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sn74hc595 over spi with wemos d1 mini lite: Pin xx is used in multiple places / Either "data_pin" and "clock_pin" must be set or "spi_id" must be set. #5681

Open alex-mextner opened 7 months ago

alex-mextner commented 7 months ago

The problem

I tried many config variations. since obviously incorrect one from documentation through many other variants from the network.

even reading the source code and help of chatgpt 4 were not helpful.

source of error 1: source of error 2:
btw, look message is too generic and hides possible details of what exactly wrong.

Incorrect documentation ("Over SPI"):

What I tried: 1

  # ...


  id: spi_bus
  clk_pin: D5  # SPI Clock pin, GPIO 14 on ESP8266 (Wemos D1 Mini Lite)
  mosi_pin: D7  # SPI MOSI pin, GPIO 13 on ESP8266 (Wemos D1 Mini Lite)

  - id: sn74hc595_shift_register
    spi_id: spi_bus
    latch_pin: D6  # Use GPIO 12 (D6) for the latch_pin to avoid conflict
    oe_pin: D0  # Use GPIO 16 (D0) for oe_pin to avoid conflict, if needed
    sr_count: 1  # Number of daisy-chained SN74HC595s

3 adding allow_other_uses: true to sn74hc595

  1. option 2 without spi_id

  2. using GPIOn pin numbers as alternative

  3. using different pins, avoiding setting oe_pin

7 many other trials with config...

Why spi

Actually it works over gpio, however it's really unreliable, so i'm trying spi hoping best. I checked out the signal diagram using the logical analyser and the signal looks wrong, inconsistent, non-symmetric

I'll attach the picture.

Also, i tried different options with wiring and configuring OE pin. disable it and wire to GND, enable and pull-up, and more. I restarted the device every time.


Looks, It's issue of wemos configuration incompatibility near to pin mapping under the hood.

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?

Home Assistant Add-on

Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?



Wemos D1 Mini Lite

Component causing the issue


Example YAML snippet

  name: esp-alert-matrix
  friendly_name: esp-alert-matrix

  board: d1_mini_lite

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "ohKuoEK0RjAAv5jmCDSD11o4X71C6CMgk8uxVa96AJY="

  password: "621930d359b3de71e76bc1d91dbdfa40"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Esp-Alert-Matrix"
    password: "wpS4WoxZaQi7"


# spi:
#   id: spi_bus1
#   clk_pin: D5
#   mosi_pin: D7
#   # Optional: miso_pin: D6

  - id: 'sn74hc595_hub'
    latch_pin: D2
    oe_pin: D6
    sr_count: 1
    # spi_id: spi_bus1
    data_pin: D1
    clock_pin: D3

# Individual outputs
  - platform: gpio
    name: "LED0"
      sn74hc595: sn74hc595_hub
      number: 0 # pin
      inverted: false

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information

No response

alex-mextner commented 7 months ago

also, I searched the internet intensively, one of the links:

d1 mini lite pinout for reference:

In this issue even spi is unreliable, but with slightly different problems

After a few switches, it stops powering on or off my output LED and miss one or more switches, dephasing between the esphome switch state and real output state.

In my case:

  1. After a few switches, it stops on all of my LEDs, dephasing between the esphome switch state and real output state.
  2. After a few more switches it's back to operating state and next breaks to 1 state
alex-mextner commented 7 months ago

Slightly more detailed error I got when have tried to compile:

INFO ESPHome 2024.3.1
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/esp-alert-matrix.yaml...
Failed config

sn74hc595: [source /config/esphome/esp-alert-matrix.yaml:36]

  Pin 4 is used in multiple places.
  - [source /config/esphome/esp-alert-matrix.yaml:36]
    id: sn74hc595_hub
      number: 4
        output: True
        input: False
        open_drain: False
        pullup: False
        pulldown: False
        analog: False
      inverted: False
      number: 12
        output: True
        input: False
        open_drain: False
        pullup: False
        pulldown: False
        analog: False
      inverted: False
    sr_count: 1
    spi_id: spi_bus1
Pin 4 is used in multiple places

Pin 12 is used in multiple places

Pin 12 is used in multiple places
alex-mextner commented 7 months ago


alex-mextner commented 7 months ago

Speaking about gpio wiring. I said it's unreliable and diagram looks messy. anyways I see 8 bit sent, latch okay?, and 3 bits are set? Is it looks okay for you?

Screenshot 2024-04-06 at 12 37 36 Screenshot 2024-04-06 at 12 41 28
ssieb commented 4 months ago

Your description is incomprehensible. The view of the bit-banging output is expected and looks ok. The timings are completely fine. Try explaining again without going all over the place. One config, one issue.