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Problem updating Sonoff Dual R3 via OTA #4277

Open catgiggle opened 1 year ago

catgiggle commented 1 year ago

The problem

I have an issue with updating my Sonoff Dual R3 via OTA. Firstly, I created a YAML configuration (below) and tried to flash it to the Dual R3 through USB and ESPhome Web, but without success. Therefore, I compiled the configuration to a Legacy BIN file (Install > Manual download > Legacy format) and then initialized the Dual R3 through Tasmota Installer ( and updated the firmware through the interface provided by the device ( to EspHome (I uploaded the Legacy BIN file). Up to this point, the Dual R3 is working correctly, showing up in Home Assistant, providing the button and sensor according to the YAML configuration. However, when I try to update the firmware via OTA, it only causes the Dual R3 to restart (log below).

I am using ESPhome run through Docker from the official image ( It's worth noting that I have many other devices and do not have any problems with updating via OTA. However, this is my first device on ESP32.

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?


Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?




Component causing the issue


Example YAML snippet

  name: esphome-dualr3-test
  prefix: esphome_dualr3_test

  platform: esp32
  board: esp32dev
  name: ${name}

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  power_save_mode: light
    ssid: ${name}
    password: abc123456

  baud_rate: 0

  tx_pin: GPIO25
  rx_pin: GPIO26
  baud_rate: 38400
  parity: EVEN
  stop_bits: 1


  port: 80

  - platform: template
    name: "Template Button"
      - logger.log: Button Pressed

  - platform: template
    name: "Template Sensor"
    lambda: |-
      return 42.0;
    update_interval: 60s

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

INFO Reading configuration /config/device-sonoff-dualr3-001.yaml...
INFO Starting log output from esphome-dualr3-test.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to esphome-dualr3-test.local
[12:05:35][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.2.2 compiled on Mar  5 2023, 11:08:18
[12:05:35][C][wifi:504]: WiFi:
[12:05:35][C][wifi:362]:   Local MAC: 78:E3:6D:62:28:78
[12:05:35][C][wifi:363]:   SSID: [redacted]
[12:05:35][C][wifi:364]:   IP Address:
[12:05:35][C][wifi:366]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[12:05:35][C][wifi:367]:   Hostname: 'esphome-dualr3-test'
[12:05:35][C][wifi:369]:   Signal strength: -54 dB ▂▄▆█
[12:05:35][C][wifi:373]:   Channel: 11
[12:05:35][C][wifi:374]:   Subnet:
[12:05:35][C][wifi:375]:   Gateway:
[12:05:35][C][wifi:376]:   DNS1:
[12:05:35][C][wifi:377]:   DNS2:
[12:05:35][C][logger:293]: Logger:
[12:05:35][C][logger:294]:   Level: DEBUG
[12:05:35][C][logger:295]:   Log Baud Rate: 0
[12:05:35][C][logger:296]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[12:05:35][C][uart.arduino_esp32:108]: UART Bus 1:
[12:05:35][C][uart.arduino_esp32:109]:   TX Pin: GPIO25
[12:05:35][C][uart.arduino_esp32:110]:   RX Pin: GPIO26
[12:05:35][C][uart.arduino_esp32:112]:   RX Buffer Size: 256
[12:05:35][C][uart.arduino_esp32:114]:   Baud Rate: 38400 baud
[12:05:35][C][uart.arduino_esp32:115]:   Data Bits: 8
[12:05:35][C][uart.arduino_esp32:116]:   Parity: EVEN
[12:05:35][C][uart.arduino_esp32:117]:   Stop bits: 1
[12:05:35][C][template.sensor:023]: Template Sensor 'Template Sensor'
[12:05:35][C][template.sensor:023]:   State Class: ''
[12:05:35][C][template.sensor:023]:   Unit of Measurement: ''
[12:05:35][C][template.sensor:023]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[12:05:35][C][template.sensor:024]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[12:05:35][C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
[12:05:35][C][web_server:151]: Web Server:
[12:05:35][C][web_server:152]:   Address: esphome-dualr3-test.local:80
[12:05:35][C][mdns:108]: mDNS:
[12:05:35][C][mdns:109]:   Hostname: esphome-dualr3-test
[12:05:35][C][ota:093]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[12:05:35][C][ota:094]:   Address: esphome-dualr3-test.local:3232
[12:05:35][C][api:138]: API Server:
[12:05:35][C][api:139]:   Address: esphome-dualr3-test.local:6053
[12:05:35][C][api:143]:   Using noise encryption: NO
[12:05:40][D][api:102]: Accepted ::FFFF:
[12:05:40][W][api.connection:083]: Home Assistant 2022.11.5 (::FFFF: Connection closed
[12:05:47][I][ota:113]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter.
[12:05:47][D][esp32.preferences:113]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[12:05:47][D][esp32.preferences:142]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed
[12:05:59][D][button:013]: 'Template Button' Pressed.
[12:05:59][D][main:252]: Button Pressed
[12:06:01][D][button:013]: 'Template Button' Pressed.
[12:06:01][D][main:252]: Button Pressed
[12:06:02][D][button:013]: 'Template Button' Pressed.
[12:06:02][D][main:252]: Button Pressed
[12:06:12][I][web_server_base:041]: OTA Update Start: esphome-dualr3-test.bin
WARNING esphome-dualr3-test.local: Connection error occurred: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
INFO Disconnected from ESPHome API for esphome-dualr3-test.local
WARNING Disconnected from API
INFO Successfully connected to esphome-dualr3-test.local
[12:06:40][D][api:102]: Accepted ::FFFF:
[12:06:40][W][api.connection:083]: Home Assistant 2022.11.5 (::FFFF: Connection closed
[12:06:56][I][web_server_base:041]: OTA Update Start: esphome-dualr3-test.bin
[12:06:56][D][web_server_base:073]: OTA in progress: 0.1%
WARNING esphome-dualr3-test.local: Connection error occurred: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
INFO Disconnected from ESPHome API for esphome-dualr3-test.local
WARNING Disconnected from API
INFO Successfully connected to esphome-dualr3-test.local
[12:07:25][D][button:013]: 'Template Button' Pressed.
[12:07:25][D][main:252]: Button Pressed

