Closed Grey-Lancaster closed 3 months ago
I have been messing with this for a couple of days and just got it to work. The image is washed out on it. also. The developer said his did not look like his. Suggested reducing/changing the contrast which I have no clue how
Well it does say no psram. An esp32 wroom does not have it??
[15:31:39][C][light:105]: Default Transition Length: 1.0s [15:31:39][C][light:106]: Gamma Correct: 2.80 [15:31:39][C][homeassistant.time:010]: Home Assistant Time:
[15:31:39][C][psram:021]: Available: NO [15:31:39][C][graph:389]: Graph for sensor outside_temperature
Then sadly you can have a nice look atm sorry. I am working on a new display_driver class that allows you to send data direct to the display as long you do not use the default draw system (for now). However when you use the (WIP)LVGL component set then you can already make use of direct 565 color system. Now you have 332 colors to chose from.
I'm sorry i did not checked the existence of the PSRAM earlier, that would have been less headache for you and me .
On thing you could try is making use of the color palette possibility.
Thanks, I have a "normal" CYD due in soon. Will see how it does. So I was googling and it says the esp32 wrooms have psram and then I looked and questioned if I had the right board selected in esphome. My esp32 wrover works well So I dunno, I guess it is just the board because I have tried esphome and both have lousy images.
Still waiting on my new board Found a slideshow .ino that works fine does this help
// Fix image quality for CYD2USB
tft.writecommand(ILI9341_GAMMASET); //Gamma curve selected
tft.writecommand(ILI9341_GAMMASET); //Gamma curve selected
Got my "normal" CYD today. This code works (dev mode) but the image is still lousy. I know the board can display images because the slide show example is beautiful.
Anyway to try that TFT_inversion?
name: cyd-v1
friendly_name: CYD_V1
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "t5/ChNs1LJ1f8aB9xrfku8Vpixfw8GenT1VGZtwW6Lk="
password: "3366167611974d3b468d70eae3b5c099"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Cyd-V1 Fallback Hotspot"
password: "C3r4clzj8U07"
- platform: homeassistant
id: esptime
- platform: homeassistant
id: outside_temperature
entity_id: sensor.office_outside_temp_2
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
id: inside_temperature
entity_id: sensor.big_room_temperature
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
id: nannie_out_temperature
entity_id: sensor.outdoor_temperature
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
id: nannie_in_temperature
entity_id: sensor.indoor_temperature
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
id: office_temperature
entity_id: sensor.office_temp
internal: true
- id: my_light_red
hex: FFFF00 #yello
- id: my_black
hex: '000000' # Hex code for black
- id: white
hex: ffffff
- id: blue
hex: 0000FF
- id: officegraph
sensor: outside_temperature
duration: 3h
width: 220
height: 180
x_grid: 30min
y_grid: 5.0
max_value: 55.0
min_value: 15.0
color: blue
- id: officegraph2
sensor: inside_temperature
duration: 1h
width: 220
height: 180
x_grid: 10min
y_grid: 5.0
max_value: 70.0
min_value: 15.0
color: blue
# - file: 'Roboto.ttf'
# id: font1
# size: 26
- file:
type: gfonts
family: Roboto
weight: 300
id: font1
size: 26
- file:
type: gfonts
family: Roboto
weight: 300
id: font3
size: 60
- file:
type: gfonts
family: Roboto
weight: 900
id: font4
size: 36
- file: 'Arimo-Regular.ttf'
id: arimo48
size: 48
glyphs: " .,°0123456789CF"
- file: 'Arimo-Regular.ttf'
id: arimo14
size: 14
glyphs: "0123456789"
- file:
id: my_image
resize: 120x120
type: RGB24
# ============================================================
# Home Assistant related setup
- platform: monochromatic
output: backlight_pwm
name: Display Backlight
id: backlight
restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
# ============================================================
# Hardware related setup
# Setup SPI for the display. The ESP32-2432S028R uses separate SPI buses for display and touch
- id: tft
clk_pin: GPIO14
mosi_pin: GPIO13
miso_pin: GPIO12
- id: touch
clk_pin: GPIO25
mosi_pin: GPIO32
miso_pin: GPIO39
# Setup a pin to control the backlight
- platform: ledc
pin: GPIO21
id: backlight_pwm
# Setup the ili9xxx platform
# Display is used as 240x320 by default so we rotate it to 90°
- platform: ili9xxx
model: ili9341
spi_id: tft
cs_pin: GPIO15
dc_pin: GPIO2
id: "my_display"
dimensions: 240X320
color_order: RGB
mirror_y: false
mirror_x: false
swap_xy: true
- id: page1
lambda: |-
it.print(20, 0, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "Hello WIZARD!");
it.print(20, 30, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "Time:");
char buffer[15];
auto time = id(esptime).now();
int hour = time.hour % 12; // convert to 12-hour format
hour = hour ? hour : 12; // handle midnight and noon
sprintf(buffer, "%d:%02d", hour, time.minute);
it.print(100, 30, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, buffer);
it.printf(25, 55, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "Inside:");
it.printf(25, 80, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "Outside:");
it.printf(2, 155, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "Office:");
if (id(inside_temperature).has_state()) {
it.printf(120, 55, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.1f°", id(inside_temperature).state);
if (id(outside_temperature).has_state()) {
it.printf(130, 80, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.1f°", id(outside_temperature).state);
if (id(office_temperature).has_state()) {
it.printf(145, 155, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.1f°", id(office_temperature).state);
it.image(60, 200, id(my_image));
- id: page2
lambda: |-
it.print(20, 15, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "Time:");
char buffer[15];
auto time = id(esptime).now();
int hour = time.hour % 12; // convert to 12-hour format
hour = hour ? hour : 12; // handle midnight and noon
sprintf(buffer, "%d:%02d", hour, time.minute);
it.print(20, 30, id(font3), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, buffer);
it.printf(25, 100, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "Inside:");
if (id(inside_temperature).has_state()) {
it.printf(30, 100, id(font3), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.1f°", id(inside_temperature).state);
it.printf(20, 160, id(font1), id(my_light_red), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "Outside:");
- id: page3
lambda: |-
it.print(0, 60, id(arimo14), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "55");
it.print(0, 105, id(arimo14), TextAlign::CENTER_LEFT, "45");
it.print(0, 150, id(arimo14), TextAlign::CENTER_LEFT, "35");
it.print(0, 195, id(arimo14), TextAlign::CENTER_LEFT, "25");
it.print(0, 240, id(arimo14), TextAlign::BOTTOM_LEFT, "15");
if (id(outside_temperature).has_state()) {
it.printf(160, 0, id(arimo48), id(blue),TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%.1f °F", id(outside_temperature).state);
it.graph(20, 60, id(officegraph));
- interval: 3s
- my_display
- component.update: my_display
It looks like none of the CYD's has PSRAM onboard sadly. I have also some 3.5" CYD's and those have also no PSRAM on board. so it only works on 8Bit mode using the native Display functions. As soon the LVGL component is ready it will works in 16bit mode.
The problem
The problem is images only show 3 colors maybe/ Not at all like the ili9341
Color test BGR ili9342 which displays text properly
Color test RGB ili9342 colors for text are wrong
Lolin ili9341 color test which I am led to believe is correct
Lolin ili 9341 image
CYD ILI9342 image
Which version of ESPHome has the issue?
What type of installation are you using?
Home Assistant Add-on
Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?
What platform are you using?
CYD ESP32-2432S028R
Component causing the issue
Example YAML snippet
Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?
No response
Additional information
No response