espressif / arduino-esp32

Arduino core for the ESP32
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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fix(Zigbee): Fix typo in Zigbee_Temp_Hum_Sensor_Sleepy.ino #10581

Closed lboue closed 2 weeks ago

lboue commented 2 weeks ago


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Description of Change

fix(Zigbee): Fix typo in Zigbee_Temp_Hum_Sensor_Sleepy.ino

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
:warning: **Some issues found for the commit messages in this PR:** - the commit message `"fix(Zigbee): Fix typo in Zigbee_Temp_Hum_Sensor_Sleepy.ino"`: - *scope/component* should be lowercase without whitespace, allowed special characters are `_` `/` `.` `,` `*` `-` `.` *** **Please fix these commit messages** - here are some basic tips: - follow [Conventional Commits style]( - correct format of commit message should be: `(): `, for example `fix(esp32): Fixed startup timeout issue` - allowed types are: `change,ci,docs,feat,fix,refactor,remove,revert,test` - sufficiently descriptive message summary should be between 20 to 72 characters and start with upper case letter - avoid Jira references in commit messages (unavailable/irrelevant for our customers) `TIP:` Install pre-commit hooks and run this check when committing (uses the [Conventional Precommit Linter](

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SuGlider commented 2 weeks ago

@lucasssvaz - why that was not catched by CI?

lucasssvaz commented 2 weeks ago

@lucasssvaz - why that was not catched by CI?

Codespell works by having a dictionary of commonly made mistakes and the respective correct version. Probably its just not in the common mistakes list