espressif / ESP8266_NONOS_SDK

ESP8266 nonOS SDK
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mdns stop respond after 2-3 minutes #374

Open rootmax84 opened 1 year ago

rootmax84 commented 1 year ago

So.. I use this code for test, no matter what sdk version, i try 2.2.1, 3.0.5, 3.0.6 same behaviour

static struct mdns_info mdns; static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR startMDNS(struct ip_addr ip) { mdns = (struct mdns_info )os_zalloc(sizeof(struct mdns_info)); mdns->host_name = "espTest"; mdns->server_name = "http"; mdns->server_port = 80; mdns->ipAddr = ip.addr; mdns->txt_data[0] = "model=test"; espconn_mdns_init(mdns); }

esp respond for their name for a while, than stops responding. If i run mdns-scan from debian esp start responding again for 2-3 minutes and than stops again. It's a bug or feature? :)

fvpalha commented 1 month ago

Hi @rootmax84 , Do you resolved this issue?

rootmax84 commented 1 month ago

Hi, @fvpalha, nope and i think it's unlikely to be fixed.