esphome / issues

Issue Tracker for ESPHome
285 stars 34 forks source link

ESP restarts when I send long command via api.service #5733

Closed Vizualni closed 3 weeks ago

Vizualni commented 3 weeks ago

The problem

ESP restarts when I send long command via api.service, but it doesn't when I send it directly as remote_transmitter.transmit_raw. The blue LED light flashes on the board when it goes through the API service and I can verify in the logs that it starts again.

Here is the config I am using:

  name: klima_dnevni
  friendly_name: KlimaDnevni

  board: nodemcu

# Enable logging
  level: NONE

# Enable Home Assistant API
  reboot_timeout: 0s
    key: "foobar"
    - service: send_raw_command
        command: int[]
        - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
            carrier_frequency: 38kHz              
            code: !lambda 'return command;'
  - platform: template
    name: "Send payload"
        carrier_frequency: 38kHz  
        code: [305, -33377, 122, -41051, 426, -426, 426, -426, 396, -426, 457, -396, 426, -426, 426, -24789, 3380, -1705, 396, -1279, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 426, -1249, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -396, 457, -1249, 426, -426, 426, -1279, 396, -1310, 396, -457, 396, -1279, 396, -1310, 396, -1279, 396, -1310, 426, -1249, 457, -396, 426, -426, 426, -1279, 426, -396, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -426, 426, -1279, 396, -457, 396, -1279, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -1249, 426, -1279, 426, -426, 426, -396, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -457, 396, -426, 426, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -426, 457, -396, 426, -1279, 426, -1249, 426, -1279, 426, -426, 426, -1249, 426, -457, 396, -1310, 396, -1279, 396, -34169, 3319, -1736, 396, -1310, 396, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -1279, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 426, -396, 457, -1249, 426, -426, 426, -1249, 457, -1249, 426, -426, 426, -1279, 396, -1310, 396, -1310, 396, -1279, 396, -1310, 396, -426, 396, -457, 396, -1310, 426, -396, 457, -396, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -396, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -457, 396, -426, 396, -1310, 396, -457, 396, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -1310, 396, -426, 396, -457, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -396, 457, -396, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -396, 426, -426, 426, -426, 426, -457, 396, -457, 396, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -426, 426, -1279, 396, -457, 396, -1310, 426, -396, 426, -1279, 426, -396, 426, -34169, 3319, -1705, 426, -1279, 426, -396, 457, -396, 426, -426, 426, -1279, 426, -396, 426, -426, 426, -457, 396, -457, 396, -1279, 396, -457, 396, -1310, 396, -1279, 396, -457, 396, -1310, 426, -1249, 426, -1279, 426, -1249, 426, -1279, 426, -426, 426, -396, 426, -1310, 396, -457, 365, -487, 365, -457, 365, -487, 365, -487, 396, -457, 365, -457, 396, -457, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -487, 396, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -426, 426, -426, 396, -457, 396, -1310, 396, -457, 396, -457, 365, -1340, 365, -487, 365, -457, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -457, 365, -1340, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -1279, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -426, 426, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -487, 365, -457, 365, -487, 396, -457, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -457, 365, -487, 365, -1310, 365, -487, 396, -1310, 396, -457, 396, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -426, 396, -457, 396, -457, 396, -487, 365, -487, 365, -457, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -457, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -1340, 365, -1340, 365, -487, 365, -457, 396, -457, 396, -426, 396, -487, 365, -487, 365, -457, 396, -457, 365, -518, 335, -518, 335, -1340, 365, -1340, 335, -518, 335, -487, 365, -487, 335, -518, 335, -518, 335, -487, 365, -487, 396, -457, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 365, -487, 365, -457, 396, -457, 396, -487, 335, -1370, 335, -487, 365, -487, 365, -487, 335, -518, 335, -518, 335, -1340, 335, -1370, 335, -487, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -457, 396, -457, 365, -1340, 365, -487, 365, -487, 365, -487, 335, -518, 335, -518, 335, -487, 365, -487, 335, -518, 335, -518, 335, -1340, 365, -1340, 335, -518, 365, -457, 396, -457, 396, -457, 365, -1340, 365, -101502]

  password: "foobar"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Klima Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "foobar"

  pin: 5
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%


When I take the same payload that's in the provided YAML and send it via developer tools > services like this:

Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 20 09 35

my esp restarts. When I send it by calling the "Send Payload" action, it works.

