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PN532 over I2C stops responding after a while #3281

Closed chrispe-lab closed 2 years ago

chrispe-lab commented 2 years ago

The problem

I had this RC522 module for a while in a jukebox for my kids to play different MP3s but was always leaning towards trying out the PN532 module as it seemed more integrated to the ESPHome landscape. Before moving over I used a version of the code to get it working similar to on_tagand on_tag_removed.

Fast forwarding a few years and I've replaced the RC522 with a PN532 module, hoping I could stick to the default PN532 code in ESPHome and remove the custom scripts. While it works immediately after a boot of the NodeMCUV2 (over I2C) it stops responding after a while, let's say a few hours. Only a hard reset (unplugging the power cable) will get it back to responding to RFID cards/tags.

The setup looks like the following:

ESP device with RFID PN532 module reads a RFID card/tag e.g. 12-34-56-78 and send this information to a Node Red (via HA) flow that triggers an MP3 to be played on one of my Sonos speakers.

If the RFID card/tag is removed it sends a 00-00-00-00 state that in turn pause the Sonos.

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?


Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?




Component causing the issue

PN532 over I2C

Example YAML snippet

  name: node2-jukebox
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

  ssid: "XXXXXXX"
  password: "XXXXXXX"
    # Set this to the IP of the ESP
    static_ip: XXXXXXX
    # Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1
    gateway: XXXXXXX
    # The subnet of the network. works for most home networks.

# Enable logging
  level: debug

# Enable OTA updates
  password: "XXXXXXX"

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: "XXXXXXX"

  - platform: restart
    name: "node2 jukebox restart"

  sda: D4
  scl: D3
  scan: true
  #id: pn532_board
  #frequency: 400kHz

pn532_i2c: # or rc522_i2c
  id: pn532_board
  update_interval: 1s
    - text_sensor.template.publish:
        id: rfid_tag
        state: !lambda |
          return x;
    - delay: 0.2s #to fix slow component
    - text_sensor.template.publish:
        id: rfid_tag
        state: !lambda 'return "00-00-00-00";'

  - platform: template
    name: "RFID Tag"
    id: rfid_tag
  - platform: template
    name: "RFID Tag removed"
    id: rfid_tag_removed

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

It doesn't show any errors in debug mode and in very_verbose it shows amongst other errors the following 

Timed out waiting for readiness from PN532!

Component pn532 took a long time for an operation (0.17 s). <- this varies

Additional information

Someone at the HA community suggested the D1 mini board instead of the NodeMCU. So I'm thinking this could be a HW error where the signal gets out of sync somehow and the board is unable to get it back to sync. What do you think?

chrispe-lab commented 2 years ago

I changed to a D1 mini and it seems to work now. What I also did was to make sure I used the recommended GPIOs for the board, which I will strictly follow from here on out.

VMmatty commented 2 years ago

I know this issue was closed but @chrispernold I am having the exact same problem. Can you share your updated yaml maybe? I'm using a D1 mini connected via i2c and the scanner works for a few hours and then stops accepting scans.

I'm open to suggestions. Thanks!

0x90ChuckTessela commented 1 year ago

I've found the PN532 stops working every other soft reboot. I'm using an ESP32-POE-ISO with the HiLetGo PN532 module. over I2C. It works when completely unpowered for a moment, and then powered on. However, safe reboots/restarts cause it to fail to read any tags every other reboot. Not sure if this is a software issue or a hardware issue.

In all events, the device enumerates as an I2C device (even when it fails to read/detect any tags). Once it is soft rebooted again, or has power completely disconnected/reconnected, it works.

Anyone else having similar issues or insight?

ssieb commented 1 year ago

Watch the serial logs to see what the difference is between working and not working.

0x90ChuckTessela commented 1 year ago

so the (relevant) logs for working are:

[C][pn532:018]: Setting up PN532...
[VV][i2c.arduino:140]: 0x24 TX 0000FF02FED4022A00
[V][pn532:246]: Reading ACK...
[VV][i2c.arduino:116]: 0x24 RX 01
[VV][i2c.arduino:116]: 0x24 RX 010000FF00FF00
[V][pn532:257]: ACK valid: YES
[V][pn532_i2c:043]: Reading response
[VV][i2c.arduino:116]: 0x24 RX 01
[VV][i2c.arduino:116]: 0x24 RX 010000FF06FAD5
[V][pn532:262]: Sending NACK for retransmit
[VV][i2c.arduino:140]: 0x24 TX 0000FFFF0000
[V][pn532_i2c:049]: Reading response of length 5
[VV][i2c.arduino:116]: 0x24 RX 01
[VV][i2c.arduino:116]: 0x24 RX 010000FF06FAD50332010607E800
[D][pn532:033]: Found chip PN532
[D][pn532:034]: Firmware ver. 1.6
[VV][i2c.arduino:140]: 0x24 TX 0000FF05FBD4140114010200

whereas, performing a soft-reset (restart the device via esphome's restart platform):

[C][pn532:018]: Setting up PN532...
[VV][i2c.arduino:140]: 0x24 TX 0000FF02FED4022A00
[V][pn532:246]: Reading ACK...
[VV][i2c.arduino:116]: 0x24 RX 01
[VV][i2c.arduino:116]: 0x24 RX 010000FF02FED5
[V][pn532:257]: ACK valid: NO
[E][pn532:022]: Error sending version command
[E][component:113]: Component pn532 was marked as failed.

performing a second soft-reset (same manner as the first) results in success, with logs the same as a power-on:

it appears that the unit itself is still responding to a previous configuration command from before the power-on. I've tested this on a board with nothing else but that PN532 hooked up. I'll keep looking into it, but anyone else have any ideas?

mrkylegp commented 1 year ago

I have the same issues with the PN532 modules. I think based on everyone experiencing the same issue here that there is a problem with the module on a hardware/firmware level.