esphome / issues

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REST API 401 Unauthorized #6203

Open MorganMLGman opened 3 months ago

MorganMLGman commented 3 months ago

The problem

I am trying to access REST API, but it returns 401 Unauthorized, despite that I can access webpage without any problems with the same user and password.

image image

Which version of ESPHome has the issue?

2024.8.0, 2024.7.3

What type of installation are you using?


Which version of Home Assistant has the issue?


What platform are you using?



esp8285, esp32-c3-devkitm-1, esp32-s3-devkitc-1, wt32-eth01

Component causing the issue

api/rest api

Example YAML snippet

  port: 80
  local: true
  ota: true
  include_internal: True
  version: 2
    username: !secret web_user
    password: !secret web_password


  port: 80
  local: true
  ota: false
  include_internal: True
  version: 3
    username: !secret web_user
    password: !secret web_password

Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?


Additional information


cichy1173 commented 3 months ago

I have the same problem with Gosund SP111 Smart Plug with the newest ESPHome 2024.7.3 Aug 24 2024, 15:16:30. On older softer it worked as intended.

MorganMLGman commented 3 months ago

I found one device esp32 s3 super mini from aliexpress that I can use api for toggling lights, but even stranger is that I can use both GET and POST to toggle lights.

web_server config from this device.

  port: 80
  local: true
  ota: false
  include_internal: True
  version: 3
    username: !secret web_user
    password: !secret web_password

image image

MorganMLGman commented 3 months ago

Also the device that works uses the same user and password that devices that don't work.