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Key Collector component bugged when timeout is enabled #5406

Open dave0111 opened 4 months ago

dave0111 commented 4 months ago

The problem

I'm using one of those cheap membrane matrix keypads that you can find on amazon, with the following config:

  id: keypad1
    - pin: 27
    - pin: 26
    - pin: 25
    - pin: 33
    - pin: 32
    - pin: 35
    - pin: 34
  keys: "123456789*0#"
  has_diodes: false

  - id: pincode_reader
    source_id: keypad1
    min_length: 6
    max_length: 6
    end_keys: "#"
    end_key_required: true
    clear_keys: "*"
    allowed_keys: "0123456789"
    timeout: 60s
      - logger.log:
          format: "input progress: '%s', started by '%c'"
          args: [ 'x.c_str()', "(start == 0 ? '~' : start)" ]
      - logger.log:
          format: "input result: '%s', started by '%c', ended by '%c'"
          args: [ 'x.c_str()', "(start == 0 ? '~' : start)", "(end == 0 ? '~' : end)" ]
      - logger.log:
          format: "input timeout: '%s', started by '%c'"
          args: [ 'x.c_str()', "(start == 0 ? '~' : start)" ]

Which is almost the same exact config found on the documentation.

The issue is with the key collector, for some reason, whenever I enable a timeout, I get a stream of phantom keystrokes:

[14:42:24][D][matrix_keypad:081]: key @ row 1, col 1 pressed
[14:42:24][D][matrix_keypad:086]: key '5' pressed
[14:42:24][D][main:613]: input progress: '555555', started by '~'
[14:42:25][D][matrix_keypad:058]: key @ row 1, col 1 released
[14:42:25][D][matrix_keypad:063]: key '5' released

The phantom keystrokes only come from Row 1, Col 1, which is number 5.

Removing the timeout in the Key Collector configuration completely solves the issue. I also tried with several different timeout values, but the problem seems to not be related with the duration, but rather with the presence of any timeout at all.

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?

Home Assistant Add-on

Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?

Core 2024.1.3, Supervisor 2023.12.1

What platform are you using?




Component causing the issue


Example YAML snippet

  id: keypad1
    - pin: 27
    - pin: 26
    - pin: 25
    - pin: 33
    - pin: 32
    - pin: 35
    - pin: 34
  keys: "123456789*0#"
  has_diodes: false

  - id: pincode_reader
    source_id: keypad1
    min_length: 6
    max_length: 6
    end_keys: "#"
    end_key_required: true
    clear_keys: "*"
    allowed_keys: "0123456789"
    timeout: 60s
      - logger.log:
          format: "input progress: '%s', started by '%c'"
          args: [ 'x.c_str()', "(start == 0 ? '~' : start)" ]
      - logger.log:
          format: "input result: '%s', started by '%c', ended by '%c'"
          args: [ 'x.c_str()', "(start == 0 ? '~' : start)", "(end == 0 ? '~' : end)" ]
      - logger.log:
          format: "input timeout: '%s', started by '%c'"
          args: [ 'x.c_str()', "(start == 0 ? '~' : start)" ]

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

[14:46:41][D][text_sensor:064]: 'NGB2 Online': Sending state 'online'
[14:46:41][D][matrix_keypad:081]: key @ row 1, col 1 pressed
[14:46:41][D][matrix_keypad:086]: key '5' pressed
[14:46:41][D][main:613]: input progress: '555555', started by '~'
[14:46:41][D][matrix_keypad:058]: key @ row 1, col 1 released
[14:46:41][D][matrix_keypad:063]: key '5' released
[14:46:43][D][matrix_keypad:081]: key @ row 1, col 1 pressed
[14:46:43][D][matrix_keypad:086]: key '5' pressed
[14:46:43][D][main:613]: input progress: '555555', started by '~'
[14:46:44][D][matrix_keypad:058]: key @ row 1, col 1 released
[14:46:44][D][matrix_keypad:063]: key '5' released
[14:46:45][D][matrix_keypad:081]: key @ row 1, col 1 pressed
[14:46:45][D][matrix_keypad:086]: key '5' pressed
[14:46:45][D][main:613]: input progress: '555555', started by '~'
[14:46:46][D][matrix_keypad:058]: key @ row 1, col 1 released
[14:46:46][D][matrix_keypad:063]: key '5' released
[14:47:09][D][matrix_keypad:081]: key @ row 1, col 1 pressed
[14:47:09][D][matrix_keypad:086]: key '5' pressed
[14:47:09][D][main:613]: input progress: '555555', started by '~'
[14:47:09][D][matrix_keypad:058]: key @ row 1, col 1 released
[14:47:09][D][matrix_keypad:063]: key '5' released

Additional information

No response

ssieb commented 4 months ago

But it's the keypad itself that's indicating the key is pressed. The key collector isn't making it up.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.