espidev / ProtectionStones

A useful and intuitive Minecraft region protection plugin that uses a certain block to protect regions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
67 stars 34 forks source link

Creepers don't explode in private. #388

Closed arbuziksp closed 7 months ago

arbuziksp commented 10 months ago

Creepers don't explode in private. Configured absolutely all flags that would creepers explode blocks in private, as a result, only dynamite explodes blocks, and creepers and whizers do not flags = [ "pvp allow", "tnt allow", "greeting &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area", "farewell &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area", "greeting-action &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area", "farewell-action &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area", "creeper-explosion allow", "wither-damage allow", "ghast-fireball allow", "other-explosion allow", ]

# List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
# If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
# "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
allowed_flags = []

# Which flags to hide from /ps info
hidden_flags_from_info = [
espidev commented 10 months ago

do you have another plugin conflicting with this? i don't see anything wrong from what you've sent

espidev commented 7 months ago

Closed to inactivity