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SML checksum error since August update still ongoing (ESP32 WROOM) #5213

Open kobel2015 opened 6 months ago

kobel2015 commented 6 months ago

The problem

After the update of ESPhome in summer 2023 I recive checksum error in received SML data. After several seconds or minutes one massage can be read without errors. Before the update, I recived every 1-2 sec. a value. Tips like pr#5271 don't work. Lookup table change to small one is maybe not to good for my board. Any posibility to change to big lookup table? Any hints?

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?

Home Assistant Add-on

Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?




Component causing the issue


Example YAML snippet

  name: zaehler

  board: nodemcu-32s
    type: arduino

  - source: github://pr#5271
    components: [sml]
    refresh: always

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "*****"

  password: "*****"

  ssid: "*****"
  password: "*****"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Zaehler Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "*****"

# Example configuration entry
  id: uart_bus
  rx_pin: GPIO16
  baud_rate: 9600
  data_bits: 8
  parity: NONE
  stop_bits: 1

  id: mysml
  uart_id: uart_bus

  - platform: sml
    name: "Zaehler_Bezug"
    sml_id: mysml
    obis_code: "1-0:1.8.0"
    unit_of_measurement: kWh
    accuracy_decimals: 1
     - multiply: 0.0001

  - platform: sml
    name: "Momentanleistung"
    sml_id: mysml
    obis_code: "1-0:16.7.0"
    unit_of_measurement: W
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    device_class: "power"

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?


INFO ESPHome 2023.11.6
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/zaehler.yaml...
INFO Updating
INFO Starting log output from zaehler.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to zaehler in 0.523s
INFO Successful handshake with zaehler in 0.118s
[11:05:13][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.11.6 compiled on Dec  4 2023, 22:28:01
[11:05:13][C][wifi:559]: WiFi:
[11:05:13][C][wifi:391]:   Local MAC: *:*:*:*:*:*
[11:05:13][C][wifi:396]:   SSID: [redacted]
[11:05:13][C][wifi:397]:   IP Address:
[11:05:13][C][wifi:399]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[11:05:13][C][wifi:400]:   Hostname: 'zaehler'
[11:05:13][C][wifi:402]:   Signal strength: -80 dB ▂▄▆█
[11:05:13][C][wifi:406]:   Channel: 6
[11:05:13][C][wifi:407]:   Subnet:
[11:05:13][C][wifi:408]:   Gateway:
[11:05:13][C][wifi:409]:   DNS1:
[11:05:13][C][wifi:410]:   DNS2:
[11:05:13][C][logger:416]: Logger:
[11:05:13][C][logger:417]:   Level: DEBUG
[11:05:13][C][logger:418]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[11:05:13][C][logger:420]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[11:05:13][C][uart.arduino_esp32:124]: UART Bus 1:
[11:05:13][C][uart.arduino_esp32:126]:   RX Pin: GPIO16
[11:05:13][C][uart.arduino_esp32:128]:   RX Buffer Size: 256
[11:05:13][C][uart.arduino_esp32:130]:   Baud Rate: 9600 baud
[11:05:13][C][uart.arduino_esp32:131]:   Data Bits: 8
[11:05:13][C][uart.arduino_esp32:132]:   Parity: NONE
[11:05:13][C][uart.arduino_esp32:133]:   Stop bits: 1
[11:05:13][C][sml:092]: SML:
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:033]: SML 'Zaehler_Bezug'
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:033]:   State Class: ''
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:033]:   Unit of Measurement: 'kWh'
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:033]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:037]:   OBIS Code: 1-0:1.8.0
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:033]: SML 'Momentanleistung'
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:033]:   Device Class: 'power'
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:033]:   State Class: ''
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:033]:   Unit of Measurement: 'W'
[11:05:13][C][sml_sensor:033]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[11:05:13][C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
[11:05:13][C][mdns:115]: mDNS:
[11:05:13][C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[11:05:13][C][ota:098]:   Address: zaehler.local:3232
[11:05:13][C][api:142]:   Using noise encryption: YES
[11:05:14][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:05:17][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:05:20][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
and so on
[11:09:45][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:09:46][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:09:47][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:09:49][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:09:50][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:09:53][D][sensor:094]: 'Zaehler_Bezug': Sending state 24258.95703 kWh with 1 decimals of accuracy
[11:09:53][D][sensor:094]: 'Momentanleistung': Sending state 301.00000 W with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:09:53][D][sml:066]: OBIS info:
[11:09:53][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 129-129:199.130.3 [0x49534b]
[11:09:53][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:0.0.9 [0x0649534b010722fb07ea]
[11:09:53][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:1.8.0 [0x000000000e759f7a]
[11:09:53][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:1.8.1 [0x000000000e759f7a]
[11:09:53][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:1.8.2 [0x0000000000000000]
[11:09:53][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:16.7.0 [0x0000012d]
[11:09:53][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 129-129:199.130.5 [0x*****]
[11:09:53][W][component:214]: Component sml took a long time for an operation (0.09 s).
[11:09:53][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[11:09:54][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:09:55][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:09:56][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:09:57][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:09:59][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:01][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:02][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:05][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:06][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:07][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:08][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:10][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:11][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:12][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:14][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:16][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:17][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:19][D][sensor:094]: 'Zaehler_Bezug': Sending state 24258.95703 kWh with 1 decimals of accuracy
[11:10:19][D][sensor:094]: 'Momentanleistung': Sending state 295.00000 W with 0 decimals of accuracy
[11:10:19][D][sml:066]: OBIS info:
[11:10:19][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 129-129:199.130.3 [0x49534b]
[11:10:19][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:0.0.9 [0x0649534b010722fb07ea]
[11:10:19][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:1.8.0 [0x000000000e759f90]
[11:10:19][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:1.8.1 [0x000000000e759f90]
[11:10:19][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:1.8.2 [0x0000000000000000]
[11:10:19][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 1-0:16.7.0 [0x00000127]
[11:10:19][D][sml:072]:   (0649534b010722fb07ea) 129-129:199.130.5 [0x*****]
[11:10:19][W][component:214]: Component sml took a long time for an operation (0.09 s).
[11:10:19][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[11:10:20][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:22][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:23][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.
[11:10:24][W][sml:116]: Checksum error in received SML data.

Additional information

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.