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?


What type of installation are you using?

Home Assistant Add-on

Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?




Component causing the issue

No response

Example YAML snippet

No response

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?

No response

Additional information

No response

ssieb commented 3 weeks ago

The code: parameter is expecting a std::vector. If that doesn't fix it, then check the serial logs to see why it's crashing. This isn't something for filing an issue. If you need more help, then come ask on the esphome discord or one of the forums.

Vizualni commented 3 weeks ago

@ssieb didn't I provide std::vector in the example - the code is int[] which internally goes as std::vector + I encoded the payload in the yaml as array? btw when I send something like [123, -456, 789] via service it works as expected, but it crashes on longer length vector

Vizualni commented 3 weeks ago

Why was this closed without providing any meaningful help?

This isn't something for filing an issue

Of course it is. There obviously is a bug and it's very easy to reproduce. I wrote all the steps on how to reproduce it.

Vizualni commented 3 weeks ago

Here is the loom recording:

And here is the output from the serial:

User exception (panic/abort/assert)
--------------- CUT HERE FOR EXCEPTION DECODER ---------------

Unhandled C++ exception: OOM


ctx: cont
sp: 3ffffb90 end: 3fffffd0 offset: 0000
3ffffb90:  3fff4c12 00000000 3fff5c9c 40100e41
3ffffba0:  000000fe 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffbb0:  00000000 00000000 00000000 3ffffd00
3ffffbc0:  3fffefd0 000000fe 00000002 3fff0818
3ffffbd0:  00000000 00000001 3fffac38 3ffffc70
3ffffbe0:  3ffffc70 4021e13b 0000092c 4022cdbe
3ffffbf0:  38079138 3ffe8614 00000938 4022cddd
3ffffc00:  0000ad60 4021e13b 0000092c 4022c41c
3ffffc10:  3ffffc10 0000092c 3ffffc3c 4021e13b
3ffffc20:  3ffffcb0 3fff1a2c 3fff17cc 4021e759
3ffffc30:  40100c00 3ffe8614 00000938 00000000
3ffffc40:  00000000 00000000 0000092c 4022c407
3ffffc50:  00000000 0000092c 3ffffc70 00000000
3ffffc60:  3ffffcb0 3fff17cc 3fff1a24 4021e6c3
3ffffc70:  3fffb584 3fffbeb0 3fffbeb0 401012b4
3ffffc80:  3fff1a2c 4021e718 0000092c 4022c407
3ffffc90:  3ffffcec 0000092c 3ffffcb0 3fff4610
3ffffca0:  4021e684 3ffffce0 3fff17cc 4021e464
3ffffcb0:  3fffac44 3fffb570 3fffb570 4022c407
3ffffcc0:  00003d88 0000092c 3ffffce0 4021e14c
3ffffcd0:  4021e15c 4021e43c 3fff17cc 4021e19c
3ffffce0:  3fffa304 3fffac30 3fffac30 3fff99c4
3ffffcf0:  3fffa2f0 3fffa2f0 3fff9084 3fff99b0
3ffffd00:  3fff99b0 3fff8744 3fff9070 3fff9070
3ffffd10:  4021e15c 3fff1734 3fff45ac 4021e3f9
3ffffd20:  3fff7e04 3fff8730 3fff8730 00000000
3ffffd30:  00000000 000006e6 3fffc228 00000002
3ffffd40:  3fff4598 3ffffda0 00000008 40211fdb
