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Overflow in color_uncorrect_red(), color_uncorrect_green(), color_uncorrect_blue() and color_uncorrect_white() methods of ESPColorCorrection object #5725

Open g-kiss opened 3 weeks ago

g-kiss commented 3 weeks ago

The problem

There are some brightness values at which "it" lambda parameter returns wrong values.

This issue is occured by the color_uncorrect_red(), color_uncorrect_green(), color_uncorrect_blue() and color_uncorrect_white() methods of ESPColorCorrection object. In some cases there are overflow in calculations. This is an examle: If red = 255, brightness = 104 and gamma = 2.8, then then value of the pixel will be 21 (this is correct). If i read this value with it[1].get().red() the color_uncorrect_red() method of ESPColorCorrection object calclutates the following (in esp_color_correction.h):

    uint16_t uncorrected = this->gamma_reverse_table_[red] * 255UL;
    uint8_t res = ((uncorrected / this-> * 255UL) / this->local_brightness_;
    return res;

The gamma_reversetable[21] returns value 105 (instead of 104), because 104 and 105 have the same gamma value (21). The calculation is the following: 105 (reverse gamma) 255 (const) / 255 ( 255 (const) / 104 (localbrightness) = 257.45. --> The res variable overflows and returns value 1 instead of 255.

Test yaml:

- platform: esp32_rmt_led_strip
    id: teszt_led_mst
    name: ${device_name}_teszt_led_mst
    rgb_order: GRB
    pin: GPIO23
    num_leds: 60
    rmt_channel: 7
    chipset: ws2812
      - addressable_lambda:
          name: "Test"
          update_interval: 1s
          lambda: |-
            ESP_LOGD("main", "Red: %d", it[1].get().red);
            ESP_LOGD("main", "Green: %d", it[1].get().green);
            ESP_LOGD("main", "Blue: %d", it[1].get().blue);

Teszt case 1: Service call in HomeAssistant (brightness = 103):

service: light.turn_on
  brightness: 103
  entity_id: light.teszt_esp32_teszt_led_mst
    - 255
    - 255
    - 255

After starting "Test" effect, returns good values:

[20:31:54][D][main:126]: Red: 255
[20:31:54][D][main:127]: Green: 255
[20:31:54][D][main:128]: Blue: 255

Teszt case 2: Service call in HomeAssistant (brightness = 102):

service: light.turn_on
  brightness: 102
  entity_id: light.teszt_esp32_teszt_led_mst
    - 255
    - 255
    - 255

After starting "Test" effect, returns wrong values:

[21:54:04][D][main:126]: Red: 1
[21:54:04][D][main:127]: Green: 1
[21:54:04][D][main:128]: Blue: 1

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