Additional information

No response

james194zt commented 1 year ago

I have similar issues to the above on the same device with OTA update, I was on Tasmota, converted perfectly fine to ESP Home but needed to change a couple of things in the YAML.

OTA update fails, it says OTA Update in Progress 0.1% then you get an error500 on the deviceip/update page a few seconds later. Tried manual flash as well as through the ESP Home dashboard wirelessly.

I am going to flash manually on it's pins to work around it, but has anybody worked this out?

My YAML for info (wifi and security key sections removed)

esphome: name: sw01-kitchen friendly_name: KITCHEN

esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino

web_server: port: 80

BL0939 Power Monitoring Configuration Disable logging over serial logger: baud_rate: 0

uart: tx_pin: GPIO25 rx_pin: GPIO26 baud_rate: 4800 parity: NONE stop_bits: 2


BL0939 Sensors platform: bl0939 update_interval: 30s voltage: name: 'Input Voltage' current_1: name: 'Relay Current 1' current_2: name: 'Relay Current 2' active_power_1: name: 'Relay Active Power 1' active_power_2: name: 'Relay Active Power 2' energy_1: name: 'Relay Energy 1' energy_2: name: 'Relay Energy 2' energy_total: name: 'Relay Energy Total' Misc Sensors platform: wifi_signal name: "WiFi Signal" update_interval: 30s platform: uptime name: "Device Uptime" update_interval: 120s Relay Configuration Port 1 WASHINGMACHINE Port 2 TUMBLEDRYER binary_sensor:

platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO00 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True name: "button0"

toggle both relays on push

on_press: switch.toggle: relay switch.toggle: relay2 platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO32 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True name: "button1"

toggle only relay1

on_press: switch.toggle: relay platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO33 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True name: "button2"

toggle only relay2

on_press: switch.toggle: relay2 switch:

platform: gpio name: "WASHING MACHINE" pin: GPIO27 id: relay platform: gpio name: "TUMBLE DRYER & DISHWASHER" pin: GPIO14 id: relay2 platform: restart name: "Restart Device" status_led: pin: number: GPIO13 inverted: yes


platform: version name: "Version"

james194zt commented 1 year ago


So I flashed ESP Home directly on, no change from the above config really just changed a name to make a difference, flashed perfectly!

Only thing I can think of is it is something to do with migrating from Tasmota to ESP Home originally, all I did to go to ESP Home was a manual install binary, then used Tasmota firmware upgrade like I have done loads of times on my non ESP32 devices.

Device history...

Originally I flashed from the default Sonoff firmware to Tasmota (flashed using serial interface not DIY mode). I migrated from Tasmota to ESP Home after it had been running fine for several weeks. This time around I flashed the ESPHome binary directly over serial and it worked from both the update button AND the dashboard updating.

Problem solved for me, so might be useful if anybody else encounters it.