3ffffd50:  00000001 00000000 000006e6 00000000
3ffffd60:  3fff5598 000006e6 00000002 3fff1710
3ffffd70:  3ffffda0 00000000 3fff1710 4020cae8
3ffffd80:  3fff3e74 00000000 00000000 3fff1634
3ffffd90:  3fff0c24 4023151c 3fff34f4 402115ae
3ffffda0:  4023151c acddc8e2 3fff4534 3fff4598
3ffffdb0:  3fff4598 00000000 00000000 4020efce
3ffffdc0:  3fff558c 000006f2 00000702 00000000
3ffffdd0:  00000000 00030c8e 83958106 038684c8
3ffffde0:  3fff0c24 3fff0c20 3fff35b4 3fff1634
3ffffdf0:  3fff0c24 00000000 3fff34f4 4020d3d8
3ffffe00:  ffffffd2 0bc7a1dd 401039a6 00000100
3ffffe10:  3ffeacb8 7fffffff 00002200 00000001
3ffffe20:  00000001 00000080 4000050c 3fffc278
3ffffe30:  3ffeacb8 3fffc200 00000022 0bc7a1dd
3ffffe40:  3ffeacc4 3fff558c 3fff5c8e 3fff5c8e
3ffffe50:  3fff002a 00000004 000006ee 00000bb1
3ffffe60:  40217467 00000030 00000010 3fff1634
3ffffe70:  3fff0c24 3fff0c20 3fff1634 40211d05
3ffffe80:  00004bc6 00000000 3ffefba4 fffffffe
3ffffe90:  00000000 3fffc6fc 00000000 3fff128c
3ffffea0:  00030402 3fff138c 3fff128c 00000030
3ffffeb0:  00000002 3fff0e31 3fff2b74 402134f8
3ffffec0:  00000000 3ffe8f62 00000002 00000000
3ffffed0:  3fff2b64 00000000 3ffe8ccc 402133d0
3ffffe80:  00004bc6 00000000 3ffefba4 fffffffe
3ffffe90:  00000000 3fffc6fc 00000000 3fff128c
3ffffea0:  00030402 3fff138c 3fff128c 00000030
3ffffeb0:  00000002 3fff0e31 3fff2b74 402134f8
3ffffec0:  00000000 3ffe8f62 00000002 00000000
3ffffed0:  3fff2b64 00000000 3ffe8ccc 402133d0
3ffffee0:  00000000 0000001c c147ae14 3ffefba0
3ffffef0:  00000000 00030c8a 028f5c28 03867f92
3fffff00:  3fffdad0 3ffefba0 3ffefba0 00000001
3fffff10:  3fff2894 3ffefd48 3fff28c8 40225318
3fffff20:  40263d96 3fff128c 0000001c 00000000
3fffff30:  00000000 00030c8a 14bc6a7e 03867fa7
3fffff40:  00000000 00030c8a 15c28f5c 03867fa9
3fffff50:  3fff2bcc 00000002 3fffff80 3fff1634
3fffff60:  3fff2bd0 3fff1634 3fffff80 3fff1634
3fffff70:  3fff2bd0 00000002 3ffefba0 4021aa62
3fffff80:  00030c8a 3fff1634 3fff1b00 3ffeff98
3fffff90:  3fff2bd4 3fff195c 3ffefbd4 3ffeff98
3fffffa0:  3fffdad0 00000000 3ffeff84 3ffeff98
3fffffb0:  3fffdad0 00000000 3ffeff84 4022c8e8
3fffffc0:  feefeffe feefeffe 3ffe8610 40100449

last failed alloc call: 4021E13B(2348)

--------------- CUT HERE FOR EXCEPTION DECODER ---------------

last failed alloc caller: 0x4021e13b

 ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,5)

load 0x4010f000, len 3460, room 16
tail 4
chksum 0xcc
load 0x3fff20b8, len 40, room 4
tail 4
chksum 0xc9
csum 0xc9

[I][logger:359]: Log initialized
[C][ota:483]: There have been 3 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
swoboda1337 commented 3 weeks ago

Exception is an out of memory error: Unhandled C++ exception: OOM I tried and this works fine on esp32 which has more memory. Most likely out of heap on esp8266.