has 3 HW serial controllers on all pins (which esphome uses automatically).

However, when using tx_pin GPIO1 and rx_pin GPIO3 on ESP8266, it does use the UART0 hw serial too - weird.

OttoWinter commented 5 years ago

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