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UPDATE now can't connect to device #4075

Open tonydm opened 1 year ago

tonydm commented 1 year ago

The problem


In the ESPHome panel I clicked the blue UPDATE to update one of my controllers (esp-wrover-kit). I followed the update process via the ESPHome device log in another tab. The update compiled and successfully updated. However, the device never came back online, now the device is unreachable. The device IP is staticly set in the config and reserved in the DHCP config. Also, there were no config changes made, only the UPDATE. What happened that an update breaks my device?

Thank you

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?

Home Assistant Add-on

Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?




Component causing the issue


Example YAML snippet

No response

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

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Additional information

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lasry1 commented 1 year ago

It happens also to me every time i update the Bluetooth proxy over ESPHOME (Wireless)

Then i need to plug it into the computer and install again bluetooth proxy with a cable

randybb commented 1 year ago

We need a serial log, without that nobody can help you. Btw, I have just updated 27 devices + changed api pwd to api enc key without any issues.

Delta1977 commented 1 year ago

here the same after Updating the last 2 Versions. Its a ESP32 Devkit with a IR ( - platform: pulse_meter) attached. A Powercyle helps.

tonydm commented 1 year ago

@randybb With due respect, telling us that you updated 25 devices with no problem helps nobody. I'm bringing up an issue I have. In my case, my HA was/is functioning fine, for the last two years. I've done all updates to Core, Addons, etc. In this case, I simply followed the UPDATE prompting. The update completed 100%, device went offline as they do with an update of any kind, but the device never came back online. As far as a serial log, this device is two hours away from me.

randybb commented 1 year ago

Basically it says that I cannot reproduce your issue based on provided information. Without a log nobody will help you.

tonydm commented 1 year ago

@randybb I get what you are saying. However, since the update showed success, a little more help from the ESPHome side would be appropriate. For anyone that runs into this issue and then having to get a "serial" log, your saying we have to climb to, crawl to, dig out the controller from where it's physically located so we can physically connect a cable. That's the last step I or anyone wants to take. So if ESPHome is going to push an UPDATE, in my book, there needs to be more transparency. What was the update? What in the update could cause the device to not come back online when, prior to the process, the device, ESPHome, and HA were functioning fine?

lasry1 commented 1 year ago

I think i may have find the cause of the issue, at least on my particular case.

When i install the BT proxy through the website I type the SSID and password of the wireless network. However when i adopt the device in home assistant (ESPHOME) it changes it to have the ssid and password written in secrets.yaml

I have added the ssid and password instead of directing it to secrets and it seems to work (so far, we'll see in like 10 minutes when another update comes available)

lasry1 commented 1 year ago

I think i may have find the cause of the issue, at least on my particular case.

When i install the BT proxy through the website I type the SSID and password of the wireless network. However when i adopt the device in home assistant (ESPHOME) it changes it to have the ssid and password written in secrets.yaml

I have added the ssid and password instead of directing it to secrets and it seems to work (so far, we'll see in like 10 minutes when another update comes available)

It took longer than 10 minutes to receive yet another update but after 16 hours i have received again another ESPHOME update.

As suspected that has solved my issue, adding the wireless SSID and password through ESPHOME rather than using the secrets allows me to update the BT Proxy without loosing the connection

AussiSG commented 1 year ago

I had the similair problem. Seem that some recent update has destroyed the use of !secrets

Now when I update/reflash a device it's unable to connect to the wifi because it cant find a corresponding wifi. Only works when putting in the real ssid and password ..

AussiSG commented 1 year ago

@OttoWinter do you have any idea why the !secrets part is not working anymore?

AussiSG commented 1 year ago

@tonydm and @OttoWinter ,

I managed to solved my issue. Not sure if it will solve yours tonydm. But what I did is that I cleaned out my secrets.yaml withing esphome.

I had something like ( cant remember correctly changed deleted the last 2 rows already)

<<: !include ../secrets.yaml
wifi_pass : !secrets wifi_pass
wifi_ssid : !secrets wifi_ssid

And I changed it to only

<<: !include ../secrets.yaml

Now it works again as before.