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Cannot use !include with color #3316

Closed michaelblight closed 2 years ago

michaelblight commented 2 years ago

The problem

I have a number of components stored in separate files, and tried to do the same for color.

- <<: !include include/binary_sensor/connection-status.yaml

- <<: !include include/color/named.yaml

The IDE is happy with it (no red x on line 1), but installing produces the compile error shown below. If I paste the content of the file (shown below) instead of the !include, it all works ok.

- id: color_blue
  red: 0%
  green: 100%
  blue: 0%
- id: color_green
  red: 0%
  green: 100%
  blue: 0%
- id: color_orange
  red: 100%
  green: 65%
  blue: 0%
- id: color_orange_deep
  red: 93%
  green: 46%
  blue: 0%
- id: color_red
  red: 100%
  green: 0%
  blue: 0%

The same thing occurs if I try to do it in a file referenced in device_base under packages.

Note that it works if I put the color: inside the file as well, and change my main yaml to:

- <<: !include include/binary_sensor/connection-status.yaml

<<: !include include/color/named.yaml

But I'm wanting to include multiple files like I do with sensors.

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?

Home Assistant Add-on

Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?




Component causing the issue


Example YAML snippet

See above

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/m5stick-c-1.yaml...
WARNING GPIO15 is a Strapping PIN and should be avoided.
Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.
WARNING Pin 10 (9-10) might already be used by the flash interface in QUAD IO flash mode.
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
Processing m5stick-c-1 (board: m5stack-core-esp32; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/espressif32 @ 3.5.0)
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
Dependency Graph
|-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <FS> 1.0
|-- <Update> 1.0
|-- <ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome> 2.1.0
|   |-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|-- <DNSServer> 1.1.0
|-- <ESPmDNS> 1.0
|-- <SPI> 1.0
|-- <Wire> 1.0.1
Compiling /data/m5stick-c-1/.pioenvs/m5stick-c-1/src/main.cpp.o
/config/esphome/m5stick-c-1.yaml: In lambda function:
/config/esphome/m5stick-c-1.yaml:44:32: error: 'color_orange_deep' was not declared in this scope
       it.print(80, 10, id(font_1), color_orange_deep, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "Test 1");
/config/esphome/m5stick-c-1.yaml:48:34: error: 'color_green' was not declared in this scope
       it.rectangle(80, 41, 1, 1, color_green);      // Centre
*** [/data/m5stick-c-1/.pioenvs/m5stick-c-1/src/main.cpp.o] Error 1
========================== [FAILED] Took 4.31 seconds ==========================

Additional information

No response

edenhaus commented 2 years ago

Have you tried to remove the - before the include like:

  <<: !include include/color/named.yaml

The dash specifies a list entry in yaml meaning you are making a list in a list with your above configuration

michaelblight commented 2 years ago

Dammit, you're right! All of my other uses have the "list in a list" situation - i.e. a - before the <<: and also in the included file, like I did with the binary_sensor above. It's probably more surprising that they work. I also changed the binary_sensor to remove the -, and it's happy like that. Good that this is recorded here, for when I do the same thing again.

michaelblight commented 2 years ago

Now I'm confused - I did a 'Clean Build' and the error is back. So maybe closing was hasty. It seems I don't fully understand !include. It seems that the included file can only contain one list item if it's under a component. If correct, this makes it a bit useless for what I'm trying to do.

So the following both work:

<<: !include include/color/named.yaml    # where the yaml contains "color:"
color: !include/color/named.yaml              # not actually tested, but same as home assistant

Whereas the following will only include the first list item in the file:

  <<: !include include/color/named.yaml     # where the yaml does not contain "color:"
#### or ####
- <<: !include include/color/named.yaml     # where the yaml does not contain "color:"

You can easily verify this by duplicating the id of something in an included file - you don't get an error because it picks up the first list item and ignores everything else.

In Home Assisstant you can achieve what I want using labels:

color label1: !include file1
color label2: !include file2

But this doesn't work in ESPHome. Perhaps time for a Feature Request.

EDIT: I tried various versions of include_dir_merge_list (etc), but couldn't get them to work either, although they appear supported. They seem to work, but I think it's remnants of a previous build somehow. It came unstuck with a "Clean Build".